Best Books for IBPS RRB PO Exam Preparation?
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IBPS RRB PO Preparation Books: Are you ready to tread on the right path to crack the IBPS RRB PO exam? With vacancies for Officer Scale I, II, III, and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) awaiting, aspirants like you are on the lookout for the ultimate weapon: the right IBPS RRB PO Preparation books. In a sea of options, selecting the best ones can make all the difference. Let’s delve into the treasure trove of knowledge to find the gems that will pave your path to success.

The IBPS RRB PO Selection Process is a three-stage process comprising Prelims, Mains, and Interview rounds. 

Also read: IBPS RRB PO 2024: 35 Days Mock Test Challenge for Complete RRB PO Prelims Preparation & IBPS RRB PO 2024-Best 60 Days Preparation Strategy for the Prelims Exam

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IBPS RRB PO Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2024

The IBPS RRB PO selection process spans Prelims, Mains, and Interviews. It’s a rigorous journey where each stage demands meticulous preparation. To qualify for the mains, aspirants must first clear the preliminary examination, showcasing a solid grasp of the syllabus. With negative marking looming, precision is paramount.

Best IBPS RRB PO Books for 2024

Your choice of study materials significantly impacts your exam preparation journey. Our team of exam experts has meticulously curated a subject-wise list of IBPS RRB books tailored to the exam syllabus and question trends. Prepare effectively for the IBPS RRB Examination 2024 with these recommended resources.

1.     IBPS RRB PO Books for Quantitative Aptitude

Dive into the realm of numbers with these indispensable Quantitative Aptitude books:

Name of BookAuthorPublisher
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExaminationsR.S. AggarwalS. Chand Publication
Magical Book on Quicker MathematicsM TyraB. SC Publication
Quantitative CATSarvesh K VermaArihant Publication
Quantitative Aptitude for CATArun SharmaTata McGraw Hill Publication
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic (Completely Revised Edition)Rajesh VermaArihant.

2.     IBPS RRB PO Books on Reasoning 

Sharpen your logical acumen with these must-have books:

Name of BookAuthorPublisher
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal ReasoningR.S AggarwalS. Chand Publication
Analytical ReasoningMK PandeyBSC Publication
A New Approach to Reasoning: Verbal, Non-Verbal & Analytical.B.S SijwaliArihant Publication

3.     IBPS RRB PO Books for English

Master the English language part of the RRB PO exam with these essential books given below:

Name of BookAuthorPublisher
Objective General EnglishR.S. Aggarwal, Vikas AggarwalS. Chand Publication
Objective General EnglishS P BakshiArihant Publication
Word Power Made EasyNorman LewisPenguin Publication
Objective EnglishHari Mohan Prasad & UR SinhaTata McGraw Hill Publication

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4.     IBPS RRB PO Books for Computer Awareness

Conquer the digital domain with these indispensable resources:

Name of BookPublisher
ComputerLucent Publication
Computer AwarenessArihant Publication
Objective Computer Knowledge & Literacy 2610 + Objective QuestionKiran Prakashan

5.     IBPS RRB PO Books for General/Banking/Financial Awareness

Stay abreast of current affairs with these informative reads:

  1. B.SC Monthly Magazine
  2. Lucentโ€™s General Knowledge (for static GK)
  3. Banking Awareness – Arihant Publication.

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Tips for IBPS RRB PO Interview 2024

When preparing for the IBPS RRB SO Interview, here are essential tips to remember:

1. Be honest about your achievements; exaggeration won’t help. Highlight your strengths genuinely, focusing on relevant experiences that demonstrate your suitability for the role.

2. Upon entering, greet and introduce yourself confidently, maintaining eye contact and a friendly demeanor to create a positive first impression.

3. Expect questions on current events and hobbies, so stay updated with recent news and have genuine interests to discuss, showcasing your well-rounded personality.

4. Practice common interview queries such as strengths and weaknesses, career goals, and situational responses to build confidence and articulate your thoughts effectively during the interview.

5. Dress professionally, adhering to formal attire guidelines to convey seriousness and professionalism. Choose attire that is neat, well-fitted, and appropriate for a corporate setting.

6. Punctuality is crucial; arrive on time or slightly early to demonstrate reliability and respect for the interviewer’s time. Plan your journey in advance, considering traffic or any potential delays, to ensure a stress-free arrival.

