How To Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months
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How to Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months?: The Institute of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts the IBPS RRB Clerk exam to recruit candidates for Clerk positions in several banks in India. It is one of the most competitive exams in India. Cracking this exam is not an easy task. The IBPS RRB Clerk recruitment process consists of two phases first, prelims, and second, mains. Candidates who want to be a clerk in the bank have to pass both phases. Prelims exam will be conducted soon, so, candidates are advised to start their preparation from today onwards. In this blog, we have provided tips on “How To Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months?” Candidates are informed that 6 months is just sufficient time to pass the exam. So, they should start their preparation seriously, if they want to crack the exam. Read all the tips to know how to start their preparation.

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IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern 2025 for Prelims

Understanding the IBPS RRB Clerk exam pattern 2025 for the prelims exam is very important so that you can prepare for the exam effectively. The IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims exam consists of two sections Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. The whole exam consists of 80 questions for 80 marks. There is a sectional timing for both sections. Below we have provided the detailed IBPS RRB Clerk exam pattern 2025 for the prelims exam.

IBPS RRB Clerk Exam Pattern 2025 for Prelims
SectionNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Reasoning404025 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude404020 minutes
Total808045 minutes

IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus 2025 for Prelims

The IBPS RRB Clerk Syllabus 2025 for prelims is provided below. Knowing the syllabus is very important to know the weak and strong areas for the preparation of the exam. If you know the weak areas topics you can focus on those topics later and increase your performance level for the exam. You can make your study plan accordingly to cover the whole syllabus systematically.

Quantitative AptitudeReasoning
Number SystemOdd One out
Decimal FractionSyllogism
Simple InterestBlood Relation
Time and WorkSeries Test
AveragesRanking and Time
PartnershipDirection Sense Test
Ratio and ProportionPuzzles & Seating Arrangement
CaseletsStatement and Conclusion
Permutation and CombinationStatement and Arguments
HCF and LCMCoding-Decoding
Profit and LossAlpha-Numeric Series
Compound InterestCauses and Effects
Time and DistanceStatement and Assumption
SimplificationAssertion and Reason
PercentagesStatements and Action Courses
Data Interpretataion

IBPS RRB Clerk 6-Month Study Plan

Start your preparation with our IBPS RRB Clerk 6-Month Study Plan which is totally made for beginners. This study plan starts from basic and goes to an advanced level that covers study, revision, practice, and much more. You are highly advised once you start following this plan then stick with the plan seriously because missing a single day of study can lead to a loss of study of important topics.

Month 1: Foundation Building (Basic Concepts)

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 1Quantitative AptitudeNumber System, Simplification, HCF & LCMUnderstand basic number properties, LCM, HCF, and practice simple calculations to improve speed.
Week 2Quantitative AptitudePercentages, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest, Compound InterestStudy the concepts thoroughly; start solving simple problems and gradually increase difficulty.
Week 3Reasoning AbilitySyllogism, Blood RelationsUnderstand the basic principles of Syllogism and Blood Relations. Practice different types of questions.
Week 4Reasoning AbilityRanking and Time, Direction Sense TestPractice different types of questions ranking, time-related, and direction sense to build reasoning skills.

Month 2: Strengthening the Basics

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 5Quantitative AptitudeTime and Work, Time and Distance, AverageUnderstand and apply the concepts of work-time relations and solve related problems.
Week 6Quantitative AptitudeRatio and Proportion, PartnershipFocus on different types of ratio-based problems and partnership-related problems.
Week 7Reasoning AbilitySeries Test, Odd One Out, CaseletsPractice different types of series, odd one out, and data-based problems (caselets).
Week 8Reasoning AbilityPuzzles & Seating Arrangement, Coding-DecodingStart solving easy puzzles and seating arrangements; practice basic coding-decoding questions.

Month 3: Advanced Concept Development

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 9Quantitative AptitudeData Interpretation (Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables)Solve DI sets and improve your speed with data interpretation problems as it contain high weightage.
Week 10Quantitative AptitudeProbability, Permutation and CombinationWork on formulas of probability and permutations/combinations.
Week 11Reasoning AbilityStatement and Conclusion, Statement and AssumptionUnderstand and practice solving statement-based problems for assumptions and conclusions.
Week 12Reasoning AbilityCauses and Effects, Statements and Action CoursesFocus on understanding cause-effect relationships and statement-action problems.

