Coding Decoding Most Expected Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam
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Coding Decoding for SSC CGL Exam: Coding-Decoding is an important topic in the SSC CGL exam. Candidates can expect at least 2-3 questions at a Moderate level from this topic in the SSC CGL Mains exam. One can solve questions easily from this topic if he/she has practiced a lot on questions based on different patterns. They are advised to first understand the basics of the Coding-Decoding and then solve the questions. In this blog, we have provided the detailed concept of Coding-Decoding with separate examples for Coding and Decoding. Also, we have provided the most important expected questions that can be asked in the SSC CGL exam.

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Concept of Coding-Decoding

Concept: Coding-Decoding is a method used in puzzles or problems to represent words or letters differently. The idea is to encode (transform) a message into a different form (coded), and then decode the coded one to its original form. Here’s a simple explanation of the concept:

1. What is Coding?

In coding, you take a piece of information (like a word or letter) and change it into a different form according to some rules. For example:

  • WordCode (changing a word into code)

For instance, you might replace each letter in the word “CAT” with the next letter in the alphabet:

  • C → D
  • A → B
  • T → U

So, “CAT” becomes “DBU.”

2. What is Decoding?

Decoding is the opposite of coding. It means you take the coded message and convert it back to its original form using the same rule.

  • CodeWord

If you were given the code “DBU,” you could decode it back to “CAT” by reversing the rule:

  • D → C
  • B → A
  • U → T

So, decoding “DBU” brings you back to “CAT.”

SSC CGL Coding Decoding Questions

Below we have provided the coding-decoding most expected questions and solution PDF that can be asked in the exam. A solution PDF is attached below that contains detailed solutions to these questions also we have provided more questions in the PDF. Candidates are advised to first understand the concept and then try to solve the questions.

Question 1: In a certain code language, ‘ALMOND’ is coded as ’DOPKJG’ and ‘DRIVEN’ is coded as ’GNLRHJ’, then ‘URGENCY’ will be coded as ____ in the same code language.





Question 2: In a certain coding system, ‘legend talent vocal skill’ is coded as ‘mgh, emv, stu, trp’, ‘vocal lament legend’ is coded as ‘stu, mgh, org’ and ‘ability lament talent legend’ is coded as ‘org, kls, mgh, trp’. How will ‘talent skill ability lament’ are coded in this coding system?

A) kls, mgh, stu, emv

B) emv, kls, trp, org

C) stu, mgh, emv, org

D) emv, kls, mgh, trp

Question 3: In a certain code language, ‘VULTURE’ is coded as ‘16, 9, 9, 4, 9, 9, 7’ and ‘GRANITE’ is coded as ’13, 9, 1, 16, 9, 4, 7’, then ‘SOCIALIST’ will be coded as ‘________’ in the same code language.

A) 10, 11, 9, 9, 1, 9, 9, 10, 4

B) 10, 9, 9, 9, 1, 9, 9, 10, 4

C) 15, 11, 8, 9, 1, 9, 9, 15, 4

D) 15, 9, 11, 9, 1, 9, 9, 15, 4

Question 4: In a certain code language, if the code for word ‘HIRE’ is ‘16273615’, for ‘BOWL’ is ‘4456924’, then what is the code for word ‘TAME’ in the same code language?

A) 6033915

B) 4033915

C) 4022615

D) 6032615

Question 5: If ‘PLANT’ is coded as ‘YSFQU’, ‘MOLTEN’ is coded as ‘TKZRUS’, then, ‘DAISY’ is coded as ‘_____’.





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Coding Decoding Questions for SSC CGL: FAQs

What is Coding-Decoding?

Coding-Decoding is a method used in puzzles or problems to represent words or letters differently. The idea is to encode (transform) a message into a different form (coded), and then decode the coded one to its original form.

How many questions can I expect from Coding-Decoding in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam?

Candidates can expect at least 2-3 questions from Coding-Decoding in the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam.

Where can I get the Coding Decoding Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam?

Candidates can get the Coding Decoding Questions for SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam in this blog.

Where can I get the coding-decoding mini-mock test?

Candidates can get the coding-decoding mini-mock test in this blog.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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