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10 Tips for IBPS RRB PO Exam Preparation 2024

Candidates preparing for the exam should start training early for better results. Here are some tips to boost exam scores:

1.     Get familiar with the exam structure and content

The IBPS RRB PO Exam has two phases: Prelims and Mains. The Prelims tests your Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude skills with 40 questions and 40 marks each. The Mains assesses your Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness, English/Hindi Language, and Computer Knowledge abilities with 40 questions and 40 marks each.

2.     Take mock tests and previous year papers often

This will help you boost your speed, accuracy, and time management skills. You can also evaluate your performance and find out your strong and weak areas.

3.     Concentrate on the important topics and concepts

Some of the important topics for Reasoning are Syllogism, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relations, etc. Some of the important topics for Quantitative Aptitude are Data Interpretation, Simplification, Number Series, Quadratic Equations, etc.

4.     Review the basic concepts and formulas

You should review the basic concepts and formulas of Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, etc. You should also remember the tables, squares, cubes, and fractions.

5.     Read newspapers and magazines every day

This will help you enhance your vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension skills for the English/Hindi Language section. It will also help you update your general awareness and current affairs knowledge for the General Awareness section.

6.     Learn the shortcuts and tricks

You should learn the shortcuts and tricks to solve the questions faster and easier. You can also use the elimination method to rule out the wrong options.

7.     Manage your time smartly

You should allocate your time according to the difficulty level and weightage of the sections. You should also avoid spending too much time on a single question and skip the questions that you are not sure about.

8.     Prepare short notes and flashcards

You should prepare short notes and flashcards of the important points, formulas, facts, etc. that you can use for quick revision before the exam.

9.     Take care of your health and well-being

You should eat healthy food, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. You should also avoid stress and anxiety and stay positive and confident.

10.  Follow the exam guidelines and instructions

You should read the exam guidelines and instructions carefully and follow them strictly. You should also carry the required documents and admit card to the exam center.

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IBPS RRB PO Books 2024 FAQs

Q. What’s the top book for Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS RRB PO Books?

A. For Quantitative Aptitude, the highly recommended choice is the “Magical Book on Quicker Mathematics,” known for its comprehensive coverage and effective strategies to tackle numerical problems efficiently.

Q. Best book for English for IBPS RRB PO 2024 Books?

A. “Objective General English” is widely regarded as the go-to choice for mastering the English section. With its structured approach and extensive coverage of grammar and vocabulary, it’s an indispensable resource.

Q. Ideal book for computers for IBPS RRB PO 2024 Books?

A. “Computer Awareness” by Arihant Publication stands out as a comprehensive guide covering all essential topics required for the Computer section of the IBPS RRB PO exam. Its clear explanations and ample practice questions make it invaluable.

Q. What tips should I remember for the interview round?

A. Tips for the interview round include emphasizing honesty, displaying confident communication skills, being well-versed in current affairs, and showcasing genuine interest in personal interests, all of which contribute to a favorable impression on interviewers.

Q. Tips for IBPS RRB PO 2024 Exam preparation?

A. Effective preparation tips include meticulous note-taking, thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern, regular practice with mock tests, and referring to reliable study materials and best books recommended by experts for comprehensive coverage.

Q. Best book for Quantitative Aptitude?

A. “Quantitative CAT” by Sarvesh K Varma is highly recommended for its extensive coverage of mathematical concepts, practical problem-solving techniques, and ample practice exercises to strengthen quantitative aptitude skills and boost confidence for the exam.

Q. Best book for computer awareness?

A. “Computer Awareness” by Arihant Publications is widely regarded as a top choice for mastering computer awareness concepts. With its clear explanations, illustrative examples, and practice exercises, it provides comprehensive coverage essential for the IBPS RRB PO exam.

Q. Best book for General English?

A. “Objective General English” by S.P Bakshi is highly recommended for its comprehensive coverage of grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. It offers structured content, ample practice exercises, and previous year question papers for thorough preparation.

Q. Self-study or coaching?

A. The choice between self-study and coaching depends on individual preferences, learning style, and available resources. While self-study allows flexibility and personalized learning, coaching can provide structured guidance and expert support tailored to specific exam requirements.

Q. Best books for IBPS PO 2024 preparation?

A. While there are many books available in the market, candidates should choose based on their individual learning needs and preferences. It’s essential to select books that cover the syllabus comprehensively, offer ample practice, and align with one’s study approach.

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