How to Ace Numerical Ability IBPS RRB PO Exam_19-7-2023 (1)
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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Regional Rural Banks (RRB) Probationary Officer (PO) exam is a highly competitive examination that requires thorough preparation and a strong foundation in numerical ability. This section of the exam tests your quantitative aptitude and mathematical skills. To excel in this crucial aspect of the IBPS RRB PO exam, you need a well-planned strategy and focused practice. In this blog, we will discuss some effective tips and techniques to help you crack the numerical ability section with confidence.

Overview of Prelims Syllabus of IBPS RRB PO

SectionNo. of QsMax MarksDuration
Reasoning4040Composite times of 45 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude4040

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  1. Understand the Syllabus:
    The first step towards preparing for any exam is to have a clear understanding of the syllabus. The numerical ability section of the IBPS RRB PO exam typically covers topics such as number systems, simplification, percentage, ratio and proportion, time and work, time and distance, profit and loss, data interpretation, and basic arithmetic. Make a comprehensive list of the topics and subtopics, and allocate your study time accordingly.
  2. Build Strong Fundamentals:
    To tackle numerical ability questions effectively, you must have a solid foundation in the basic concepts of mathematics. Start by revisiting the fundamentals of arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Understand the underlying principles and formulas thoroughly. Strengthen your knowledge by practicing a variety of problems from different difficulty levels.
  3. Learn Time-Saving Techniques:
    Time management is crucial in the IBPS RRB PO exam. Work on enhancing your calculation speed and accuracy. Learn shortcut methods for solving problems involving calculations, such as square roots, cube roots, multiplication, and division. Familiarize yourself with approximation techniques to quickly estimate the solutions. These time-saving techniques will help you solve questions within the given time frame.
  4. Practice Regularly:
    Practice is the key to success in the numerical ability section. Solve a wide range of problems from previous years’ question papers and practice sets specifically designed for the IBPS RRB PO exam. Focus on solving questions across different topics and difficulty levels. Gradually increase the level of difficulty as you progress. This will improve your problem-solving skills and boost your confidence.
  5. Analyze and Review:
    After practicing a set of questions, take time to analyze your performance. Identify the areas where you faced difficulties and work on strengthening those weak areas. Regularly review the concepts and formulas to ensure retention. Maintain a notebook to jot down important formulas, tricks, and tips that you come across during your preparation. This will serve as a quick reference guide during revision.
  6. Time-bound Mock Tests:
    Simulate the exam environment by taking regular mock tests. Allocate a fixed time frame for each section and attempt the questions accordingly. Mock tests will help you assess your performance, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and fine-tune your exam strategy. Analyze the solutions to understand the reasoning behind each step. Focus on improving your speed, accuracy, and time management skills.
  7. Stay Updated with Current Affairs:
    The numerical ability section of the IBPS RRB PO exam often includes questions related to data interpretation and analysis. Stay updated with current affairs, financial news, and statistical data. Read newspapers, magazines, and online resources to improve your understanding of the latest happenings in the banking and financial sector. This knowledge will be invaluable while interpreting data and solving related questions.
  8. Seek Guidance:
    Consider joining coaching classes or online platforms that offer specialized guidance for the IBPS RRB PO exam. Experienced mentors can provide valuable insights, shortcuts, and strategies to help you crack the numerical ability section. Engage in discussions with fellow aspirants to exchange ideas and learn from each other’s experiences.

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Cracking the numerical ability section of the IBPS RRB PO exam requires dedicated effort, consistent practice, and a systematic approach. Understand the syllabus, build strong fundamentals, learn time-saving techniques, and practice regularly. Analyze your performance, take mock tests, and stay updated with current affairs. With perseverance and the right strategy, you can overcome any challenge and achieve success in the IBPS RRB PO exam. Best of luck!

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By Nikhil

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