15 Day Revision Schedule For RRB NTPC 2019-20
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As the RRB NTPC 2019-20 exam approaches, a well-structured revision schedule becomes paramount for success. This 15-day plan aims to streamline your preparation, ensuring a comprehensive review of key topics and maximizing your performance on the exam day.

Day-wise Breakdown

Days 1-3: Subject-wise Recap

Begin by revisiting each subject – Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and General Awareness. Focus on solving previous year papers and mock tests to identify weak areas.

Days 4-6: In-depth Topic Revision

Dedicate time to delve into specific topics within each subject. Concentrate on high-weightage areas and master essential formulas and concepts.

Days 7-8: Mock Tests & Time Management

Simulate exam conditions by taking full-length mock tests. Practice time management to enhance your speed and accuracy. Identify strategies for effective question selection.

Days 9-11: Weak Area Targeting

Address weak areas identified in the mock tests. Revisit challenging topics, consult study materials, and seek clarification on doubts. Emphasize understanding rather than rote learning.

Days 12-13: Comprehensive Revision

Devote these days to comprehensive revision. Revise formulas, shortcuts, and important facts. Prioritize topics with higher weightage. Stay organized and maintain a revision log.

Day 14: Revision & Relaxation

Engage in a final revision, focusing on quick recall. Keep your mind sharp but avoid cramming. Take short breaks to relax and rejuvenate.

Day 15: Last-minute Review

Review your notes, flashcards, and important formulas. Avoid studying new topics to prevent confusion. Stay positive and confident, envisioning success in the upcoming exam.

Key Tips for Effective Revision

  1. Prioritize Topics: Focus on high-scoring topics and frequently asked concepts.
  2. Regular Breaks: Take short breaks to maintain concentration and prevent burnout.
  3. Health Matters: Ensure adequate sleep, stay hydrated, and maintain a healthy diet.
  4. Mock Tests: Regularly practice mock tests to improve time management and identify weak areas.
  5. Group Study: Discuss doubts with peers and engage in collaborative learning.
  6. Stay Positive: Cultivate a positive mindset to boost confidence on the exam day.


A well-organized 15-day revision schedule can significantly enhance your preparedness for the RRB NTPC 2019-20 exam. Remember to stay disciplined, focus on understanding, and maintain a balance between revision and relaxation. Good luck!

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