Month 4: Further Practice & Time Management

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 13Quantitative AptitudeSimplification, Average, PercentagePractice simplification techniques, percentage calculations, and average-related problems.
Week 14Quantitative AptitudeProfit and Loss, Simple Interest, Compound InterestSolve advanced-level problems related to profit & loss and interest.
Week 15Reasoning AbilityAlpha-Numeric Series, Coding-DecodingPractice a variety of coding-decoding types and alpha-numeric series questions.
Week 16Reasoning AbilityPuzzles & Seating Arrangement, Blood Relation, Time and WorkSolve moderate to advanced level puzzles and seating arrangements. Focus on time and work problems.

Month 5: Mock Tests & Advanced Practice

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 17Quantitative AptitudeData Interpretation (Multiple Types)Solve mixed DI sets of various types (tables, bar graphs, pie charts, etc.).
Week 18Quantitative AptitudeRatio and Proportion, ProbabilitySolve complex problems on ratio, proportion, and probability. Focus on speed and accuracy.
Week 19Reasoning AbilityCaselets, Odd One Out, Statement and AssumptionSolve different types of caselet-based problems and work on techniques that used to solve these questions in less time.
Week 20Reasoning AbilityPuzzles & Seating Arrangement, SimplificationSolve time-bound puzzles and seating arrangement problems.

Month 6: Revision, Mock Tests & Final Preparation

WeekSubjects/TopicsFocus AreasStrategy
Week 21Quantitative AptitudeSimplification, Percentage, Average, Profit & LossRevise and practice mixed questions from all important topics to improve speed.
Week 22Quantitative AptitudeTime and Work, Time and Distance, Data InterpretationPractice a variety of problems with mixed concepts, especially time-related problems and DI sets.
Week 23Reasoning AbilitySyllogism, Statement and Conclusion, Direction Sense, RankingRevise tricks that are used in reasoning topics and practice advanced questions under timed conditions.
Week 24Mock Tests & RevisionFull Mock TestTake full-length mock tests, analyze mistakes, and improve weak areas.

Tips to Crack IBPS RRB Clerk in Just 6 Months

Below we have provided the tips to crack the IBPS RRB Clerk in just 6 months. All the tips are provided by the experts, you are advised to read these tips very carefully.

  • Follow a Structured Study Plan: Make a timetable with space for each of the subjects you need to study: don’t skip the topics. Understanding the syllabus and exam pattern (provided in the blog) know topics in depth by which you can categorize them into weak and strong areas and schedule them in your study plan accordingly. Divide the sections or topics into manageable tasks that can achieve that task in a given time.
  • Focus on Time Management: The IBPS RRB Clerk is a time-oriented exam in which you have to attempt the whole exam in 45 minutes. Perform questions while under time, pressure. Hear that it is possible to start with easier parts first so that you can complete the paper before the time is over.
  • Daily Practice: Practice is very important for the sections of the IBPS RRB Clerk exam to build speed and accuracy for the exam. Spend 3-4 quality hours every day for Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability sections alone. Search internet resources for more practice.
  • Take Mock Tests Regularly: The mock tests mimic the environment that you are going to face during the real exams. You should begin to start taking them from the 2nd month of preparation for the exams. Evaluate your work and seek out the loopholes that may have been exploited or areas that require more of your attention.
  • Stay Updated on Current Affairs: General Awareness is one of the most important sections of the examination. Newspaper, news channels, and banking-related blogs should be followed to keep updated with national /international events, banking policies, and financial terms.
  • Work on Weak Areas: You should be focused and apply more energy toward those areas that prove challenging to you. These weak areas can be made better by just practicing more and more questions based on different patterns.
  • Stay Calm and Positive: Work stress, therefore, has the potential to have an impact on performance. Make sure to be positive, take some time with the preparation breaks, and keep healthy sleep-wake schedules.

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How to Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months? FAQs

How to Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months?

Read our blog completely to know How to Crack IBPS RRB Clerk In Just 6 Months.

Where can I get the IBPS RRB Clerk 6-Month Study Plan 2025?

Candidates can get the IBPS RRB Clerk 6-Month Study Plan 2025 in this blog.

How many questions will be asked in the IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Prelims Exam?

The IBPS will present a total of 80 questions in the IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Prelims Exam.

What is the time duration for the IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Prelims Exam?

Candidates will get a total of 45 minutes to attempt the IBPS RRB Clerk 2025 Prelims Exam.

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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