SBI Clerk 2023: Optimal 19-Day Study Plan for Swift Revision
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Are you gearing up for the forthcoming SBI Clerk Prelims 2023 exam arriving in just a few days? Excellent! To ensure you make the most of the remaining time, we present a new and more impactful Mock Test challenge. Join us to revise vital topics and boost your preparation. The State Bank of India (SBI) Clerk exam, a highly competitive test, draws thousands of aspirants annually. With the 2023-24 exam on the horizon, a well-structured study plan is vital for maximizing your preparation in the final 19 days. Explore our strategic study plan in this blog to increase your chances of success in the SBI Clerk exam.

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SBI Clerk 2023: Best 19 Days Study Plan for Super-fast Revision

Here’s the schedule to follow for optimizing your score:

Day 1-5: Revise the Basics

  1. Subject-wise Revision: Thoroughly revisit basic concepts in each subject – Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and English Language. Concentrate on key formulas, rules, and grammar concepts.
  2. Identify Weak Areas: Analyze practice test performance and identify weak areas. Allocate more time to these topics in the upcoming days.
  3. Previous Year Papers: Solve previous year SBI Clerk question papers to grasp the exam pattern and identify frequently asked topics. This aids in prioritizing your preparation.

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Day 6-10: Strengthen Your Weaknesses

  1. Focused Practice: Concentrate on challenging subjects and topics. Enhance your comprehension by leveraging online resources, textbooks, and study materials.
  2. Mock Tests: Engage in full-length mock tests to replicate exam conditions for effective preparation.
  3. Sectional Tests: Practice sectional tests to enhance proficiency in each subject. This targeted approach refines skills and boosts confidence.

Day 11-15: Intensive Practice and Time Management

  1. Memory Techniques: Improve memory retention through mnemonic devices, aiding the recall of formulas and essential details.
  2. Intensive Practice Sessions: Elevate your practice intensity with time-bound questions, emphasizing efficient time management.
  3. Revision: Regularly revise all subjects. Give equal attention to all sections, recognizing their impact on your overall score.

Day 16-18: Fine-tune Your Strategy

  1. Strategic Planning: Evaluate mock test performance and fine-tune your exam strategy. Identify the optimal order for attempting sections based on your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Quick Revision: Prioritize a swift review of formulas, shortcuts, and crucial concepts for a last-minute refresher.
  3. Simulated Exams: Immerse yourself in simulated exams, replicating the authentic exam environment for a thorough evaluation of your readiness.

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Day 19-20: Relax and Review

  1. Last-minute Revision: Review concise notes and key points. Avoid starting anything new to prevent confusion.
  1. Relaxation Techniques: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress. Adequate sleep, meditation, and light exercise contribute to a calm mind.
  2. Positive Mindset: Cultivate a positive mindset. Believe in your preparation, stay confident, and utilize visualization techniques to picture success.

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SBI Clerk Exam 2023-24: List of Most Scoring Topics

Here are the most scoring topics that may reappear in the SBI Clerk Exam 2023-24:

EnglishNumerical AbilityReasoning
Reading ComprehensionSimplification/ApproximationCoding-Decoding
Cloze TestComparison of QuantitiesSyllogism
Spell Correction/Phrase CorrectionQuadratic EquationsInequality
Phrase ReplacementData InterpretationsLinear Seating Arrangements
Error DetectionMixture ProblemsOrder and Pattern
Fill in the BlanksRatio & ProportionPuzzles
Para JumblesNumber SystemData Efficiency
 Profit & LossInput-Output
Average/PercentageSitting Arrangements
Data Sufficiency

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5 Effective Tips for Perfect Revision

Here are five effective tips to revise all the topics well, building on the information provided in the previous response:

1.     Strategic Topic Revision:

  1. Begin by revisiting the basic concepts in each subject, focusing on key formulas, rules, and grammar concepts.
  2. Prioritize topics based on the analysis of previous year SBI Clerk question papers to understand the exam pattern.

2.     Target Weak Areas:

  1. Identify and analyze weak areas through practice tests.
  2. Allocate more time to these identified weak areas during the revision period to ensure comprehensive coverage.

3.     Utilize Mock Tests for Assessment:

  1. Take advantage of full-length mock tests to simulate exam conditions.
  2. Analyze performance to identify time-consuming sections and work on improving speed and accuracy.

4.     Focused Practice Sessions:

  1. Concentrate on challenging subjects and topics where you face difficulties.
  2. Utilize online resources, textbooks, and study materials to clarify doubts and strengthen your understanding.

5.     Balanced Intensive Practice:

  1. Increase the frequency of practice sessions, especially focusing on time-bound questions.
  2. Incorporate mnemonic devices and memory aids to enhance retention and quick recall during the exam.

By incorporating these tips into your study plan, you’ll be better equipped to revise all the topics effectively and improve your overall performance in the SBI Clerk exam. Remember to stay focused, track your progress, and make adjustments to your study plan as needed.


In the final 19 days leading up to the SBI Clerk 2023-24 exam, a well-organized and strategic study plan is essential. Balancing revision, practice, and stress management will contribute to your overall success. Stick to your plan, stay focused, and enter the exam hall with confidence.

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