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SSC CHSL Tier I is about to take place. The exam is scheduled on May 20, 2022 thereby, leaving 28 days in hands of the candidates to prepare for it. Those who are giving the exam for the first time must prepare it well so that it can be cracked in the very first attempt. General Awareness as we all know is quite an important section that can make or break the situation. Thus, its important to stay updated as far as this particular section is concerned. Free mock test of SSC CHSL is already live on our platform thus, candidates must keep giving mock tests and keep up their exam preparation. Before, moving further onto this let us take a close look at the SSC CHSL Tier I exam pattern

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How to Crack SSC CHSL Tier I in 30 Days | Study Plan

SSC CHSL Tier I Exam Pattern

PartSubject (Not in sequence)No. of Questions/Maximum Marks
IEnglish Language (Basic Knowledge)25/ 50
IIGeneral Intelligence25/ 50
IIIQuantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)25/ 50
IVGeneral Awareness25/ 50


  • ** Total time duration for all parts is 60 minutes (80 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribes).
  • ** In Tier I examination questions will be set both in English and Hindi for Part II, III & IV. Multiple Choice and Objective type questions only.
  • ** Negative marking of 0.50 marks is applicable for each wrong answer.

In this article we are here to give you preparation tips for the General Awareness section for the SSC CHSL Tier I exam. Let’s take a sneak peak into the SSC CHSL general awareness syllabus.

SSC CHSL Tier I Syllabus- General Awareness

Basics of Computers and Computer ApplicationsCommon Abbreviations,Current Events of National and International Importance
Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at LargeFamous Personalities of India and World,Flagship Government Programs
Flora and Fauna of IndiaGames and Sports, Art and Culture of IndiaGeneral Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE)
General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and Other important World OrganizationsHistory of India and Freedom StruggleImportant Government and Public Sector Organizations of India
Indian EconomyIndian Literature, Monuments and Places of IndiaIndian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system
Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and WorldTransport Systems in India 

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The SSC CHSL General Awareness section is majorly classified into four different categories including:

Current Affairs – It is the dynamic part of the SSC CHSL GA section and candidates must know and cover all national and international recent developments. Aspirants must have a sound knowledge of at least 6 months of current affairs in order to ace this section.

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Static GK – Static GK covers facts and topics which are never going to change. It primarily includes geography, history, economics and polity.

General Science – In order to do well in this particular section SSC CHSL candidates must have the basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology.

Miscellaneous – Questions related to topics including Important days national schemes, Book names and authors, Computer and Logical analysis etc.

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Important Topics in General Awareness Section

As far as SSC CHSL Tier I General Awareness section is concerned here are few important in this section:


Gravity & MotionUses, Common Names and Composition of Various ChemicalsParts of Plant & their Functions
Sound & HeatAlloysParts of Human Body & their Functions
Work & PressureDefinition Based Questions (Heat, Oxidation, Reduction etc.)Basics of Animal Kingdom
ElectricitySI unitsDiseases, Prevention & Cure
Units of MeasurementChemical Change & Physical ChangeNutrients & Deficiency Diseases

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Indus Valley CivilizationEstablishment & Expansion of the Delhi SultanateEuropean Penetration & British Conquest of India
Buddhism & JainismReligious Movements in the Fifteenth & Sixteenth CenturiesMajor Battles, Governor-Generals of India & Indian Princely States
The MauryansMughal DynastySocial & Cultural Awakening in India
Post-Mauryan KingdomsLater MughalsThe Great Revolt of 1857 & Indian National Congress
The Gupta PeriodThe Maratha StateNationalist Movement, 1905- 1918: Growth of Militant Nationalism

SSC CHSL Tier 1 2020 Previous Year Paper 1


Movement Of EarthWindsSoils of India
Interior of EarthOcean & CurrentsAgriculture in India
Latitude & LongitudeVolcanoes & EarthquakesTransportation in India
Solar systemHabitatMineral Resources
AtmosphereRivers of IndiaContinents of the World

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Framing Of The ConstitutionPresidentGovernor
Sources Of Indian ConstitutionVidhan SabhaVice President
Schedules & Parts Of Indian ConstitutionAttorney General Of IndiaVidhan Parishad
Chief MinstersComptroller Auditor GeneralPanchayats
CitizenshipLok SabhaParliamentary Funds
Article 370Rajya SabhaSupreme Court
Emergency In IndiaBillsHigh Court
CommissionsPrime Minister & Cabinet MinistersWrits

SSC CHSL Tier 1 2020 Previous Year Paper 2

SSC CHSL General Awareness Preparation Tips

The General Awareness preparation section is nothing but knowledge about the current happenings and basic knowledge about science etc. A focused preparation of this topic is what is required. Below are few major tips and strategy to ace the General Awareness section

  • Keep yourself updated and revise important current affairs news on a regular basis including political news, world economics, important business deals etc.
  • Reading newspaper on a daily basis is a must. Aspirants must send some time watching news in order to improve their general knowledge.
  • Follow magazines and books like Lucent’s General Knowledge, Manorama Yearbook etc as these are the best resources for General Awareness and candidates will find great information from these.
  • Practice or take help from previous year papers as they will of great help.
  • Candidates must try and participate in online discussions about topics of both national and international interest.

Though, there are no set boundaries as far as preparation of General Awareness is concerned, but aspirants should take down notes which they can revise later at the time of exam. These are some of the important aspects and preparation strategies for General Awareness section of SSC CHSL Tier I exam. Keep up your preparation level high and ace the upcoming exam.

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