Are you ready to face the CRPF ASI exam 2023? Want to grab an ASI post? But to achieve your aim you’ll have to compete with thousands of students. And you’ll have to dedicate yourself to covering the CRPF ASI syllabus to be successful. And you have still enough time to invest your energies into covering the syllabus and sharpening your skills. Don’t forget that to be successful it is essential to revise well and trade towards the right path to success. stay on the right track. And to find that right path you need to evaluate where you stand right now. This is where the revision Mock Tests come into the picture. And here we have brought for you simple and very effective CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Tests and that too just for Free. This will not only evaluate your present mindset and preparation style but will also provide to with the analysis for your further improvement.
The online exam for the CRPF ASI is going to be held on 27th March 2023. CRPF will fill 143 ASI (Assistant Sub-Inspector) posts. So, if you seriously want this government job, you should waste no time, and start treading on the route to success!
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ALSO, READ CRPF ASI 2023 Exam-Last 5 Days Revision Plan
CRPF ASI/HCM Exam Pattern 2023
Central Reserve Police Force Head Constable (Ministerial) will be selected on the basis of written examination, physical standard test, and medical examination. The questions in the exam will be at the high school level. CRPF ASI Written Exam will be of 100 marks with a total of 100 questions and the duration of the exam will be 2 (two) hours. CRPF ASI Syllabus 2023 includes General Knowledge and Reasoning Ability, Intellectual Ability and Mental Aptitude, Hindi or English, and Science and Simple Arithmetic subjects. There will be any negative marking of 1/4th in the written test. The minimum required cut-off marks for a general candidate is 35, and OBC, ST, and SC cut-off marks are 33.
Sr. No. | Name of the Subject | Number of Questions | Marks for each Question | Duration |
1 | Hindi or English language | 25 | 25 | 90 Minutes/100 marks |
2 | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 25 | 25 | |
3 | Numerical Aptitude | 25 | 25 | |
4 | General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
Note: General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and Numerical Aptitude sections will be in bilingual format.
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CRPF ASI Syllabus 2023
1. Hindi / English language:
1. Ability to understand correct English
2. Basic comprehension and writing ability, etc.
3. Error Recognition
4. fill in the blanks (using verbs, prepositions, articles, etc)
