The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

The Vocabulary section plays a vital role in government exams. Aspirants have realized the importance of keeping a strong command of learning new words. Good vocabulary knowledge is useful to attempt comprehension questions quickly and accurately in competitive exams. We provide a free resource to learn new words for candidates in The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary. Learn new words daily without spending a single penny. We provide 10-12 difficult words daily with contextual meanings in The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary. Get the downloadable PDF files of monthly Hindu Vocabulary to easily understand new words with their contextual meanings.

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Candidates can get monthly compiled The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary resource free to download. We have compiled daily difficult words with contextual meanings in PDF format. It is free to download a PDF file of Hindu Vocab

List of Daily Hindu Vocabulary with Difficult Words & Meanings

Here, we have compiled the list of Daily Hindu Vocabulary covering difficult words with contextual meanings. Our purpose is to explain difficult words in context with articles. This helps to know new words regularly improving your banking and current awareness knowledge for government exams.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ProlongedContinuing for a long time.
DisputedUsed to describe something that is the subject of disagreement, especially official or legal disagreement.
UnprecedentedNever having happened or existed in the past.
ViolationsAn action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something that should be treated with respect.
InterventionsIntentional action to change a situation, with the aim of improving it or preventing it from getting worse.
PromotionThe act of encouraging something to happen or develop.
AdequateEnough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
MalpracticeFailure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ConsecutiveFollowing one after another without an interruption.
DistinctClearly noticeable; that certainly exists.
ReverseTo change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite.
SubsidyMoney given as part of the cost of something to help or encourage it to happen.
ManifestoA written statement of the beliefs, aims, and policies of an organization, especially a political party.
OppositionStrong disagreement.
EquipmentThe set of necessary tools, clothing, etc. for a particular purpose.
CollateralProperty that someone borrowing money will give to the loan company, if he or she cannot pay the debt.
MarginalVery small in amount or effect.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 24th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
IncumbentThe person who has or had a particular official position.
EndorsedTo appear in an advertisement, saying that you use and like a particular product.
DisastrousExtremely bad or unsuccessful.
ReasonableBased on or using good judgment and therefore fair and practical.
DelegatesA person chosen or elected by a group to speak, vote, etc. for them, especially at a meeting.
NominationTo officially suggest someone for an election, job, position, or honour.
AccessThe method or possibility of getting near to a place or person.
UniteTo join together as a group, or to make people join together as a group; to combine.
VictoryAn occasion when you win a game, competition, election, war, etc. or the fact that you have won.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 23rd July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
MajesticHaving the quality of causing you to feel great admiration and respect for it because of its size, power, or beauty.
OptimisticThe quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen.
OvercomeTo defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something.
ConsecutiveFollowing one after another without interruption.
PodiumThe position of first, second, or third place in a sports competition.
ProminentVery well known and important.
DeterminedWanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you.
GloriousDeserving great admiration, praise, and honour.
MomentumThe quality that keeps an event developing or making progress after it has started.
AspirantsSomething that you hope to achieve.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 22nd July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 19th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 19th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
SuccessiveHappening one after the other without any break.
ExportTo send goods to another country for sale.
DeficitThe total amount by which money spent is more than money received, or the state of having spent more money than has been received.
InvestigateTo examine something carefully, esp. to discover the truth about it.
DisruptionsThe action of preventing something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected.
SustainedContinuing at a particular level for a period of time.
AcceleratingBecoming faster.
DiscretionaryAble to be decided by a particular person or group, rather than being controlled by rules, or relating to the power to make these decisions.
AdequateEnough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.
RemissionA period of time when an illness is less severe or is not affecting someone.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 19th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 18th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 18th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
Challenge(the situation of being faced with) something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests a person’s ability.
StagnantNot growing or developing.
TransitionA change from one form or type to another, or the process by which this happens.
ReversedTo change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite.
Allied: Similar or related in some way.
AlliedTo officially force a rule, tax, punishment, etc. to be obeyed or received.
ImposeThe act of telling someone else what they must have or do.
PrescriptionThe act of telling someone else what they must have or do.
HurdleA problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress.
UpheavalsA great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity, or trouble.
MitigativeTo make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 18th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 17th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 17th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ApprehensionWorry about the future, or a fear that something unpleasant is going to happen.
AmpleMore than enough.
SpectatorA person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part.
VanquishedTo defeat an enemy or opponent, especially in war.
PenaltyA punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law.
Mesmerised To have someone’s attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else.
RedeemedTo make something or someone seem less bad.
EnthrallingKeeping someone’s interest and attention completely.
PitchesThe level of a feeling.
AboundedTo exist in large numbers.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 17th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
EvidenceFacts, information, documents, etc. that give reason to believe that something is true.
DemolitionThe act of proving that an argument or theory is wrong.
EstablishedAccepted or respected because of having existed for a long period of time.
ContenderSomeone who competes with other people to try to win something.
VictoryAn occasion when you win a game, competition, election, war, etc. or the fact that you have won.
EmergeTo appear by coming out of something or out from behind something.
SufficientEnough for a particular purpose.
DebutThe occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.
