How To Clear ECGC PO In Just 30 Days?
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Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India is getting ready to conduct the ECGC PO 2024 exam to fill 40 ECGC Probationary Officer posts this year. The exam is slated to be conducted on 16th November 2024. Only 30 days to go. Candidates who want to clear it can start their preparation by following the 30-day study plan below. The study plan is complimented with the best tips to boost your preparation. Now is the ideal time to start and accelerate the exam preparation to stay ahead of all other competitors.

How To Clear ECGC PO In Just 30 Days?

Graduates are eligible to apply for PO positions in specialist cadres. Therefore, the candidates who want to either want to prepare for the exam in 30 days or revise the entire syllabus within this deadline must follow a result-oriented study schedule. This is why we’ve created a 30-day study plan for those who can dedicate just 30 days to intensive preparation. Given below is a 30-day study plan that encompasses all the topics that form the ECGC PO 2024 syllabus. Candidates need to cover all the topics and keep taking mock tests during their preparatory journey.

30-Day ECGC PO Study Plan
DaysSlot 1Slot 2
Day 1Indian ConstitutionMS Excel
Day 2HistoryWindows
Day 3VerbComputation of Whole Numbers
Day 4Error CorrectionRelationship Between Numbers
Day 5Coding-DecodingScience – Inventions & Discoveries
Day 6AnalogyBudget and Five Year Plans
Day 7MS OfficeSubject-Verb Agreement
Day 8MS WordArticles
Day 9Attempt ECGC PO Mock Test 1 & AnalyzeRevise Previous Day Topics
Day 10Number SystemsData Sufficiency
Day 11Decimals and FractionsLogic
Day 12Financial & Economic NewsInternet Usage
Day 13EconomyMS PowerPoint
Day 14VoiceRatio & Proportion
Day 15TensesArithmetical Operations
Day 16Theme DetectionGeography of India & Gujarat
Day 17Puzzle TestScientific Research
Day 18Attempt ECGC PO Mock Test 2 & AnalyzeRevise Previous Day Topics
Day 19Computer Software & HardwareComprehension
Day 20Introduction to Computer ScienceFill in the Blanks
Day 21Percentage/ Arithmetical ReasoningAlphabet Test
Day 22AverageClassification/Situation Reaction
Day 23CultureDatabase Management System
Day 24India & Neighboring CountriesPC Software & Office Automation
Day 25SynonymsProfit & Loss
Day 26Sentence RearrangementSimple Interest
Day 27Eligibility TestSports
Day 28Attempt ECGC PO Mock Test 3 & AnalyzeRevise Previous Day Topics
Day 29Clocks & CalendarsKnowledge of Current Events
Day 30Workplace Productivity ToolsAdverb/ Time Sequence

NOTE: The plan above makes sure you learn all the essential topics in 30 days including mock tests and revisions. You can make the required changes to make it more suitable and effective.

How Tough will be ECGC PO 2024 Exam?

The Past Years’ Exams say that the ECGC PO exam itself is not as difficult as the SBI PO exam. cracking it can be tough as the exam convenes the exam for a limited number of vacancies. It makes the competition high. Most candidates who appeared in the exam have indicated that the difficulty level of the exam is moderate. It is comparable to or easier than other bank PO exams, although the low number of posts leads to high cut-offs. Go through the tips below to know how you can clear the ECGC PO 2024 exam in first attempt.

3 Effective Tips to Make the Most of the 30 Days Study Plan for ECGC PO 2024 Exam

Here are 3 most effective tips for maximizing the ECGC PO 30-day study plan:

1. Work on Your Weak Areas

First and foremost, there are still many days left for the exam. So, you should focus on your weak areas. Find the subjects or topics you are weak in and work on them. Give more time in Slot 2 to such topics. You can devote more time to quantitative topics like Profit & Loss, Ratio & Proportion, and Time & Work. Pen short notes on tough topics or concepts and keep revising them regularly. Tale mock tests in the plan given above to gauge your strengths and weaknesses. It will help you distribute time more effectively and by the end of the first week, you’ll know for sure which topics need more time and focus. You can thus make changes to your study plan accordingly. A good balance between study and revision will help you perform well in all the areas of the ECGC PO 2024 syllabus.

2. Use the Best Learning Techniques

Some of these are: summarizing, visualization, and teaching. You can create short summaries or mind maps for concepts like history, the Indian constitution, or even English grammar. It is also important to understand and remember that other types of graphics can be used to enhance learning. You can also try ‘re-reading’ your notes or even record them on your phone so that their contents are well etched in your memory. Besides, you can use flashcards to refresh your knowledge and recall terms and formulas important for particular lessons. This method can also be applied to learning vocabulary, especially synonyms and antonyms.

3. Fully Use Mock Tests and Performance Analysis

ECGC PO 2024 Mock Tests play and pivotal role in showing your current state of preparation. You can quickly improve your overall scores by attempting mock tests regularly. So, to make the most of the mock tests, it is spaced out across the study plan given above (Days 9, 18, 28, etc.). You need to thoroughly analyze your performance after taking each mock test. You need to review them completely, checking carefully all the mistakes.  You should know the cause of your mistakes and the concepts to correct them in the future. This consideration will help you make the required changes in the coming days, with an improved study plan. For example, if you regularly find Logic or Error Correction tough, you need to invest more time in the subsequent study sessions to master those areas. In short, mock tests will not just track your progress but will also improve your problem-solving approach, along with your speed and accuracy.

How To Clear ECGC PO Exam In First Attempt?

The ECGC PO exam can be cleared in the first attempt only if you have a proper strategy and planning. Below are ten important tips that you must follow to succeed and land your desired ECGC PO job.

  1. Understand the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly so that the you would know what to expect from the examination.
  2. Make a schedule of what you intend to do then follow it as strictly as you can.
  3. Take practice tests regularly to enhance your speed, and accuracy in answering questions as well as time management skills.
  4. Concentration on Basic fields which are Reasoning Skills, Numerical Ability, Verbal Ability, and most importantly General Knowledge.
  5. Be updated on current events, especially on issues to do with international trade and economy.
  6. Regular review and revisions to secure the top concepts and formulas on the memory.
  7. Study harder time you may take more hours to study those courses which you believe are difficult.
  8. Make use of brief notes as well as flashcards as one of the last preparations before the exams.
  9. Keep a healthy schedule that is balanced and includes sufficient sleep, proper diet, and exercise.
  10. Be composed and positive during the actual examination and keep track of time well during the examination period.

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How To Clear ECGC PO In Just 30 Days? FAQs

When can candidates apply for ECGC PO 2024?

Candidates can apply for the ECGC PO exam starting on 14th September 2024.

How many ECGC PO posts are available for 2024?

There are a total of 40 ECGC PO posts available for 2024.

Is 30-day study plan for ECGC PO Exam 2024 Important?

The 30-day study plan given above covers all topics from the ECGC PO 2024 syllabus and is packed with mock tests and revision sessions.

How can candidates improve their weak areas during ECGC PO preparation?

Candidates should pay more attention to their weak areas by devoting more time and using mock tests to identify and improve their performance.

What learning techniques are recommended for ECGC PO preparation?

Summarizing, visualization, teaching, re-reading notes, and using flashcards are effective learning techniques.

Why are mock tests important for ECGC PO preparation?

Mock tests help track a candidate’s progress and improve problem-solving skills. It also enhances speed and accuracy through regular performance analysis.

How should candidates analyze their performance after each ECGC PO mock test?

Candidates should review their mistakes and adjust their study plan accordingly to improve their preparation.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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