SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Paper 1-General Awareness Strategy
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The way to SEBI Grade A success goes through SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Paper 1 exam. Therefore, if you’re keen on clearing the SEBI Grade A 2023 exam, you need to first clear Paper 1 of the exam. General Awareness, in short GA, plays a pivotal role in clearing the Paper 1 Exam.

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In this article, we’ll succinctly discuss how you should prepare to make the most of the GA section of the Paper 1 exam.

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SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Paper 1-General Awareness Strategy

SEBI Grade A Preparation Strategy – General Awareness

The General Awareness section is one of the 4 sections of SEBI Grade A Paper 1. It is the scoring part. It will invite Questions on finance and banking awareness.

Given below are a few tips that can help you boost your General Awareness preparation and ensure incredible success:

  • Cover the last current affairs of the last 8-9 months prior to the exam. Go through important news from the country and world related to sports, national affairs, and financial schemes of the last 12 months. 
  • Don’t forget that the static GK questions are based on current affairs. Therefore, cover the static part of current affairs.
  • Make good revision notes of current affairs for your reference before the exam. Pen the most important points. Follow newspapers like The Hindu, Indian Express, and The Economic Times.
  • Improve your vocabulary. Collect them in a notebook for easier last-minute revision.
  • Attempt as many Mock Tests as you can to train your brain to take the actual exam with full confidence.
  • Read daily newspapers and any current affairs-based magazines, and magazines related to the financial sector.
  • Go through the financial and economic sector news and pay more heed to the Union Budget sessions.
  • Keep updating your knowledge on updated with the Indian and World financial sectors, SEBI news, and schemes.
  • Go through topics like the history of the banking sector, SEBI functions, the SEBI system, etc.
SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Paper 1-General Awareness Strategy

SEBI Grade A 25-Day Study Plan for General Stream (Suggestive)

The study plan for SEBI Grade A is divided into 2 phases for General stream candidates. The Phase I study plan for the SEBI Grade A exam consists of English, Quant, Reasoning, and General Awareness, whereas Phase II is strictly for the General stream topics.

Given below is a detailed 25-day SEBI Grade A study plan accompanied by Mock Test Practice for constant improvement:


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3Current AffairsFinancial System
5Current AffairsAccountancy
6AptitudeCommerce & Accountancy
7Take Mock Test 1 & Go through Proper Mock Test Analysis
8Static GKGeneral Finance and Management Topics
9General Knowledge/Banking AwarenessOverview of Cost and Management Accounting
10English RulesBasics of Cost Control and Analysis
11English VocabularyManagement Processes
12Aptitude DIAccounting Standards
13ReviseLean System and Innovation
14Aptitude DIFinancial Inclusion- use of technology
15Take Mock Tests & Go through Proper Mock Test Analysis
16ReasoningThe Companies Act, 2013
18Current AffairsDemand and Supply
19English RC and ErrorsManagement 
20Aptitude ArithmeticCommerce & Accountancy
21Take Mock Test 3 & Go through Proper Mock Test Analysis
22Aptitude ArithmeticThe Companies Act, 2013 – MCQ facts
23English Banking EssaysCommerce & Accountancy weak areas
24General Knowledge Costing & Management weak areas
25Take Mock Test 4 & Go through Proper Mock Test AnalysisTake Mock Test 5 & Go through Proper Mock Test Analysis
SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Paper 1-General Awareness Strategy

SEBI Grade A Exam 2023 General Preparation Tips

SEBI’s Grade A phase 1’s paper 1 will have questions from 4 subjects, which are General Awareness, Reasoning, Aptitude, and English Language in Paper 1. Paper 2, will have questions from concerned streams like General, Legal, IT, Civil engineering, Electrical engineering, Research, and Official Language.

Here is what the candidates can do to ace all the phases of the SEBI Grade A 2023 exam:

  • Clear your concepts, important definitions, and concepts
  • Make Notes on key points with brief explanations to facilitate the revision process and save you time.
  • Choose the Right Study Material. Get the best SEBI Grade A Books and Mock Tests to cover the latest syllabus.
  • Keep yourself updated with the latest GK & Current Affairs relevant to your stream.
  • Stay updated on financial and banking affairs to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Attempt or Solve the previous year’s question papers.
  • To assess your progress, take SEBI Grade A Mock tests regularly. In both Phase 1 and Phase 2 online exams, you must answer 200 questions in 40 minutes. In this short time, you will have to answer quickly.
  • Analyze your mock tests properly. It will help you know your exact progress rate.


Those candidates who want to make the most of the General Awareness section must follow the simple steps given in this article and keep taking Mock Tests on regular basis to discover what needs to be done to keep improving for the final countdown. Take a Free SEBI Grade A Phase 1 Mock Test to experience quick improvement.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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