The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16th January 2025
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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary 16th January 2025 is an effective tool for regularly learning new words and their contextual meanings. Candidates can utilize this free resource daily to improve their vocabulary knowledge, especially those preparing for government exams like the IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, SSC, and Others.

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Burrow tragedy: On the coal mining tragedy in Assam’s Dima Hasao

India must learn from its mining disasters and enforce regulations

With four deaths so far, the coal mining tragedy in Assam’s Dima Hasao district has revived a long-standing debate on the hazardous nature of rat-hole coal mining in India. As opposed to modern coal mining, which is mechanised, the ‘rat-hole’ points to the crude and antiquated (outdated, old-fashioned) technique of employing people, and even children, to burrow into the ground to scoop out the underground coal. Depending on the depths that they plumb (explore or measure the depth of) , the odds are high that their pickaxes will often unleash a torrent of water from a hidden aquifer that can suddenly inundate (flood) the excavated tunnel — as it is suspected to have happened at Dima Hasao. Because such accidents have recurred over the decades, along with the attendant health and environmental hazards (risks or dangers), this mode of mining was banned by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in 2014. The use of proper geological surveys and appropriate machinery would have made the mine economically unviable. The Assam Chief Minister has stated that the mine appeared to be “prima facie” (at first glance) illegal and one abandoned by the State’s Mines and Minerals Department. If that is the case, it reflects poorly on the State administration that such mines can be exploited by unscrupulous (dishonest or unethical) elements with such ease, despite the ban. Surely, this is only a fraction of the unregulated mining that actually goes on.

The Supreme Court of India, in 2019, had asked whether it was possible for such mining to continue without the “connivance” (collaboration or secret cooperation) of officials, when it was examining the rescue of 15 miners trapped in a rat-hole mine in the East Jaintia Hills in December 2018. A report submitted by a monitoring committee set up by the NGT observed that despite the ban, the demand for coal to power cement manufacturing and thermal power plants in the northeast had sustained and supported rat-hole coal mining. On the other hand, when convenient, State authorities have sought out and even felicitated (honored or praised) rat-hole miners, some from Assam, as in 2023, when they were called in as a last resort after advanced machinery and the expertise of professional geologists and earth scientists had failed to rescue 41 construction workers trapped in the large, over-ground Silkiyara tunnel in Uttarkashi. The Dima Hasao operation too, like others, will end and the net success or failure of saving those trapped will induce a familiar amnesia (forgetfulness) that will be broken only by the next accident. Until decisive action to puncture (break or weaken) the economics of rat-hole mining is taken, India is only burrowing the way to another tragedy.

Hindu Vocab Wordlist 16th January 2025

Upskill yourself and enhance your vocabulary knowledge. Candidates should begin learning new words daily with Hindu Editorial Vocabulary on 16th January 2025.

  1. Antiquated : old and no longer suitable for modern conditions.
  2. Plumb : to measure the depth of something, especially water.
  3. Inundate : to flood, or to overwhelm with things or people to be dealt with.
  4. Hazards : something that is dangerous and likely to cause harm.
  5. Prima facie : based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proven otherwise.
  6. Unscrupulous : behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want.
  7. Connivance : the act of secretly helping someone do something dishonest or illegal.
  8. Felicitated : to praise or express good wishes to someone for an achievement or special occasion.
  9. Amnesia : a medical condition that makes someone unable to remember things, or the condition of forgetting something.
  10. Puncture : to make a small hole in something, often causing it to lose air or liquid.

Hindu Vocab Master 16th January 2025 with Synonyms & Antonyms

Here are the synonyms and antonyms of all the difficult words in Hindu Vocab Master Hindi equivalents for all the words for 16th January 2025:

Antiquatedoutdated, obsolete, archaic, old-fashionedmodern, new, current, contemporary
Plumbmeasure, gauge, test, assessignore, neglect, overlook, bypass
Inundateoverwhelm, flood, swamp, barragedrain, dry, deplete, evacuate
Hazardsdangers, risks, perils, threatssafety, security, protection, harmlessness
Prima facieon the surface, at first glance, initially, apparentlyafter investigation, in-depth, thoroughly, conclusively
Unscrupulousdishonest, corrupt, unethical, immoralethical, honest, principled, fair
Connivancecomplicity, collusion, conspiracy, cooperationopposition, resistance, dissent, rebellion
Felicitatedcongratulated, praised, celebrated, commendedcriticized, condemned, denounced, blamed
Amnesiaforgetfulness, memory loss, oblivion, lapseremembrance, recollection, awareness, recognition
Puncturehole, perforation, breach, rupturepatch, seal, mend, repair

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 7+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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