How can working professionals crack SBI Clerk 2022 Exam?
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Are you a job goer or professional and want to prepare for or crack SBI Clerk 2022 Exam? All because SBI promises employees job security, social status, better retirement benefits and a lot of perks compared to your private job. No matter what the case. You just want to try it out with the time you can spare. But the whole issue is the investment of sufficient preparation time, which you have less? Obviously you spend most of your time on your job! And the better you manage your time, the more you can focus on your exam SBI Clerk exam preparation.

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Let’s shed light on the best ways working professionals can adopt to crack SBI Clerk 2022 Exam.
हर SBI Clerk Aspirant SBI Clerk Topper बनना चाहता है! लेकिन केवल वही Top करता है जो Mock Tests का अभ्यास करता है और खुद को तुरंत सुधरता है! अपनी कमजोरियों को कैसे जनना और सुधारना है यह जानने के लिए Mock Tests लिजिये!

SBI Clerk Preliminary Exam Pattern 2022

S. NoSectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksTime Duration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3Reasoning353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern 2022

S. NoSectionNo. of QuestionTotal MarksTime Duration
1.General English404035 minutes
2.Quantitative Aptitude505045 minutes
3.Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude506045 minutes
4.General/Financial Awareness505035 minutes
 Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

Preparing for SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam? Take FREE Mock Test & test your skills!

How can working professionals crack SBI Clerk 2022 Exam?

Here are the best ways to prepare for SBI Clerk Exam while already doing Job:

1. Identify your study hours

First and foremost, identify the hours that you can invest in the exam preparation as you are already doing Job. For instance, calculate your Travelling, working, sleeping hours and the time you’re investing Food and other activities. Find out how many hours in a day remain for your studies. As time is very important factor for exam preparation, you should at least invest 2-3 hours daily in your study hours.

 2. Prepare a realistic schedule or timetable

Create a realistic plan or timetable as per the latest SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. Make a study plan of two hours daily and 7-8 hours on weekends. Moreover, stick to that plan and make suitable changes if need be. Make short-term and long-term goals. If you feel you’re weak in any subject or topic, invest more time in it. It will track your progress and make your preparation easy. Further, it will also propel your preparation and increase your concentration levels

3. Go for the right study materials

For professionals or job goers, the online study material can prove to be more useful than the offline one. However, you should choose the best online and offline study material for each section of the syllabus. Make notes, and carry them along. You can revise these notes in your free time during office hours.

4. Make short-term and long-term goals

Make a schedule with short-term and long-term goals for studying. It will be easier to achieve your goals if you know what you want to achieve at the end. This will also help you identify areas that you need to focus on.

5. List all the important topics you need to study

It is essential to master all the questions on all the important topics that keep coming in SBI Clerk Prelims and Mains exams.

Here is some must-do topics that you need to focus on more than others:

  1. Topics for the English Language: Cloze test, Spotting the Error, Sentence Improvement, Para-jumbles, Vocabulary-based Questions, Reading Comprehension
  2. Topics for Quantitative Aptitude: Data Interpretation Questions, Number Series, Simplification/ Approximation, QuaPuzzles & Seating Arrangement
  3. Topics for Reasoning Ability: Syllogism, Inequality, Coding-Decoding, Series-based Questions (Alphanumeric and Numeric), Input-Outputdratic Equations, Comparison between quantities, Arithmetic topics like Profit & Loss, Mixtures & Allegations, Time & Distance, etc.

6. Practice and revise

Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing regularly in any competitive exam is always fruitful. The same proverb applies to the SBI Clerk Exam. So the moment you finish a topic or section, try to solve questions from that topic only. It will help you to test your progress and help you improve. Practice as much as you can. Solve easy questions first and then go for the difficult questions. Always tick the questions you find difficult to answer and revise them later on. Revise whatever you have learned regularly to avoid forgetting it. Hence, allocate at least 2 hours daily for revision.

7.  Improve your time management skills 

Try to practice attempting more questions within short time duration. In this competitive exam, the one who is faster and accurate wins. It tests your ability to think and answer fast because the very aim of a competitive exam is to filter out most of the candidates. Therefore, you need to take care of your time management skills with accuracy while attempting questions. A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner and practice solving questions in minimum time with accuracy. Take as many Mock Tests as you can to achieve that aim in time.

8.   Practice latest SBI Clerk 2022 Mocks Tests

Practice the latest Mock Tests regularly to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. It will not just help you in making a perfect study plan but will also help you in crafting the best exam strategy that suits your talents. Take Mock Tests daily to train your mind to solve exam-like questions with both speed and accuracy.

9.   Take few days off before the exam

Before the exam, take a few days leave from office to revise all the topics well. Stay focused, stick to your schedule and practice hard. This mantra will take you closer to your SBI Clerk 2022 goal.

10.  Be positive, stay away from stress & keep yourself motivated

Be optimistic and motivated while preparing for the exam. There might come such a time when you will start feeling low or demotivated. Don’t get demotivated if score badly while taking Mock Tests. Just try to improve and increase your speed and accuracy. Rest will happen by itself. Do not get disheartened and try to reach your full potential. Don’t forget that practice is the key to success.

Every bank aspirant wants to crack SBI Clerk exam in first attempt! But only those succeed who practice Mock Tests and rectify their mistakes and improve instantly! Take a FREE Mock Test to know how the analysis can help you crack the exam like them!

How can working professionals crack SBI Clerk 2022 Exam?
Take PM’s SBI Clerk Mock Tests like Saurabh & Crack the upcoming SBI Clerk 2022 Exam Just like him!

Take -Away

From all those points which we have discussed, you must have understood that you have to start preparation early, because you are short of time. So, it is better to start your preparation from today and start investing your free time in your studies. Therefore, you need to prepare with the best study plan that best suits your study style followed by the latest SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests. This will save you from getting overwhelmed with the robust SBI Clerk 2022 syllabus. Break up your big study goals into many tiny ones, short-term and long-term goals, and achieve all of them one after another. Get into the right frame of mind before you start studying every day, and you will surely succeed like toppers.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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