mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam
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Mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam: Let us understand if it is even worth studying on your own, without taking guidance from any coaching or institutes. The answer is yes, it is possible to prepare for IBPS Clerk exam or for that matter any other exam on your own. The own mantra to crack IBPS clerk exam is perseverance and consistency. The need of the hour is to trust your capabilities and without any second thought, and start preparing for your exams. As we all know, that lakhs of students appear for the banking exams to get recruitment as IBPS PO, IBPS SO, IBPS Clerk positions, and from this very statement, we can get a glimpse as to how intense the competition is going to be. However, practicing mocks and previous year question papers is a vital process is an important process in the preparation of banking exams.

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Umm… Now that you are aware that you are competent enough to prepare for IBPS Clerk exams, Let us understand the syllabus of the exam in details, as well as the mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam which saves us extra time and effort.

Syllabus: IBPS CLERK EXAM 2022

Along with the official notification, IBPS publishes the IBPS Clerk Syllabus and Exam Pattern. You can find the most recent IBPS Clerk syllabus and exam pattern in this post. The IBPS Clerk Syllabus 2022 is very similar to that of any other bank exam. The major three sections that a candidate must master while preparing for IBPS Clerk 2022 Preliminary Exam are:

• Reasoning

• Quantitative Ability

• English Language

When a candidate passes the Preliminary Exam, he or she must begin studying for the Mains Exam. The IBPS Clerk Mains Exam 2022 consists of four sections, which are listed below:

  • Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language
  • General/ Financial Awareness

Note– For an In-depth knowledge of syllabus and exam of IBPS Clerk exam checkout Practice mocks.

Top 10 Mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam

There is a very famous saying “Prevention is better than cure”. Thus, understanding these mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam then your journey becomes comparatively smoother.

Let us begin:

  1. Segregating prelims exams from main exam– We are aware of the fact that IBPS CLERK prelims exams will be conducted on 28th August, 3rd and 4th September and IBPS CLERK Mains will be conducted on 8th October 2022. Since we can observe from the same that there is a difference of 1 month between both the papers, therefore making sure that your preparation is completely focused on both prelims and mains and not based solely on prelims. Most of the aspirants make these common mistakes while preparing for IBPS Clerk exams of segregating prelims from mains. For instance, while preparing for reasoning part, one need to make sure that if you are practicing 10 questions of reasoning from previous year paper for IB[PS Clerk prelims, then attempting 10 questions from IBPS Clerk mains paper becomes very important, such that you don’t feel that you running out of time once you have appeared for IBPS Clerk Prelims exam. Not only that, understanding the difficulty level of IBPS Clerk Mains exam at an early stage proves great in the long run.
  2. Do not underestimate the value of mock tests– Attempt multiple mock tests and analyse your strengths and weaknesses. By attempting previous year papers and mock test, one can get to understand the pace, timings, loopholes in your current strategy. Therefore do not neglect this point while preparing for IBPS Clerk exam. Every exam is conducted in a certain pattern for many years and to understand the pattern very well, giving multiple mocks is one of the best ways.
  3. Aiming at cut-off- Do not prepare solely to score last year’s cut-off percentage, because you can never predict current cut off based on that. There is no denying the fact that you can analyse the exam based on cut-off but never strategize your preparation based on cut-off because one tends to develop a carefree attitude towards studies and eventually ending up nowhere. Aim to score full marks and do not limit your potential.
  4. Going easy on yourself– Many aspirants make this common error, by being very lenient with their preparation not because they think that they can’t do it but because they believe that they can easily crack the exam. After scoring a good percentage in mocks and past- year question papers, they cease to practice with their 100% potential. Do not fall into this pitfall until you get the job letter in your hand.
  5. Assuming that there is ample amount of time– Always keep this in mind that assumptions are illusions which means thinking that there is enough time for exam is nothing but an illusion. It is very important to understand that it is a competition at the end of the day and your competitors are giving it there all to score a good percentage, therefore if you do not want to be lag behind, the only way to do it is pull up your socks and study hard.
  6. Unaware about your own state– While appearing for Personal interview round which is conducted after IBPS Clerk mains exams, you must be well aware of your own state because many a times the questions are asked about you and your native land.
  7. Getting demotivated by mock score– Understanding that it’s part of the journey is of utmost importance. It is fine if you are scoring low but understanding the reason behind it becomes vital and making sure to correct the mistake in order to score good in future.
  8. Fear of competition– Being true to yourself and your preparation journey is vital. We tend to compare ourself with others that invokes a sense of fear in us due to which we are unable to perform our best. Everyone’s strengths and weaknesses are completely different, it is possible that what I am good at, someone else is not and vice-versa.
  9. Not reading newspaper on daily basis– Human minds are trained in a way that absorbs pieces of information bit by bit and if we overload our brains with too much information, then nothing is absorbed. Reading newspaper on daily basis helps us in absorbing those pieces of information day by day, and if you will leave it on tomorrow then it’s a problem. So, try inculcating the habit of reading newspaper.
  10. Having no preparation strategy– Make a to-do list and chalk down everything that needs to be done in order to complete the syllabus on time. Moreover, you can segregate the entire syllabus in different parts based on topics and finish the syllabus by taking one subject at a time.

Henceforth, a better understanding of these mistakes to avoid for IBPS Clerk Exam, a lot of time and extra effort will be saved.

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