PerpetualContinuing for ever in the same way.
PronouncedVery noticeable or certain.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
BilateralInvolving two groups or countries.
UnprecedentedNever having happened or existed in the past.
DiscountedA discounted investment is sold before its payment date at a price that is lower than its value, so investors will get a profit when the investment is paid on its payment date.
InvasionAn occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country.
DevastatingCausing a lot of damage or destruction.
AllianceA group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims.
CriticalSaying that someone or something is bad or wrong.
ConvinceTo persuade someone or make someone certain.
ConflictAn active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 14th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ElevatedGreater than is normal or reasonable.
DistrustThe feeling of not trusting someone or something.
MalpracticeFailure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, often causing injury or loss.
OutrageA feeling of anger and shock.
ControversyA lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people.
DenialA lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people.
EngageTo become involved, or have contact, with someone or something.
ViolatedTo break or act against something, especially a law, agreement, principle, or something that should be treated with respect.
TransparencyThe quality of being done in an open way without secrets.
ConductTo organize and perform a particular activity.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 12th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
PrecariouslyIn a way that is likely to fall, be damaged, fail, etc.
RetainTo keep or continue to have something.
Regulation To control something, especially by making it work in a particular way.
ProjectedPlanned for the future or calculated based on information already known.
DismissalThe situation in which an employer officially makes someone leave their job.
TransparencyThe quality of being done in an open way without secrets.
TransactionAn occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged or the activity of buying or selling something.
MandatoryMade necessary, usually by law or by some other rule.
LegislationA law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament.
Robust(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 11th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 10th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 10th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
AmbushedTo suddenly attack someone after hiding and waiting for them.
EncounterA meeting, especially one that happens by chance.
PilgrimsA person who makes a journey, often a long and difficult one, to a special place for religious reasons.
InsurgencyAn occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force.
SubsequentHappening after something else.
AdherenceThe fact of someone behaving exactly according to rules, beliefs.
IncidentAn event that is either unpleasant or unusual.
InsurgencyAn occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force.
AugmentingTo increase the size or value of something by adding something to it.
ViolenceActions or words that are intended to hurt people.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 10th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ComprisingTo have things or people as parts or members; to consist of.
EmergeTo appear by coming out of something or out from behind something.
AllianceA group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims.
ProgressMovement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position.
ProspectThe possibility that something good might happen in the future.
SpectrumA range of different positions, opinions, etc. between two extreme points.
MigrationThe process of people travelling to a new place to live, usually in large numbers.
ConsistentlyIn a way that does not vary.
ImmigrationThe act of someone coming to live in a different country.
DominanceThe quality of being more important, strong, or successful than anything else of the same type.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 9th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
BilateralInvolving two groups or countries.
IndicatingTo show, point, or make clear in another way.
DependenceThe situation in which you need something or someone all the time, especially in order to continue existing or operating.
ImpactA powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a situation or person.
IndicateTo suggest something as being suitable.
DemonstrateTo show something and explain how it works.
MultilateralInvolving more than two groups or countries.
UnalignedNot placed or arranged in a straight line, in parallel, or in correct relative positions.
DiplomacySkill in dealing with people without offending or upsetting them.
ConflictAn active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 8th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 7th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 7th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
RenewalThe act of making an official document, agreement, or rule continue for more time.
AgendaA list of matters to be discussed at a meeting.
ConsiderableLarge or of noticeable importance.
MishandlingThe act or an example of dealing with something without the necessary care or skill.
ImmigrationThe act of someone coming to live in a different country.
MigrantA person that travels to a different country or place, often in order to find work.
Rhetoric Speech or writing intended to be effective and influence people.
AncestryYour ancestors who lived a long time ago, or the origin of your family.
OutlookedThe likely future situation.
PrioritiesSomething that is very important and must be dealt with before other things.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 7th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 6th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 6th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
SubstantialLarge In Size, Value Or Importance.
RestoreTo return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position.
EmbarrassingFeeling Ashamed Or Shy.
GestureA movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling.
ExacerbatedTo make something that is already bad even worse.
DisplacedHaving been forced to leave your home, for example by a war or dangerous.
ConflictAn active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles.
ImpositionA situation in which someone expects another person to do something that they do not want to do or that is not convenient.
ProactiveTaking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens.
ReconciliationA situation in which two people or groups of people become friendly again after they have argued.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 6th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 5th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 5th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ProsecutionThe act of taking part in a planned set of activities, especially a war.
VerdictAn opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial.
AllegedlySay that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof.
OutcomeA result or effect of an action, situation, etc.
ImmunityA situation in which you are protected against disease or from legal action.
IntrusiveAffecting someone in a way that annoys them and makes them feel uncomfortable.
DestructiveThe act of destroying something, or the fact of being destroyed.
InstanceA particular situation, event, or fact, especially an example of something that happens generally.
ShieldSomething or someone used as protection or providing protection.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 5th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 4th July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 4th July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
