RRB PO Prelims the Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Aug 23 2020 Day 362
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Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Stinging harsh or hurtful in tone or character
Indictment An accusation of wrongdoing
Scapegoat to blame somebody publicly for something bad that has happened, even though it was not his/her fault
Ploy A tactic or manoeuvre intended to gain an advantage
Acquittal a judgment of not guilty
Ambush The act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
Draconian Very or overly harsh or strict
Proscribe Command against
Utter Complete and absolute
Massacre The savage and excessive killing of many people
Upend turn upside down
Dubious Open to doubt or suspicion
Imposition the act of imposing something
Credence The mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true

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By Sweta Singh

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