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If you’re preparing for SBI Clerk, starting right now is the best step you can take. The reason is that a majority of your competitors would be waiting for the examination date to get released and wouldn’t have started their preparation. So starting your preparation right now for SBI Clerk exam will keep you miles ahead of your competition. In this article, we are going to cover all the important point which you should keep in mind while you do your exam-preparation for SBI Clerk exam.

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Take a Free Mock Test of SBI Clerk

We have been sharing multiple articles on the preparation of SBI Clerk exam and we are sure that by now you have refreshed your basic concepts of different sections like English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, Computer Knowledge and done enough practice. Now that your basic concepts are clear, this is the time to test whatever you have learnt until now. Before we move forward, let’s first have a look at the exam pattern of SBI Clerk Prelims exam.

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern

Serial No.SectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes


  • There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Mains exam. 1/4th marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • A candidate has to qualify in each part of the Objective test separately.

Take a Free Mock Test of SBI Clerk

How to Use this time to Improve Your Preparation?

As already mentioned, since the exam date of SBI Clerk is not released yet, this is the perfect time to practice, make errors, and correct those mistakes. For sure, aspirants have got extra time to finetune their preparation. You have to ensure that you are using each & every minute of this time to improve your preparation. Start taking Mock Tests in this spare time which you have got. Mock Tests will not only introduce you to questions of similar difficulty level, but you will also have the experience of facing a mock test which is simulated on the pattern of the actual exam. The Mock test will highlight your weak areas on which you can put extra efforts in this period and improve them. You will also get to know your All India Rank so that you know how much more effort do you need to put to be in the top slot.

Preparation Tips to keep in Mind

  • Create a Schedule and put those areas in it which still need improvement. Make the schedule as specific as possible and follow it strictly.
  • Keep crossing the sections of the schedule as & when you get done with those. This will act as a good motivator and you will get a good idea of what is done and what is still pending.
  • Start/ Continue reading a good English newspaper. This will not only help you with your general awareness but will also help you with your vocabulary. (Read: The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary which is updated on a daily basis).
  • Keep revising the Current Affairs on a regular basis.
  • If you get bored of studies, take a small break and try solving the free quizzes on the PM platform.
  • As already mentioned, don’t undermine the importance of mock tests. Keep taking them to have continuous oversight of your performance.
  • Also, have a look at the previous years’ analysis of the exam you are aiming at and solve previous year question papers.
  • Revise Static GK as well.
  • As you prepare as per your schedule, keep making your own notes. This will greatly help you in revision.

Take a Free Mock Test of SBI Clerk

This is all from us in this article. We sincerely hope that you will make the full use of the time you got for SBI Clerk preparation.

Wishing you good luck with your preparation!

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