ESIC UDC 2022-Syllabus & Exam Pattern
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Thousands of Banking aspirants are dreaming of cracking the upcoming ESIC UDC 2022 Exam in the very first attempt. If you too have geared up to wrestle for the same you might be knowing that the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has invited online applications for 3847 Upper Division Clerk, Multi-Tasking Staff & Stenographer posts as per the latest official notification. But to make this dream true, the first step you’ll have to know is the exam pattern and complete syllabus of the exam coupled with the best guidance, study material, and the best ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests to revise every subject from the syllabus.

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Let’s throw light on the complete syllabus ESIC UDC 2022 Exam and the best way to cover every topic to clear the upcoming exam with courage and confidence.

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ESIC UDC Exam Pattern & Syllabus 2022

ESIC UDC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022
Recruitment BodyEmployees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC)
Post NameUpper Division Clerk
Exam LevelNational
Mode of ExamOnline
Marking SchemePrelims- 2 mark for each
Mains & Skill Test- 1 mark for each
Negative Marking0.25 marks or ¼th marks
Selection ProcessPrelims- Mains- Skill Test
Official Website

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ESIC UDC Exam Pattern 2022

The ESIC UDC Exam Pattern for Phase-I, II, and III has been discussed in this section with complete details. The candidates should prepare as per the pattern released by ESIC in the notification which is as follows-

Phase-1 Prelims Exam

S. No.Name of the Test No. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1General Intelligence and Reasoning25501 hour
(60 minutes)
2General Awareness2550
3Quantitative Aptitude2550
4English Comprehension2550

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Phase-2 Mains Exam

S. No.Name of the Test No. of questions.Max.MarksDuration
1General Intelligence and Reasoning5050 2 hours
2General Awareness5050
3Quantitative Aptitude5050
4English Comprehension5050


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Phase-3 Computer Skill Test

S. No.Description of TestMarksTotalMarksDuration
1Preparation of 02 PowerPoints Slides1050 marks30 minutes
2Typing matter on MS Word with formatting20
3Preparation of Table on MS Excel with use of formulae20

Note: There will be no negative marking for this phase & the marks scored by the candidates will not be considered for the final merit list.

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1.    ESIC UDC 2022 Syllabus for Reasoning

  1. Syllabus for Verbal Reasoning:
-Verification of truth of the Statement
-Series Completion
-Direction Sense Test
-Situation Reaction Test
-Data Sufficiency
-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
-Puzzle Test
-Blood Relations
-Venn Diagrams
-Assertion and Reasoning
-Arithmetical Reasoning
-Operations of Mathematics
-Word Sequence
-Missing Characters
-Sequential Output training
-Test on Alphabets
-Eligibility Test
  1. Syllabus for Non-Verbal Reasoning:
-Dot Situation
-Identical figure groupings
-Forming figures and analysis
-Construction of Squares and Triangles
-Analytical Reasoning
-Paper Folding
-Paper Cutting
-Cubes and Dice
-Water Images
-Mirror Images
-Figure Matrix
-Completion Incomplete Pattern
-Spotting embedded figures
-Rules Detection

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2.    ESIC UDC Syllabus for General Awareness

-Finance Commissions
-Taxes on Income and Expenditure
-Financial and Railway Budget
–Revenue of Central Government
Economic Planning
-National Income
Public Finance
-Concept of Budget
-Schemes and Policies implemented by Government
-Indian Banking Industry History
-Functions of Banks
-Types of Banks
-RBI and its Monetary Policy
-Capital market in India
-Money Market in India
-Role of Banking.

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3.    ESIC UDC Syllabus for General Intelligence

-Number Ranking
-Figurative Classification
-Blood Relation
-Arithmetical Reasoning
-Mathematical Operations
-Venn diagrams
-Number Series
-Figural Pattern
-Cubes and Dice
-Non-Verbal Series
-Logical Venn Diagrams
-Number, Ranking & Time Sequence

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4.    ESIC UDC Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude

-Simple Equations
-Quadratic Equations
-Indices and Surds
-Time and Distance
-Problems on Trains
-Odd Man Out
-Numbers and Ages
-Pipes and Cisterns
-Time and Work Partnership
-Ratio and Proportion
-Simple Interest
-Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F
-Problems on Numbers
-Compound Interest
-Volumes Profit and Loss
-Races and Games
-Mixtures and Allegations
-Boats and Streams
-Permutations and Combinations
-Simplification and Approximation

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5.    ESIC UDC Syllabus for English Language

-Spellings/Detecting Mis-spelt words
-Common Error
-Active/Passive Voice of Verbs
-Comprehension Passage
-Cloze Passage
-Fill in the Blanks
-Shuffling of Sentence parts
-Sentence Rearrangement
-Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
-Improvement of Sentences
-Idioms & Phrases

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How to quickly cover the complete ESIC UDC 2022 syllabus?

Do you want to be complete the entire ESIC UDC 2022 A exam syllabus? And want to know the best trick to achieve that target? PracticeMock’s ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests supply you with the best self-analysis and inject the confidence needed to crack the actual ESIC MTS Phase 1 Exam. Not only this, the best ESIC UDC 2022 Mock Tests help aspirants in reducing pre-exam stress, as the candidate becomes confident by already appearing in the exam-like version of the actual exam before. They already know the toughness of the questions now and the scope of the syllabus in combined form. Why? Because, by now, they have already practiced a lot of exams like questions without the fear of any risk of losing marks or failing in the exam. Practice makes a man perfect, and it can surely make you perfect. ESIC UDC 2022 Mock tests are important because of the practice they provide and the quick revision that it offers. So, it’s time to Revise is to remember all the knowledge that you have gained and perform well in the actual exam by feeling super confident feel and relaxed.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 7+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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