The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd January 2025
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd January 2025 is an effective tool for regularly learning new words and their contextual meanings. Candidates can utilize this free resource daily to improve their vocabulary knowledge, especially those preparing for government exams like the IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, and Others.

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Changed dynamics: On India and the Trump administration

India must chart a new transactional course with the Trump administration

The first 48 hours of U.S. President Donald Trump’s second term have been proof of the radical shifts he plans over four years, with the overarching theme of putting “America First”. While the strengthening of India-U.S. ties during his first term should give those in New Delhi attempting to strategise (strategizeplan or devise a course of action) for this term some comfort, his moves now make it clear that it will be necessary to expect the unexpected as well. The slew (large numbera large quantity or group of things) of Executive Orders changes U.S. policy on energy, the environment and climate change, trade and global taxes, citizenship routes, health, border control and immigration. But the new administration has shown it is keen (eagerhaving a strong desire or interest) to engage India: External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, who was invited along with other Quad Foreign Ministers at the inaugural ceremony, was the first Foreign Minister to hold a one-on-one bilateral (involving two partiesconcerning or involving two sides or groups) meeting with new U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio. The readout (summarya summary or interpretation of something, typically a meeting) of their meeting and the Quad Foreign Ministers’ joint statement make it clear that the two sides are on the same page on the Indo-Pacific partnership, concerns over Chinese actions, critical and emerging technology cooperation, strategic (related to strategypertaining to a long-term plan of action) and defence (protectionmilitary forces or measures for the safety of a country or group) ties. Yet, some Trump-Rubio pronouncements (official statementsformal or authoritative announcements) have set alarm bells ringing (alerta warning or signal of danger) notably on trade, immigration and the cancellation of citizenship by birth. On trade, India has escaped being named in the first round of tariff announcements, but Mr. Trump’s comments on a “100% tariff” against all members of the BRICS emerging economies grouping raised the suspense (uncertaintya feeling of uncertainty or excitement about what may happen) and a possible market reaction. In his first term, he had withdrawn India’s GSP status affecting Indian exporters. On immigration, he has announced a “border emergency”, authorised (officially approvedgiven official permission or power to carry out something) a crackdown on illegal and undocumented migrants, and plans to crush (destroy completelyto bring to an end or destroy thoroughly) the hopes of H-1B visa holders and other Indians working there, by cancelling the automatic path to citizenship for any children born to them in the U.S. With 7,25,000 undocumented Indians, any action to deport (expelto remove from a country or place by authority) them in large numbers, beginning with about 18,000-20,000 on the Immigration “final list for removal”, will be a major crisis for India.

In this context, Mr. Rubio’s statement in talks with Mr. Jaishankar that they must address the “irregular (not normaldeviating from what is standard or usual) migration” should be taken seriously. So too should Mr. Trump’s pronouncements insisting on investments in the U.S., hiring in the U.S., and the buying of U.S. energy. The new administration’s geopolitical (relating to politics and geographyconcerning the political and geographical relationships between countries) outlook appears to be set on devaluing (reducing in valueto reduce or lower the importance of something) the multilateral (involving multiple countries or partiesinvolving more than two countries or groups) world order, withdrawing from U.S. commitments of support to WHO, the WTO, and the UN, and putting NATO allies on notice. Given the signs, New Delhi must be prepared for a U.S. administration that will not be particularly sensitive to India’s concerns or be a willing partner in India’s growth unless it sees a benefit for itself, and instead chart a more transactional (focused on exchangefocusing on practical or business-related interactions) course, while moving to limit the damage from any adverse (harmfulhaving a negative effect) actions of the Trump era.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 23rd January 2025

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary knowledge. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 23rd January 2025.

  1. Strategise – (verb) To plan the actions you will take in order to achieve a particular goal.
  2. Slew – (noun) A large number or amount of something.
  3. Kean – (adjective) Wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much.
  4. Bilateral – (adjective) Involving two groups or countries.
  5. Strategic – (adjective) Relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.
  6. Defence – (noun) The protection of a country, building, person, or thing from attack.
  7. Pronouncements – (noun) An official statement or announcement.
  8. Suspense – (noun) A feeling of excitement or worry that you get when you are waiting for something to happen.
  9. Authorised – (verb) Given official permission for something to happen.
  10. Irregular – (adjective) Not happening at regular times or in a regular way.

Hindu Vocab Master 23rd January 2025 with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master Hindi equivalents for all the words for 23rd January 2025:

Strategiseplan, devise, formulate, organizeignore, neglect, improvise, neglect
Slewmultitude, mass, number, pilehandful, few, scarcity, shortage
Keaneager, enthusiastic, passionate, ferventindifferent, apathetic, disinterested, unconcerned
Bilateraltwo-sided, mutual, joint, sharedunilateral, one-sided, independent, solitary
Strategictactical, planned, calculated, deliberateunplanned, haphazard, random, spontaneous
Defenceprotection, security, safeguard, guardattack, offense, assault, vulnerability
Pronouncementsstatements, declarations, announcements, pronouncementssilence, secrecy, concealment, ambiguity
Suspenseanticipation, tension, excitement, uncertaintycertainty, assurance, calmness, tranquility
Authorisedapproved, permitted, licensed, sanctionedprohibited, forbidden, restricted, unauthorized
Irregularunusual, abnormal, inconsistent, erraticregular, consistent, steady, predictable

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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