SSC CPO vs SSC CHSL Detailed Comparative Analysis
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Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts various exams every year to recruit candidates for various posts in the central government. Two of the most popular exams are the SSC Central Police Organization (CPO) exam and the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam. Both these exams offer lucrative career opportunities for aspirants, but they also differ in many aspects. In this article, we will compare and contrast the SSC CPO exam and the SSC CHSL exam based on various parameters such as eligibility, syllabus, pattern, difficulty level, cut-off, salary and career prospects.

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Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for both exams are different in terms of educational qualification, age limit and physical standards.

Educational Qualification

For SSC CPO exam, the candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent. For SSC CHSL exam, the candidates must have passed 12th standard or equivalent from a recognized board or university.

Age Limit

For SSC CPO exam, the age limit is 20-25 years as on 01.08.2023. For SSC CHSL exam, the age limit is 18-27 years as on 01.08.2023. There is a relaxation in the upper age limit for reserved categories as per government norms.

Physical Standards

For SSC CPO exam, the candidates must meet certain physical standards such as height, chest, weight and eyesight as prescribed by the commission. For SSC CHSL exam, there is no physical standard requirement except for the post of Data Entry Operator in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG), which requires a minimum height of 165 cm for male candidates and 150 cm for female candidates.

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Syllabus and Pattern

The syllabus and pattern of both exams are also different in terms of subjects, number of questions, marks, duration and mode of examination.


For SSC CPO exam, the subjects are General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Comprehension. For SSC CHSL exam, the subjects are General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language.

Number of Questions

For SSC CPO exam, there are 200 questions in total, 50 from each subject. For SSC CHSL exam, there are 100 questions in total, 25 from each subject.


For SSC CPO exam, each question carries one mark and there is a negative marking of 0.33 marks for each wrong answer. For SSC CHSL exam, each question carries two marks and there is a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.


For SSC CPO exam, the duration of the paper is two hours. For SSC CHSL exam, the duration of the paper is one hour.

Mode of Examination

For both SSC CPO & SSC CHSL exams, the paper is conducted in online mode (computer-based test).

Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of both exams varies depending on various factors such as the number of applicants, vacancies, cut-off marks and level of competition.

Number of Applicants

The number of applicants for both the exams is very high as they attract lakhs of candidates every year. However, the number of applicants for SSC CHSL exam is higher than that for SSC CPO exam as it requires a lower educational qualification.


The number of vacancies for both the exams is also very high as they offer a large number of posts in various departments and ministries. However, the number of vacancies for SSC CHSL exam is higher than that for SSC CPO exam as it has more categories of posts such as Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Sorting Assistant (SA) and Data Entry Operator (DEO).

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Cut-off Marks

The cut-off marks for both the exams depend on various factors such as difficulty level of the paper, number of applicants, number of vacancies and reservation policy. However, the cut-off marks for SSC CPO exam are generally higher than that for SSC CHSL exam as it has a higher level of competition and a lower number of vacancies.

Level of Competition

The level of competition for both the exams is very high as they are among the most sought-after exams in India. However, the level of competition for SSC CPO exam is higher than that for SSC CHSL exam as it requires a higher educational qualification and a higher level of physical fitness.

Salary and Career Prospects

The salary and career prospects for both the exams are also different in terms of pay scale, allowances, benefits and promotion opportunities.

Pay Scale

The pay scale for both the exams is based on the 7th pay commission and varies according to the post and the grade pay. For SSC CPO exam, the pay scale ranges from Rs. 35,400 to Rs. 1,12,400 per month. For SSC CHSL exam, the pay scale ranges from Rs. 19,900 to Rs. 81,100 per month.

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The allowances for both the exams include dearness allowance, house rent allowance, transport allowance, medical allowance and other allowances as per the rules of the central government. However, the allowances for SSC CPO exam are higher than that for SSC CHSL exam as it involves more risk and responsibility.


The benefits for both the exams include pension, gratuity, leave encashment, medical facilities, insurance and other benefits as per the rules of the central government. However, the benefits for SSC CPO exam are higher than that for SSC CHSL exam as it offers more security and stability.

Promotion Opportunities

The promotion opportunities for both the exams depend on various factors such as performance, seniority, vacancies and departmental exams. However, the promotion opportunities for SSC CPO exam are higher than that for SSC CHSL exam as it has more scope and hierarchy.


To conclude, both the SSC CPO exam and the SSC CHSL exam are excellent choices for candidates who want to join the central government and serve the nation. However, they have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of eligibility, syllabus, pattern, difficulty level, cut-off, salary and career prospects. Therefore, candidates should choose the exam that suits their interest, qualification and aspiration. This is all from us in this article. Follow us on Instagram for all the latest updates.

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