Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam
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Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam: Idioms and Phrases are interesting and easy topics from the English Language section. Candidates can expect at least 1-3 questions at the Easy to Moderate level. In this blog, we have provided 1100+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam with their solutions. Also, we have provided the basic concept of the Idioms and Phrases including the MCQ quiz of idioms and phrases for the SSC CGL exam. Candidates are advised to first understand the Idioms and Phrases then download the PDF for free that contains 1100+ idioms and phrases and solve the questions provided in this blog.

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Concept of Idioms and Phrases

Idioms: Idioms are a group of words or phrases where the meaning of those words is not literally related to the actual words. For example:- If we say “break the ice” it doesn’t mean to break the ice in reality it means to start the conversation to make people comfortable.

Phrases: A small group of words that are fixed or written together as a conceptual unit to form a component of a clause. For example, “in a nutshell” means to explain something briefly or summarize it.

Common Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL:

  1. Break the ice: To start a conversation or make people feel comfortable.
  2. Burn the midnight oil: To work late into the night.
  3. Cry over spilt milk: To regret something that can’t be undone.
  4. Cut corners: To do something in the easiest, often lowest-quality, way.
  5. In a nutshell: To summarize something in a few words.
  6. Kill two birds with one stone: To achieve two things with one action.
  7. A blessing in disguise: Something that seems bad but turns out to be good.
  8. Hit the nail on the head: To describe exactly what is happening or what’s the problem.
  9. A penny for your thoughts: Asking someone what they are thinking.
  10. At the drop of a hat: To do something immediately, without hesitation.

Download Free PDF for Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam

Here we have provided 1100+ Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam in a PDF format for the candidate’s convenience. Candidates can download the PDF for free of cost to boost their confidence in the Idioms and Phrases topic. Also, they are advised to download it, take a printout of it, and schedule a fixed time for revision purposes. They are advised to learn at least 10 new Idioms and Phrases daily.

MCQ Quiz for Idioms and Phrases

Direction (Q1.): Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Drop the ball

(1) to let go of a grudge
(2) to make a mistake
(3) to lower one’s expectations
(4) to relax and have a good time

Direction (Q2.): Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Get one’s ducks in a row

(1) to achieve one’s goals
(2) to make everyone happy
(3) to follow all the rules
(4) to get everything organized

Direction (Qs. 3-5): Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Question 3.

To bell the cat

(1) To make known
(2) to complete an easy task
(3) to face the risk
(4) to reveal a secret

Question 4

A thorn in the flesh

(1) a minor problem
(2) a constant source of annoyance
(3) in a strange situation
(4) at the last moment

Question 5

Burn the midnight oil

(1) without any effort
(2) in an extreme state of poverty
(3) to finish one’s savings
(4) to work or study hard

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Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam FAQs

What are Idioms?

Idioms are a group of words or phrases where the meaning of those words is not literally related to the actual words.

What are Phrases?

A small group of words that are fixed or written together as a conceptual unit to form a component of a clause.

Where can I find the Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam?

Candidates can find the Idioms and Phrases for SSC CGL Exam.

How many questions can I expect from Idioms and Phrases in the SSC CGL exam?

Candidates can expect at least 1-3 questions from Idioms and Phrases in the SSC CGL exam.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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