Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Exam be Difficult?
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Gearing up to appear in the CRPF 2023 exam on 22nd February 2023? Want to clear it in first attempt? Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 exam be difficult? All these questions will be popping up in your mind, especially the last one on the difficulty level of the upcoming exam. So, we’ll find a simple answer to this question in this post along with shedding light on the last of the Mock Tests for quick revision! The online exam for the CRPF Head Constable is going to be held from 22nd to 28th February 2023. 

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Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Exam be Difficult?

CRPF ASI/HCM Exam Pattern 2023

Central Reserve Police Force Head Constable (Ministerial) will be selected on the basis of written examination, physical standard test, and medical examination. The questions in the exam will be at the high school level. CRPF HCM Written Exam will be of 100 marks with a total of 100 questions and the duration of the exam will be 2 (two) hours. CRPF Head Constable Syllabus 2023 includes General Knowledge and Reasoning Ability, Intellectual Ability and Mental Aptitude, Hindi or English, and Science and Simple Arithmetic subjects. There will be any negative marking of 1/4th in the written test. The minimum required cut-off marks for a general candidate is 35, and OBC, ST, and SC cut-off marks are 33. 

Sr. No.Name of the SubjectNumber of QuestionsMarks for each QuestionDuration
1Hindi or English language252590 Minutes/100 marks
2General Intelligence & Reasoning2525
3Numerical Aptitude2525
4General Awareness2525

Note: General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and Numerical Aptitude sections will be in bilingual format.

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Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Exam be Difficult?

Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Exam be Difficult?

The difficulty level of any competitive exam depends upon various aspects. It depends upon the capability of a student. Therefore, it may vary from person to person. But generally, this exam’s difficulty level is termed moderate. As per the feedback received by the candidates who appeared for the AAI ATC exam 2021, the exam was categorized as moderate in difficulty level.

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CRPF ASI 2022-Most Scoring Topics

Hindi Language Or English Language (optional) -Vocabulary
-Sentence Rearrangement
– Fill in the Blanks
-Idioms & Phrases

-Unseen Passages
General Intelligence-Analogies
-Spatial Orientation
-Problem-Solving, Analysis
-Space Visualization
-Visual Memory
-Decision Making
-Relationship Concepts
-Figural Classification

-Arithmetical Reasoning
-Coding and Decoding
-Arithmetic Number Series
-Statement Conclusion
Quantitative Aptitude-Number Systems
-Whole Numbers
-Decimals & Fractions

-Fundamental Arithmetical Operation
-Profit & Loss
-Mixtures & Allegations
-Time & Work
-Time & Distance
-Data Interpretation
General Aptitude-Verbal Aptitude
-Analytical Aptitude
-Spatial Aptitude
-Quantitative Aptitude

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Will CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Exam be Difficult?


As discussed above, the difficulty level of the exam will depend upon your preparation. Therefore, you should take as many revision CRPF ASI/Head Constable 2023 Mock tests as you can to cover the syllabus well including all those topics that keep appearing in the exam.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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