CorrespondingSimilar to, connected with, or caused by something else.
DesignatedTo choose someone officially to do a particular job.
IntentionSomething that you want and plan to do.
UndermineTo make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually.
RestraintCalm and controlled behaviour.
PredicatedTo say that something is true.
ProminenceThe state of being easily seen or well known.
DeviationTo do something that is different from the usual or common way of behaving.
ConstitutedTo be or be considered as something.
AccommodationAn agreement between two groups who have different opinions on a subject, or the process of reaching an agreement like this.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 4th July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 3rd July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 3rd July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
InfrastructureThe basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively.
ProvisionalFor the present time but likely to change.
DeceleratedTo reduce the speed that a vehicle is travelling at.
ProminentSomething that is in a prominent position can easily be seen or noticed.
PersistingIf an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to exist.
InfirmityIllness, especially for long periods or because of old age.
IndicatesTo show, point, or make clear in another way.
IntensificationThe fact of becoming greater, more serious, or more extreme, or of making something do this.
InflationaryCausing price increases and inflation.
MomentumThe quality that keeps an event developing or making progress after it has started.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 3rd July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 2nd July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 2nd July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ReformistTrying to improve a system or law by changing it.
ProxyAuthority given to a person to act for someone else, such as by voting for them in an election, or the person who this authority is given to.
ConservativeNot usually liking or trusting change, especially sudden change.
CriticalSaying that someone or something is bad or wrong.
ImplementedTo start using a plan or system.
ApatheticShowing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something important.
LegitimacyThe quality of being legal.
ConstrainedConstrained behaviour is forced and unnatural.
DominanceThe quality of being more important, strong, or successful than anything else of the same type.
DissentA strong difference of opinion on a particular subject, especially about an official suggestion or plan or a popular belief.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 2nd July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st July 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st July 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
GloriousDeserving great admiration, praise, and honour.
SnatchedTaken or done quickly when there is an opportunity between doing other things.
ReiteratedTo say something again, once or several times.
PouchedUsed to refer to a female animal that has a pouch (= a pocket on the lower part of her body to carry and protect her young after they are born).
OppositionStrong disagreement.
AcknowledgmentThe fact of accepting that something is true or right.
AttributesA quality or characteristic that someone or something has.
SignificantImportant or Noticeable.
ConduciveProviding the right conditions for something good to happen or exist.
ResilientAble to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 1st July 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 28th June 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 28th June 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
ImpoundedIf the police impound something that belongs to you, they take it away because you have broken the law.
RemandTo send someone accused of committing a crime away from court until their trial begins.
NegotiationThe process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement with them, or the discussions themselves.
AggravatedTo make a bad situation worse.
PreservationThe act of keeping something the same or of preventing it from being damaged.
ReplacementThe process of replacing something with something else.
ImplementationThe act of starting to use a plan or system.
RepresentativesSomeone who speaks or does something officially for another person or group of people.
ProvinceOne of the areas that a country or empire is divided into as part of the organization of its government, which often has some control over its own laws.
DisputeAn argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 28th June 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th June 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th June 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
InceptionThe beginning of an organization or official activity.
DisqualificationThe act of stopping someone from taking part in a competition or activity, usually because a rule has been broken, or the state of having this happen to you.
MergedNot producing the effects or results that are wanted.
IneffectiveNot producing the effects or results that are wanted.
FosteringTo encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings.
NominatedTo officially suggest someone for an election, job, position, or honor.
ExistenceThe fact of something or someone existing.
ApparentAble to be seen or understood.
AmendmentA change or changes made to the words of a text.
VestedVested shares, pension plans, etc. can be kept by an employee who has worked the necessary number of years for a particular company.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 27th June 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26th June 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26th June 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
DiplomacySkill in dealing with people without offending or upsetting them.
AllegationA statement, made without giving proof, that someone has done something wrong or illegal.
ConfinedTo limit an activity, person, or problem in some way.
NativeRelating to or describing someone’s country or place of birth or someone who was born in a particular country or place.
ReprieveAn official order that stops or delays the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner.
Classified(of information) officially secret.
CommutedTo make the same journey regularly between work and home.
ConcludeTo end a speech, meeting, or piece of writing.
GuiltyResponsible for breaking a law.
PursuitAn activity that you spend time doing, usually when you are not working.

Read Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 26th June 2024 To Know Difficult Words & Meanings

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th June 2024

Read The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 25th June 2024 start learning difficult words & its contextual meanings.

Difficult WordsContextual Meanings
InitiativeA new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem.
Contentious Causing , involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument.
InfrastructureThe basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively.
AccordedTo treat someone specially, usually by showing respect.
ImperilsTo put something or someone at risk or in danger of being harmed or destroyed.
Leverage The action or advantage of using a lever.
Appraisal The act of examining someone or something in order to judge their or its qualities, success, or needs.
ExplanationThe details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or easy to understand.
TransparencyThe characteristic of being easy to see through
MandateThe authority given to an elected group of people, such as a government, to perform an action or govern a country.

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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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