UPSC CSE Last Minutes Tips, Important Instructions
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UPSC CSE Last Minutes Tips: The UPSC’s Civil Services Examination (CSE), conducted annually, is termed by many as the toughest government exam. UPSC will be conducting its Civil Services Preliminary exam on 16th June 2024. Therefore, the pressure might be building on the aspirants as there are only three days to go for the exam. Though an entire year is needed for a good exam preparation, how you manage the last few days can very much affect your performance. This article presents some very important last-minute tips for UPSC Prelims 2024 exam. It includes an effective tip that will surely help you organize your remaining study time, give preference to important areas, maximize your strengths, and cover important topics. In addition, we’ll also shed light on how to best revise and handle exam pressure to help you stay perfectly calm and fully focused.

UPSC CSE Last Minutes Tips, Important Instructions

Despite going through many revision sessions, sometimes, most aspirants do not feel very confident facing the exam right before it. However, these last days before the exam are great for revision. During this time, candidates should stay away from anxiety and ensure that their preparation does not go to waste. Since the exam is just two days away, in this article, we will discuss last-minute tips to boost our preparation. We will also discuss how to prepare well in the remaining two days before the exam. Along with this, we will ensure that we can give our best in the exam. In the tips given below, we will discuss how to stay away from confusion, stress, and anxiety, and what things might scare them in the prelims exam, and how they can overcome these fears.

1. Stay stress-free

Do not keep thinking about what difficult questions might be asked on the exam day. Trust your preparation and enter the exam hall with full confidence. It is very important to stay stress-free before the exam. When you are stress-free during the exam, you will remain stress-free throughout the exam and will attempt the questions with full capability. Remember, when your mind is calm, you can think logically and analyze things better. In a state of confusion, your ability to think and understand decreases.

2. Revise from the same sources you used for preparation

Experts say that you should always revise from the same sources you used for preparation and not consult new study material or sources in the last days. You should rely on your strengths because you understand the study material or sources you used better. Thus, revising from them becomes easier.

3. Manage your time carefully

In the two remaining days of your revision, manage your time well. Note down in your notebook all the things you need to revise. This list should include all the topics that are most scoring or important. Do not make the list long by including less important topics, which could bring more difficulties instead of ease. Remember, important topics are those that appear in the exam every time, and through them, you can maximize your marks.

4. Solve UPSC Prelims previous year papers very carefully

Be sure to solve previous years’ question papers for UPSC Prelims. Pay attention to each question. This will help you understand what kind of questions can appear in the exam. You will also learn how to skip questions. Plus, you will get a good grasp of the question paper format. So, you won’t feel like you are facing something completely new. Many things will be familiar to you.

5. Fix your sleeping schedule

Many candidates study late into the night before the exam. It ruins their sleeping schedule. They often cannot fix this schedule two to three days before the exam. Therefore, it is super important to correct your sleeping cycle at least a week before the exam. This will make sure that your brain is fully active during the exam. Experts also recommend solving previous years’ papers or taking mock tests from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. These are the actual exam timings.

6. Do not ignore CSAT

Many candidates ignore the CSAT. Candidates should remember that the CSAT is the first step and is a qualifying paper. Therefore, they need to prepare for it very well. It is a gateway to success in the exam.

7. Take care of your health and eat healthy

Our body’s connection to our brain is evident. If we eat well, the nutrition reaches our brain It allows it to function properly. So, eat well and always take care of your health to keep your brain active and energetic. This will make your revision sessions very effective in the two days before the exam. Also, try to do light exercises regularly, both before and after the exam. It will be really beneficial for you in the long run.


It is essential to manage your time well to succeed in this exam, as only two days are left. The exam syllabus is vast, and you cannot revise everything. Therefore, it is better to invest more time in the most important topics. You should thoroughly cover all the important topics for both papers, i.e., Paper 1, General Studies, and Paper 2, the Aptitude Test. Last but not least, stay positive and believe in yourself. You will surely reap the rewards of your hard work.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 7+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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