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The notice for the 2023 RBI Assistant examination will be made available soon. The RBI Assistant Selection Process, Exam Pattern, and Syllabus as established by the Reserve Bank of India are currently being sought after by all applicants who intend to sit for the RBI Assistant 2023 Recruitment exam. For a thorough examination schedule and syllabus, read the article below.

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The comprehensive exam curriculum and pattern are essential for developing a successful plan of ace for the upcoming RBI Assistant Exam 2023. Candidates who are interested in the position must prepare according to the exam format provided by RBI for the RBI Assistant positions. This article discusses the RBI Assistant exam syllabus, exam structure, and study guide for the 2023 exam.

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RBI Assistant Exam Pattern 2023

RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam Pattern 2023

  1. There will be 100 questions from 3 sections; English language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability
  2. The time duration of the RBI Assistant Prelims Exam is 60 minutes (each section for 20 minutes).
  3. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer, with no deduction for unanswered questions.
  4. The questions will be of an Objective type
  5. Except for English Language, other sections will be in English and Hindi.
  6. The marks of the Prelims Exam will not be counted in the merit list, as the Prelims exam is qualifying in nature.
SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes

RBI Assistant Mains Exam Pattern 2023

  1. There will be 200 questions from 5 sections; English language, Quantitative Aptitude, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, and Reasoning Ability
  2. The time duration of the RBI Assistant Mains Exam is 135 minutes. Section-wise timing has been mentioned below.
  3. There will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer, no deduction for unanswered questions.
  4. The questions will be of an Objective type
  5. Except for English Language, other sections will be in English and Hindi language.
  6. Candidates qualifying Mains Exam will be called for Language Proficiency Test and marks will be counted in preparing the merit list.
Sections No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language404030 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude404030 minutes
Reasoning Ability404030 minutes
Computer Knowledge404020 minutes
General Awareness404025 minutes
Total200200135 minutes

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RBI Assistant Study Plan

Day 1SimplificationCoding-decoding and Order and ranking
Day 2Para Jumble, Sentence rearrangementHistory of Banking, Nationalization of banks
Day 3Mock TestBanking Terms, Banking abbreviation
Day 4Reading Comprehension, Error DetectionCurrent affairs revision
Day 5Cloze Test, Double FillersSyllogism and Inequality
Day 6Mock TestPuzzles
Day 7Error Detection, Sentence ImprovementBank rates, Bank accounts, Cheques, Monetary Policy, Money market, Capital Market, BASEL SARFAESI Act
Day 8Simple Interest & Compound Interest, Time & Work, SimplificationAlphanumeric series and Miscellaneous
Day 9Mock TestCurrent Affairs
Day 10Blood relation and DirectionError Detection, Column Filler
Day 11Probabilities, Permutation & Combination, Bar DIPara Jumble, Double sentence-single filler, Cloze Test
Day 12Mock TestData Sufficiency, Simplification
Day 13Word RearrangementAll about important things related to NABARD, NBFC, and international organizations (IMF, World Bank, ADB, etc)
Day 14Mixture & AllegationCloze Test Word replacement, Column Based
Day 15Mock TestDirection Sense, Double Filler
Day 16SyllogismCurrent Affairs
Day 17Sentence RearrangementQuadratic Inequalities
Day 18Mock TestWord Swap, Double fillers
Day 19Word problemsBasic hardware and software
Day 20Syllogism and Blood relationPhrasal Verbs
Day 21Mock TestCurrent affairs revision
Day 22Word Swap, Column FillerBlood Relation, Word Problems
Day 23Para Jumble, Word ReplacementParagraph completion
Day 24Mock TestCoding-Decoding
Day 25Input/Output deviceCombination Filler, Vocab
Day 26Mix. DITable DI
Day 27Mock TestReading Comprehension
Day 28Reading ComprehensionPractice Set
Day 29Quantity BasedWindows and operating system
Day 30Mock TestAlphanumeric Series,
Day 31Bar DIRecent Committees, commiittees, acts, appointments, new apps by different banks and government.
Day 32Error spottingBlood relations
Day 33Mock TestCurrent affairs revision
Day 34Wrong SeriesNational and state-wise current affairs
Day 35Quadratic InequalitiesNew schemes and Pradhan mantri Yojna related
Day 36Mock TestCurrent affairs revision
Day 37Odd one outcaselets
Day 38syllogismWork done by IMF, World bank, World bank
Day 39Mock Testnew rules and regulation regarding banking system
Day 40Quadratic equationNational and state-wise current affairs
Day 41Important basics of puzzlesCurrent affairs revision
Day 42Mock TestSeating arrangement questions
Day 43InequalityRecent schemes, committee, acts, appointment, new apps byyy different banks
Day 44syllogismRevision
Day 45Mock TestCurrent affairs revision

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