RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days
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RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days

RBI Grade B is a prestigious exam conducted by Reserve Bank of India to hire qualified candidates. The exam is conducted in three stages i.e. Phase 1, Phase 2, and Interview. Candidates should qualify for all three rounds of the selection process to get into Reserve Bank of India as Assistant Managers. RBI organizes an annual recruitment drive for entry-level Grade B. Aspirants looking to get experience working in India’s apex banking institution with opportunities to put efforts into regulating the banking sector. Then, RBI allows you to associate with teams to bring changes to improve customer experience approaching government and private sector banks. However, getting into RBI is not a cakewalk. There are two online exams conducted Phase 1 and 2 to test candidates knowledge and skills to handle management work. Questions asked in these two rounds are a combination of objective and descriptive. 70 Days left to begin RBI Grade B’s mega selection drive. Follow our RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days with detailed tips and tricks.

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RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days, Master Strategy

RBI Grade B Phase 1 consists of 4 sections English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and General Awareness. The objective-based Phase 1 exam is conducted and the total questions are 200 questions/120 minutes. Make a study schedule to emphasize conceptual clarity and practice questions.

  • Aspirants should divide morning and evening time to cover Phase 1 sections.
  • Start morning study schedule to cover Quantitative Aptitude and English Topics.
  • Use your evening time to study topics from Reasoning and General Awareness.
  • Take frequent breaks to refresh and reenergize in the preparation journey.
  • Start studying the topics and solve questions. Cover all topics in notes format for last-minute revision.
  • During weekends, attempt RBI Grade B mock tests to track your progress.
DaysTask 1 (Morning Time)Task 2 (Evening Time)
1-5Quantiative Aptitude: Ratio & Proportion, Time & Work, Average
English: Reading Comprehension
Reasoning: Inequality, Coding-Decoding
General Awareness: Banking Awareness
6-10Quantiative Aptitude: Speed, Time & Distance, Mixture, Allegation, Partnership
English: Fillers, Cloze Test 
Reasoning: Blood Relation, Syllogism
General Awareness: Financial Awareness
11-15Quantiative Aptitude: Problems on Boats & Streams
English: Vocab Based Questions, Sentence Errors
Reasoning: Data Sufficiency, Arguements
General Awareness: Government Schemes & Policies
16-20Quantiative Aptitude: Pipes, Cistern, Time & Work
 English: Reading Comprehension
Reasoning: Verbal Reasoning, Seating Arrangement
General Awareness: Static Awareness 
21-25Quantiative Aptitude: Problems on Trains, Permutation Combination
English: Jumbled Paragraph, Vocab Based Questions
Reasoning: Blood Relations, Direction & DistanceGeneral Awareness: Banking Awareness
26-30Quantiative Aptitude: Set Theory, AlgebraEnglish: Cloze Test, Paragraph Based QuestionsReasoning: Syllogism, Machine Input Output
General Awareness: Government Schemes
31-35Quantiative Aptitude: Trigonometry, Set Theory
English: Sentence Improvement, Jumbled Paragraph
Reasoning: Arrangement & Pattern, Order & Ranking
General Awareness: Static Awareness 
36-40Quantiative Aptitude: Time and Work, Trignometery
English: Reading Comprehension
Reasoning: Order & Ranking, Machine Input Output
General Awareness: Current Affairs
41-45Quantiative Aptitude: Time & Work, Problems on Trains
English: Reading Comprehension
Practice ESI Topics Answer Writing
Reasoning: Syllogism, Seating Arrangement
General Awareness: Banking Awareness
46-50Quantiative Aptitude: Mensuration, PercentageEnglish: Vocab Based QuestionsReasoning: Blood Relations, Machine Input Output
General Awareness: Current Affairs
Practice Finance & Management Answer Writing
51-55Quantiative Aptitude: Algebra Set Theory
English: Cloze Test, Fillers
Reasoning: Arrangement & Pattern
General Awareness: Financial Awareness
56-60Quantiative Aptitude: Probability, Percentage
English: Reading Comprehension
Reasoning: Order & Ranking
General Awareness: Government Schemes & Policies
60-64Quantiative Aptitude: Set Theory, Data Interpretation
English:  Cloze Test, Paragraph-Based Questions
Practice English Descriptive Writing
Reasoning: Blood Relation
General Awareness: Banking Awareness
Revise Economic & Social Issue Topics
65-66RBI Grade B Mock Test Practice 1
67RBI Grade B Mock Test Practice 2
68RBI Grade B Mock Test Practice 3
69-70RBI Grade B Notes Revision

RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days, Day-Wise Schedule

You’re preparing for RBI Grade B 2024. So, keep in mind in 70 days focus on covering Phase 1 & 2 combined topics. Make your routine schedule dividing morning and evening time. We have compiled a day-wise strategy to cover revising sections English, Reasoning, General Awareness, and Quantitative Aptitude. Phase 2 sections include English Descriptive Writing, Finance & Management, and Economic & Social Issues.

Day 1-10: Interested aspirants should note studying for RBI Grade B is not just preparing separately for Phases 1 and 2. Candidates have to apply an integrated approach to study for both levels of the selection process. In 30 days, we advise you to divide your morning and evening schedule to study all 4 sections. Keep a mindset to refer to our study schedule to make your plans to revise and solve questions for Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, General Awareness, and English.

Day 11-20: Apply an approach to combine tricky and easy subjects. Example: You can take Quantitative Aptitude and English in the morning. Then, plan your schedule to study and solve questions for Reasoning and General Awareness in the evening time. English and General Awareness are two sections in Phase 1 that do not require any complex calculations. Be smart and active in revision to achieve maximum accurate attempts in the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam.

Day 21-30: Frame and follow your schedule for 70 days with a positive mindset. Give your focus to regularly revising all important topics covered in 4 sections for Phase 1. You cannot underestimate the value of any section if you seriously want to crack RBI Grade B in the first attempt. Strengthen your practical knowledge to get accurate attempts while solving questions in Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. These sections turned out to be time-consuming for candidates appearing in Phase 1.

Day 31-45: Start your regular revision of English and General Awareness topics. RBI has changed its pattern to ask questions in the General Awareness section from last year. Solve the previous year’s paper to get an idea of how to attempt lengthy current affairs-based questions in GA. In English language practice and revision, we would suggest candidates take grammar concepts and reading comprehension seriously. Solve comprehension questions to get a command to handle such questions in the real exam.

Day 46-60: In the last revision round for RBI Grade B Phase 1, we advise candidates to start solving full-length mock tests. Attempting mocks gives you clarity on question patterns asked in 4 sections English, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, and Reasoning. Track your progress in all mock tests attempted to gain confidence in handling tricky questions in the actual exam.

Day 61-70: You have 10 days left to take RBI Grade Phase 1 Exam 2024. Revise your important notes in all sections. Practice to solve Phase 1 Mock Tests to analyze your progress. It gives you the advantage of getting superfast speed in exams.

RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days, Check Video

We provided a complete video for RBI Grade B Study Plan 2024 For 70 Days. Our mentors prepared video covering helpful guidelines for effective exam preparation. Aspirants studying for RBI Grade B should start covering topics in Phase 1 exam. Begin your RBI Grade B Phase 1 Notes for Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning, and General Awareness sections. Develop a routine schedule to cover important notes revision and topic-wise questions practice. Get our launched RBI Grade B Phase 1 PDF Course. This course is a complete question bank with solution bases on the latest paper pattern. Start your questions practice for RBI Grade B Phase 1 with our PDF Course.

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Candidates should stay confident and motivated to target studying for RBI Grade B in 70 days. Emphsize your preparation transformational journey as being aspirant to Grade B officer. This exam is competitive but with a targeted approach you can crack the exam in your 1st attempt. Solve mocks regularly to get conceptual knowledge analyze your performance and boosting score in Phase 1 and 2 exams. Sign up to Grab 1st FREE Mock Test to Know Your AIR.

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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