Last day for IBPS RRB Application June 28, 2021
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IBPS RRB Apply Online 2021:  

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Today is the last day for filing your application with the IBPS RRB exams 2021. June 28 was decided to be the final date for accepting the registrations. If you still haven’t applied and wish to do so, well, now is the time.  

The applications were being invited since the 8th of June, 2021. However, this time IBPS RRB had a rocky period when it comes to vacancy announcements. They came-up with newly announced vacancies for at least 4 times since June 8. The last was observed on June 24.  

Going by the official notification which was released on June 24 there will be 12,810 vacancies this year for RRB. Here are the online application links for different positions and categories: 

IBPS RRB Apply Online for IBPS RRB Office Assistant (Clerk) 2021 

IBPS RRB Apply Online for IBPS RRB Officer Scale- I (PO) 2021 

IBPS RRB Apply Online for IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II & III 2021 

Note: Please note that aspirants can’t register for this exam via a mobile phone. You will have to open these links on either desktop or on your laptops.  


Here are the steps you need to follow for your IBPS RRB Application: 

  • First, visit the official website of IBPS which is Open it on laptop or desktop.  
  • Now, click on the CRP RRB section and you will be directed to the RRB’s recruitment page. Choose the post for which you want to apply for. 
  • Now, click on “Click here for new registration.” 
  • In order to register yourself, you will have to give away your email address, phone number, and your official name.  
  • Now, log in by using your credentials which you just used for the initial registration process. 
  • Fill out all the details asked in the application form. 
  • The next step is to upload your photograph and signature. Please adhere to the format designed by the IBPS. Otherwise, you might face issues with the registration. 
  • Here is the list of digital documents needed along with their file size: 
IBPS RRB Apply Online 2021 – Documents Required  
Documents Required File Size Pixels 
Passport Size Photograph 20-50 kb 200×230 
Signature 10-20 kb 140×160 
Left Thumb Impression 20-50 kb 240×240 
Hand Written Declaration 50-100 kb 800×400 
  • Now you will be asked to choose your preferences. Our recommendation is to choose all of them because at times RRB can report additional vacancies later.  
  • Now, preview your entire application carefully. Confirm your photograph and signature.  
  • Now, upload your self-written declaration letter.  
  • The final step is now to make the due payment. There are different modes available, you can choose anyone at your convenience.  
  • Once the payment is done and successful, the application status would appear on the screen. Make sure that you take out the printout for future reference and even save that web page on your desktop or laptop.  

Here are some other relevant details of IBPS RRB: 

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2021 Overview  

  • Name of Exam: Institute of Banking Personnel Selection  
  • Regional Rural Banks (IBPS RRB)  
  • Posts Available: Officers Scale I, II, and III and Office Assistant (Multipurpose)  
  • Groups: Group A & B  
  • Total Vacancies (Including updated) – 11,884  
  • Exam Eligibility: Graduation  
  • Exam Level – National   
  • IBPS RRB Exam Stages: Officers Scale I: Prelims, Mains, and Interview  

                                          Office Assistant: Prelims and Mains  

                                           Officers Scale II and III: Single level exam and then interview  

  • Mode of Exam: Online  
  • IBPS RRB Exam Duration: Prelims – 45 minutes, Mains – 2 hours, Single level exam – 2 hours  
  • Official Website: 

IBPS RRB Exam Fee  

Here is the category wise application fee for all the categories:  

  1. SC/ST/PWD/XS – Rs. 175 /-  
  1. General/OBC/EWS – Rs. 850 /- 

As you know today is the last day for registration. The payment will also be done today as well. Just don’t leave the application incomplete after initial registration.  


IBPS RRB Age Limit 

Posts Age Limit 
Office Assistant 18 years -28 years 
Officer Scale-I 18 years – 30 years 
Officer Scale-II 21 years – 32 years 
Officer Scale-III 21 years – 40 years 

Final Updated Vacancy List for all the Positions 

Please go through this list carefully as it will be you final status about the distribution of all the vacancies.

Post Vacancies (7th June 2021) Increased Vacancies (10th June 2021) Increased Vacancies (17th June 2021)  Increased Vacancies (22nd June) Vacancies as of 24th June  
Office Assistants (Multipurpose) 6101 6827 6888 7001 6794 
Officer Scale I 4257 4658 4716 4846 4703 
Officer Scale-II (Agriculture Officer) 26 26 26 26 26 
Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer) 42 42 42 42 42 
Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager) 10 10 10 10 
Officer Scale-II (Law) 28 28 28 28 28 
Officer Scale-II (CA) 33 33 33 33 33 
Officer Scale-II (IT) 60 60 60 60 60 
Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer) 917 925 940 940 902 
Officer Scale III 213 211 215 215 211 
Total 11687 12820 12958 13201 12810 

Read this article for the state and bank wise vacancy distribution for IBPS RRB 2021.

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Still, have some doubts? Let us know in the comment section below.  

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