RBI Assistant Notification (*Expected) 2022-2023
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RBI Assistant Notification (*Expected): Before moving any further let us understand the job profile of RBI Assistant.

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RBI Assistant job Profile

RBI Assistant is a clerical position. Selected candidates will be assigned to various regional offices of the RBI, which are primarily located in state capitals. Candidates hired for the RBI Assistant position will be responsible for the following duties:

  • Candidates for the RBI Assistant position must maintain files that include receipt collection, ledger maintenance, balance tally, and so on.
  • Data Entry entails entering daily transactions into a computer.
    Maintaining and responding to email logs
  • Responding to RTI (Right to Information) Requests
  • Currency Production and Distribution
  • Selected candidates must verify their banking documents.
  • Attending to Government Treasury Business

RBI Assistant Notification (*Expected)

RBI Assistant Notification: Working for Reserve Bank of India is a dream for almost every banking aspirant. RBI Assistant, officer and Grade-B are few job opportunities that aspirants are looking for in RBI. RBI Assistant and Grade-B recruitment process 2022 has been going on, so there is some news regarding 2023 notification, which would discuss in this article.

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When can you expect the RBI Assistant notification?

RBI Assistant Notification is expected in 2023. Last year, RBI Assistant notification came out on 14th February, 2022. And last to last year the exam was held on 14th February, 2021. But this year, it’s not the same case, we are not expecting the exam or the notification on 14th February, It is expected earlier than that. RBI Assistant notification is expected in 1st or 2nd week of January, 2023.

How many vacancies you expect for RBI Assistant?

It’s too early to quote any number for the number of vacancies for RBI assistant position. The total number of vacancies will be finalized after the release of RBI Assistant notification or it might be a possibility that there will be reconciliation of vacancies in these 4-5 months. Last year there were absolutely no vacancies in OBC and SC section. Therefore to understand the exact bifurcation of vacancies, we have to wait for RBI Assistant notification 2023.

What are the expected date of RBI Assistant Prelims and Mains exam 2023?

The RBI Assistant Prelims examination is expected to take place in 1st week of March, 2023 and RBI Assistant mains is expected in 3rd week of April, 2023.

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Understanding Past year Exam Pattern

Understanding the syllabus and exam pattern will help you make a perfect RBI Assistant 2022 preparation strategy. And the perfect preparation strategy demands a perfect knowledge of the syllabus and all the section-wise important topics to design a perfect study plan to taste success.

The Preliminary Exam has three sections:

1.       English Language

2.       Reasoning Ability

3.       Quantitative Ability

Note: 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer given.

The main exam has 5 sections:

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1.       English language

2.       Reasoning

3.       Quantitative

4.       Computer knowledge

5.       General Awareness

Language Proficiency Test checks whether you are well versed in the local language. You will reach another stage, only if you have cleared the first stage.

RBI Assistant Prelims 2021-2022 Exam Pattern

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PaperTotal No. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
English Language3030
Numerical Ability3535
Reasoning Ability3535
RBI Assistant Prelims Exam Pattern

Negative Marking Scheme: No mark is deducted on leaving the question (unattempted), while wrong answers have a negative marking of 0.25 mark.

RBI Assistant Mains 2022 Exam Pattern

PaperNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
English Language4040
Numerical Ability4040
General Awareness4040
Test of Computer Knowledge4040
RBI Assistant Mains Exam Pattern 2022

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RBI Assistant Syllabus 2022

SubjectsTopics/ Contents
Venn Diagram
Verbal reasoning

Word Formation
Direction and Distance Blood Relations
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Numerical AbilityData Interpretation
Number Series
Ratio and Proportion

Time and Work
Problem on Ages
Mensuration Speed, Distance and Time
English LanguageReading Comprehension
Phrases and Idioms
Spelling Error
Error Detection
Synonyms & Antonyms
One-word Substitution
Sentence Correction
Fill in the Blanks
General AwarenessHistory

Static General Knowledge
Current Affairs Science
Important Schemes
People in News Awards
Banking Awareness
Computer KnowledgeMS Office
Operating System
Database Management
Internet & Web
RBI Assistant Syllabus 2022

The RBI Assistant Exam is conducted for a wide range of disciplines. The subject-wise detailed syllabus is provided below. The candidates can also refer to the official website of RBI for more details about the syllabus.

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Hope this article could be of some assistance regarding an expected date of exam, as well as expected notification. Also, since we all have a rough idea about exam pattern so preparing from this time itself would be great idea in order to avoid any last minute mishappening.

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