OSCB Bank Prelims- Last Minute Tips & Strategy
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OSCB Bank Prelims is Just Around the Corner

OSCB Bank Prelims is only 3 days away. Are you excited? We are sure that your preparation & revision would be going in top gear. Remember, it’s a now-or-never situation right now. Obviously, your preparation until this point in time matters a lot, but how much practice you do in the last few days matter too. With continuous practice and review, you start performing better and go through different kinds of questions multiple times. This only boosts your confidence in the actual exam. With lakhs of aspirants fighting for a handful of vacancies, it is no secret that nothing else but practising persistently and constantly reviewing it will help you in winning this war.

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Topic-wise Quizzes to Make You Ready

We know the importance of practice and this is why we have been launching quizzes on the most probable topics. This is to help you practice more. These quizzes are absolutely free to take. You can select those topics on which you still need improvement and start taking those quizzes. Every quiz you take is followed by an insightful report analyzing your performance. Utilize the report you get once you are done with the quiz to identify and improve on your weak areas. Make the most of these quizzes and continue practising, reviewing and improving on your weak areas.

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Revise the concepts and keep practising

Try revising the concepts you are good at and the ones you are not so good at. Also, have a look at the solving methodology of the tricky questions you have faced in the past. Whatever you do, don’t start ;earning a new topic at this point in time; rather use the time to practice as much as you can on the topics you already know. Also, track your performance in the succeeding mock tests. You need to score more than 95 percentile on a continuous basis.

Consider the Cut-offs & Negative Marking

Cut-offs of previous years are not available so you need to put the best of your efforts in this exam. This is the only way you can clear the cut-offs. There are sectional as well as overall cut-offs in place. However, please be informed that negative marking is also there. So exercise extreme caution while answering the questions. If you answer too many questions incorrectly, your final score will be badly affected.

One day before the exam

Don’t take any mock test/quiz just the day before the exam. Keep your admit card, id card & stationary ready. If possible, take a stroll at your examination centre so that you don’t face any difficulty in locating it the next day. Most importantly, stay calm & relaxed; you have already done the preparation to the best of your calibre. 

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Section-wise Tips


  • Revise all the grammar rules. These rules will help you in error detection/ correction.
  • Don’t repeat any mistake you committed in error detection questions.
  • Revise the new words you have learnt. These will help you in vocab-based questions and will also help you in topics like fillers, reading comprehension, parajumbles etc.
  • Practice lots of English quizzes. There is no substitute for practice.
  • Spot the easy questions and solve them first. Vocab-based questions are generally perceived to be easy.

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Numerical Ability

  • Revise tables until 30, squares & square roots until 50 and cube & cube roots until 30.
  • Ensure that the concepts of ratio & proportion, percentage and average are crystal clear. There can be standalone questions as well as questions of DI can also be based on these.
  • Don’t have any doubt on different kinds of graphs & tables such as Caselets, Radar/Web, Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular and Pie Chart. Understanding those well will help you answer the DI questions quickly and with accuracy.
  • Pick easy topics first like simplification, approximation, number series etc. You may leave difficult topics like data interpretation for the end.
  • Keep practicing quizzes.


  • Categorise reasoning topics in 3 categories: easy, moderate and difficult. Finish easy topics first and then move on to moderate & difficult topics.
  • Prioritise topics like blood relation, direction & distance, syllogism etc. and secure their marks.
  • Practice a lot of reasoning quizzes and keep making a note of your mistakes so that you don’t make those in the actual exam.
  • Be mindful of negative marks and answer carefully.

This is all from our side. Wishing you all the best in your exam!

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