The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary– Feb 27, 2022; Day 405
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Difficult Word/ PhraseContextual Sense
Settle score to punish someone for something wrong that they did to you in the past and that you cannot forgive
Partisan Devoted to a cause or party
Unsavoury Morally offensive
Cavalier not careful
Denounce classify or describe as disgraceful
Assertion A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
Outraging to cause someone to feel very angry, shocked, or upset
Egregious extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable
Thwart Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Disconcerting Causing an emotional disturbance
Insinuation the action of suggesting, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true
Hit a nerve provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic
Sly deceiving people in a clever way to get what you want
Strident ​having a loud, rough and unpleasant sound
Seldom Not often
Playbook A scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign
Flouting to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom
Haul up to force someone to go somewhere or see someone in order to be punished or to answer questions about their behaviour

Settling scores (to punish someone for something wrong that they did to you in the past and that you cannot forgive): On Congress leader Pawan Khera’s arrest

Pawan Khera’s arrest shows how partisan (Devoted to a cause or party) police action is a serious threat to liberty

The brief arrest of Congress leader and its Media and Publicity Department chairman Pawan Khera, after he was deboarded from a Raipur-bound flight, for an allegedly unsavoury (Morally offensive) remark against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is yet another instance of how criminal law can be misused to settle political scores. His lawyers managed to obtain an order from the Supreme Court that ensured his interim bail, but the episode highlights the cavalier (not careful) use of the power to arrest under political instruction. It is one thing to denounce (classify or describe as disgraceful) a comment as offensive or hurtful, but quite another to read into it crimes such as making assertions (A declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)) against national integration, outraging (to cause someone to feel very angry, shocked, or upset) religious sentiments or causing enmity in society. It becomes an egregious (extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable) misuse of power if police from a distant State travel all the way to effect an unwarranted arrest based on a complaint by someone claiming to be offended. The Assam Police, which had arrested Gujarat legislator Jignesh Mevani in April 2022 for calling Mr. Modi ‘a Godse worshipper’ on Twitter and produced him before an Assam court, tried to repeat the exercise against Mr. Khera, but were thwarted (Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of) by the Court. It is disconcerting (Causing an emotional disturbance) that the police in Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled States tend to act on complaints relating to events that have nothing to do with their jurisdiction, except for the incidental circumstance that it is reported as news in their geography too, as elsewhere.

Unwarranted insinuations (the action of suggesting, without being direct, that something unpleasant is true) against political leaders are not uncommon when party spokespersons talk to the media, and Mr. Khera’s use of ‘Gautamdas’ as the Prime Minister’s middle name may have touched a raw nerve (Hit a nerve means provoke a reaction by referring to a sensitive topic) among Mr. Modi’s supporters who saw in it a sly (deceiving people in a clever way to get what you want) reference to allegations about his proximity to industrialist Gautam Adani. In fact, Mr. Khera had apologised for his comment. The police often tend to register cases for strident (​having a loud, rough and unpleasant sound) and unsavoury remarks made against those in power. However, the need to arrest someone in such cases is questionable. In most instances, as is the case with Mr. Khera, these comments seldom (Not often) amount to the serious offences mentioned in the FIRs. Malicious or threatening speech may warrant arrest, but strident criticism or tasteless comments alone should not. Multiple FIRs in different jurisdictions and attempts to arrest those involved are part of a playbook (A scheme or set of strategies for conducting a business campaign or a political campaign) common to rulers in many States. Often lost in the controversy is the fact that effecting arrest on charges that attract less than seven years in prison amounts to a flouting (to intentionally not obey a rule, law, or custom) of the norms of arrest. Such egregious violations will continue as long as courts of law limit their protection to grant of bail or clubbing of FIRs, instead of hauling up (to force someone to go somewhere or see someone in order to be punished or to answer questions about their behaviour) the police officers and bureaucrats involved for their partisan action.

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