Puzzle for SSC CGL Exam: Puzzle is an important topic that belongs to the Reasoning section of the SSC CGL exam. Candidates can expect at least 1-2 questions from this section in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam at an Easy to Moderate level. Puzzle is an easy topic but most of the candidates failed to solve questions in the exam. The main reason is that they have not practiced well on this topic on different types of questions. So, to help those candidates, we have provided Puzzle Most Expected Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam with a basic concept and solutions of the questions in a PDF.
Concept of Puzzle
Concept: Puzzles are the types of questions in which you are given a set of conditions or information and based on the information or condition you have to answer the questions. You may be asked to arrange a group of people, items, events, etc according to certain rules.
Types of puzzles that can be asked in the SSC CGL Exam:
- Seating Arrangement: People or objects are arranged in rows or circles according to given clues.
- Blood Relations: Determining the relationships between family members based on clues.
- Classification: Grouping things based on similarities or differences.
- Direction Sense: Figuring out the direction of movement based on instructions.
- Ranking: Arranging people or objects in order based on their rankings.
Most Expected Important Questions PDF for Puzzle
Below we have provided some most expected important questions in PDF for the puzzle for the SSC CGL Mains exam. Candidates are advised to first understand what puzzles, and types of puzzles because you can solve questions easily when you understand puzzles. In this blog, we have provided a basic concept about puzzles and their types so first read the concepts carefully then try to solve questions by yourself. Also, we have provided a PDF that contains solutions for the questions so first solve the questions then access the solution PDF.
Question 1: Seven boxes, A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, are kept one above the other. The bottommost box is numbered as 1st and the topmost box is numbered as 7th. G is kept on a perfect square numbered floor. C is kept three boxes above G. E is kept two boxes below A. A is kept just below D. Neither B nor F is kept adjacent to G. B is kept above F.
How many boxes are kept between A and F?
A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
D) One
Question 2: Seven persons K, L, M, N, O, P and Q take leave from the office on seven different days of the week from Monday to Sunday starting from Monday. L takes leave on Friday. Only two persons take leave between L and Q. P takes leave one day before M.N takes leave after K but before P. K doesn’t take leave on Monday. Who takes leave on Wednesday?
A) P
B) N
C) K
D) O
Question 3: Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V are kept one above the other but not necessarily in the same order. The bottommost box is numbered as 1 and the topmost box is numbered as 7. V is either the topmost or bottommost box. Three boxes are kept between V and U. Q is kept two boxes above U. S is kept two boxes above P. R is kept just below T. R is a prime numbered box. Which box is the 5th box?
A) P
B) U
C) Q
D) Cannot be determined
Question 4: Six boxes, L, M, N, O, P and Q are placed one above another, such that the bottommost box is 1 and the box above it is 2 and so on. Three boxes are placed between P and M, which is placed just below Q, which is not the topmost box. N is placed just above L, which is placed below O. How many boxes are placed between O and Q?
A) 3
B) 1
C) 2
D) 0
Question 5: Seven boxes P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are kept one above another such that bottommost box is numbered as 1 while the topmost as 7.
Box Q is three boxes above box S. Box R is just above box S and both are prime numbered boxes. Box Q and box U are not adjacent to each other. Box P is just below box V. Which of the following box is just above box R?
A) Q
B) T
C) P
D) U
Puzzle Most Expected Questions for SSC CGL Exam FAQs
A puzzle is a topic in reasoning that can be defined as a set of unorganized information that needs to be logically arranged to show a sequence or order.
Candidates can expect at least 1-2 from the puzzle in the SSC CGL mains exam.
Candidates can get the Puzzle Most Expected Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam in this blog.
The difficulty level of the puzzle questions in the SSC CGL Mains exam is Easy to Moderate.
In this blog, we have provided a direct link to the mini mock test for puzzle questions.
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