SBI PO Prelims Best 85 Days Study Plan 2022
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SBI POPrelims Study Plan: The State Bank of India Probationary Officer (SBI PO) Prelims exam is a crucial step for aspirants seeking a career in banking. Crafting a comprehensive study plan for the 85 days leading up to the exam is essential. This article outlines a strategic study plan designed to optimize preparation and enhance the chances of success in the SBI PO Prelims 2022.

Understanding the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

Before diving into the study plan, it’s imperative to have a clear understanding of the SBI PO Prelims exam pattern and syllabus. The exam typically includes sections such as English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability. Analyzing the weightage of each section and the types of questions asked forms the foundation for effective preparation.

Week-wise Breakdown of Topics

Divide the 85-day study plan into weeks, each focusing on specific topics and sections. For instance, allocate Week 1 to cover the fundamentals of English Language, Week 2 for Quantitative Aptitude, and Week 3 for Reasoning Ability. This breakdown ensures systematic coverage of the entire syllabus while allowing for in-depth understanding.

Daily Practice and Revision Sessions

Incorporate daily practice sessions into the study plan, covering a mix of topics from different sections. Allocate time for regular revision to reinforce concepts and improve retention. Consistent daily practice enhances speed and accuracy, essential for success in competitive exams like the SBI PO Prelims.

Mock Tests and Sectional Tests

Integrate mock tests and sectional tests strategically into the study plan. Schedule full-length mock tests to simulate the exam environment and assess overall performance. Additionally, include sectional tests to focus on specific areas of improvement. Analyzing the results of these tests helps identify weaknesses and adjust the study plan accordingly.

Focus on Time Management Strategies

Time management is critical in competitive exams. Dedicate specific study sessions to practice time management strategies for each section. Develop an approach that allows you to maximize your attempts within the stipulated time. Regular practice with a timer simulates exam conditions and builds confidence in handling time constraints.

Stay Updated with Current Affairs

Stay abreast of current affairs, especially in the banking and financial sectors. Dedicate a portion of your study plan to reading newspapers, following news websites, and practicing current affairs quizzes. The SBI PO Prelims often includes questions that assess candidates’ awareness of recent developments.

Healthy Study Routine and Self-Care

Maintain a healthy study routine that includes breaks, physical activity, and adequate sleep. A well-rested and rejuvenated mind is more receptive to learning. Incorporate self-care practices to manage stress and anxiety, ensuring a positive mindset throughout the preparation period.

Regular Interaction with Study Groups or Mentors

Engage in discussions with study groups or mentors to gain insights, clarify doubts, and exchange study materials. Peer interactions and mentor guidance can provide valuable perspectives, enhance understanding of complex topics, and boost motivation.

Flexibility in the Plan

While a well-structured study plan is essential, it’s equally important to remain flexible. Adapt the plan based on your progress and identify areas that require additional focus. Flexibility ensures that you can address challenges effectively and make the necessary adjustments for optimal preparation.


An 85-day study plan for SBI PO Prelims is a strategic tool to streamline preparation and increase the likelihood of success. By understanding the exam pattern, breaking down topics, incorporating daily practice and revision, and integrating mock tests, aspirants can navigate the preparation period effectively. Discipline, focus, and adaptability are key to excelling in the SBI PO Prelims, and a well-crafted study plan sets the foundation for a confident and competent performance.

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