5. Vocabulary
6. Spellings
7. Grammar
8. Sentence Structure
9. Synonyms
10. Antonyms
11. Sentence Completion
12. Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, etc
2. General Intelligence :
1. Visual Memory
2. Discrimination
3. Space Orientation
4. Social Intelligence
5. Coding & Decoding
6. Figural Pattern – Folding & Completion
7. Embedded Figures
8. Space Visualization
9. Problem-Solving
10. Decision making
11. Semantic Series
12. Symbolic & Number Analogy
13. Venn Diagrams
14. Drawing Inferences
15. Word Building
16. Symbolic Operations
17. Space Visualization
18. Spatial Orientation
19. Semantic Analogy
20. Semantic Classification
21. Figural Series
22. Analogies
23. Word Building
24. Figural Analogy
25. Figural Classification
26. Emotional Intelligence
27. Observation
28. Relationship Concepts
29. Numerical Operations
30. Symbolic & Number Classification
31. Number Series
32. Critical Thinking
33. Arithmetical Reasoning & Figural Classification
34. Arithmetic Number Series
35. Symbolic Operations.
3. Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Computation of Whole Numbers
2. Decimals and Fractions and Relationship between Numbers
3. Fundamental Arithmetical operations
4. Time and Distance
5. Discount
6. Averages
7. Interest
8. Mensuration
9. Time and Work
10. Number Systems
11. Profit and Loss
12. Use of Table and Graphs
13. Mensuration
14. Ratio and Time
15. Percentages, Ratio & proportion
4. General Awareness:
1. History
2. Scientific Research
3. General Policy
4. Books and Authors
5. Culture
6. Awards and Honors
7. Economic knowledge
8. Geography
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CRPF ASI 2022-Most Scoring Topics
Subject | Syllabus |
Hindi Language Or English Language (optional) | Vocabulary, Sentence Rearrangement, Fill in the Blanks, Idioms & Phrases, Grammar, Comprehension, Synonyms, Unseen Passages, Antonyms |
General Intelligence | Analogies, Spatial Orientation, Problem-Solving, Analysis, Space Visualization, Visual Memory, Decision Making, Relationship Concepts, Figural Classification, Arithmetical Reasoning, Coding and Decoding, Arithmetic Number Series, Statement Conclusion |
Quantitative Aptitude | Number Systems, Whole Numbers, Decimals & Fractions, Percentages, Fundamental Arithmetical Operation, profit & Loss, Mixtures & Allegations, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Discount, Data Interpretation |
General Aptitude | Verbal Aptitude, Analytical Aptitude, Spatial Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude |
CRPF ASI Exam 2023-Last 13 Days Revision of Most Scoring Topics
Given below is a 13-Day revision plan with Mock Tests that will surely help you cover all the most scoring topics and make you well-prepared to take the upcoming CRPF ASI exam with full confidence.
S. No. | General Intelligence & Reasoning Section | General Awareness Section | Numerical Ability Section | English Language Section |
Day 1 | Analogy Take a Free CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test with Mock Test Analysis | Static General Knowledge | Fundamental Arithmetical operations | Ability to understand correct English |
Day 2 | Classification Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 1 with Mock Test Analysis | Indian States and Union Territories | Decimals and Fractions and Ratio and Time Percentages | English Grammar Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 2 with Mock Test Analysis |
Day 3 | Practice Coding-decoding Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 3 with Mock Test Analysis | Current Affairs | Relationship between Numbers Time and Distance | Synonyms & Antonyms |
Day 4 | Paper folding method Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 4 with Mock Test Analysis | Sports, People in the news | Discount | Idioms and Phrases |
Day 5 | Matrix Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 5 with Mock Test Analysis | Books and Authors | Time and Work | Error Spotting |
Day 6 | Practice Venn Diagram Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 6 with Mock Test Analysis | Important Schemes | Use of Table and Graphs | Basic comprehension and writing ability |
Day 7 | Practice Blood Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 7 with Mock Test Analysis | History | Computation of Whole Numbers | Sentence Completion |
Day 8 | Relations Series Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 8 with Mock Test Analysis | Geography | Mensuration | Revise Vocabulary |
Day 9 | Prectice Verbal, Reasoning Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 9 with Mock Test Analysis | Economics | Averages Interest | Spellings |
Day 10 | Direction & Distance Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 10 with Mock Test Analysis | Awards and Honors | Profit and Loss | Fill in the blanks |
Day 11 | Practice Non-verbal reasoning Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 11 with Mock Test Analysis | Science & Technology | Revision | Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, etc. |
Day 12 | Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 12 with Mock Test Analysis | Current Affairs | Number Systems | Sentence Structure |
Day 13 | Word Formation Take CRPF ASI 2023 Mock Test 13 with Mock Test Analysis | Static General Knowledge | Ratio & proportion | English Grammar |
ALSO READ: CRPF Assistant Sub-Inspector 2023 Exam-Best Last 12 Days Study Plan
Last 13 Days Revision Plan for ASI-Hindi Section
S. No. | Hindi |
Day 1 | व्याकरण |
Day 2 | वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण |
Day 3 | तत्सम एवं तदभव |
Day 4 | त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द |
Day 5 | सन्धि |
Day 6 | लिंग |
Day 7 | शब्दावली |
Day 8 | शब्दों का उपयोग |
Day 9 | कारक |
Day 10 | तत्सम एवं तदभव |
Day 11 | समास |
Day 12 | व्याकरण Revision |
Day 13 | शब्दों का उपयोग Revision |
Revise all the Important Topics |
Take 1 Free CRPF ASI Mock Test & Analyze Your Performance & Improve to Give Performace in the Actual Exam!
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The Bottom Line
Don’t worry if you are failing in answering questions quickly. There are still a few more days left for a good revision of all the subjects that you’ll have to face in the exam. Try to calmly improve with every CRPF ASI Mock Test and go through the analysis.
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