For those who are preparing for SSC GD Constable exam have landed at the right place as here we will be discussing SSC GD Constable exam subject wise preparation. We will be giving tips for the upcoming SSC GD Constable exam as how to prepare for it in order to crack the same in the very first attempt. Every year lakhs of candidates apply for this thereby making it a highly competitive examination. To stay a cut above other aspirants follow this subject wise preparation.
SSC GD Constable Exam Subject Wise Preparation
Here we will be highlighting some important aspects such as exam pattern, syllabus and last minute tips etc. Some important tips to prepare for this highly competetive exam are:
- Be thorough with the SSC GD Constable Syllabus
- Attempt & analyze previous year paper
- Prepare a study plab & follow it religiously
- Choose the best study material and mocks
- Attempt SSC GD Constable Mock Tests
- Keep revising your notes
SSC GD Constable Computer-Based Exam Exam Pattern
Subject | No. of Questions | Marks | Exam Duration |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | 20 | 40 | 60 min |
General Knowledge & General Awareness | 20 | 40 | |
Elementary Mathematics | 20 | 40 | |
English/Hindi | 20 | 40 | |
Total | 80 | 160 |
- Each question will carry one mark which will be conducted in both English and Hindi language.
- For every incorrect answer, there will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks.
- Candidates who pass this stage will advance to the final stage, which includes a medical examination and document verification.
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SSC GD Constable Exam Syllabus
The first major step after analyzing the exam pattern is to understand the SSC GD Constable exam syllabus. Below is the overview of the exam syllabus:
Subjects | Important Syllabus topics |
General Intelligence & Reasoning | Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Spatial visualization, Spatial orientation, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning |
General Knowledge & General Awareness | India and its neighbouring countries, Sports, History, Geography, Economic Scene, Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, Culture, General Polity |
Elementary Mathematics | Time and distance, Number Systems, Boat and stream, Algebra, Geometry, Profit and loss, Ratio and proportion, Averages |
English/ Hindi | Error spotting, Cloze Test, Synonyms and Antonyms, Fill in the Blanks |
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SSC GD Constable Exam- Subject-wise Preparation
Stay thoroughly prepared for the SSC GD Constable exam and thus we are here with these subject wise preparation tips:
SSC GD Preparation Tips for General Intelligence & Reasoning
- This is quite an important section when it comes to scoring good
- This section needs focus. With proper practice you can ace the section
- practice as many quizzes and mocks tests as possible
- Try to complete the reasoning section first
- One should choose questions in which they are completely confident
Important Topics for General Intelligence & Reasoning
- Similarities
- Differences
- Spatial visualization
- Spatial orientation
- Relationship concepts
- Discrimination
- Non Verbal Series
- Coding Decoding
- Arithmetical reasoning
- Analogies etc….
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SSC GD Preparation Tips for General Knowledge & General Awareness
- Candidates must devote more time in studying General Knowldege as it is quite a broad topic to study
- You can cover the syllabus in this section according to their strengths as questions from varied topics can be asked including History, Geography, Politics, Current Affairs & Economics.
- One must attempt questions in which you are extremely confident
- Be careful while answering questions as wrong answers can fetch you negative marks
- Make a habit of reading newspapers and magazines every day
Important Topics for General Knowledge & General Awareness
- Culture
- History
- Economic Scene
- Geography
- Indian Constitution
- General Polity
- Sports
- India and its neighbouring countries
- Indian Constitution
- Scientific Research
SSC GD Constable Preparation Tips for English/Hindi Language
- This section is easy if prepared well. Practice is the key
- Don’t underestimate the importance of English/Hindi section as it can be really scoring
- Prepare specific topics including reading comprehension, errors etc.
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Important Topics for SSC GD Constable English/Hindi
- Phrase replacements
- Cloze test
- Error Spotting
- One Word Substitution
- Spellings
- Reading comprehension
- Synonyms & Antonyms
- Phrase and idioms meaning
General Tips to Prepare for SSC GD Constable
- Practice as many mocks as you can
- Practice previous year papers
- Attempt mock tests
- Don’t skip any important topic
- Keep revising at regular intervals
- Keep preparing your own notes
- Make a proper study schedule or a study plan & follow the same religiously
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This brings us to the end of the article. Keep preparing for upcoming SSC GD Constable exam.
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