Success Story IBPS PO
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Saurabh Mishra’s Success Story

I started my preparation from 10th May 2021. I was employed in a private job but I was not happy with my job and want to change it as soon as possible. On 10th May an incident took place which triggered me to prepare for it.

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Which exams did you appear in till date and what were their results

  • SBI-PO – Cleared
  • IBPS PO – Cleared
  • SBI-Clerk – Pre cleared , Mains missed by 1.5 marks
  • UPSI- Written cleared , Running awaiting

Section-wise Preparation Strategy

English Section Preparation Strategy

It is my strong part . I used to read NOVEL a lot. I think I am good at it because I used to read a lot of Novel. And I used to score somewhere around 22-25 in this section always.

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Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy

I focus more on non-airthematic section religiously. I was weak in arithmetic so I picked up only few topics and master it in all possible way like- Time and work, CI&SI , Boat and Stream , Mixture and allegation.

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Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy

I prepare Non-puzzle section religiously and sure of solving all of it within 10 mins during pre exam. And for puzzle I used to focus on Linear seating arrangements.

General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy

It is weakest part of mine. So I just focus on it when I cleared my Mains examination through practicemock weekly pdf.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Free Mock Test 2022

Overall Strategy, Study Schedule & Challenges Faced

Since , I was employed during my job preparation,so I have to be punctual with my study schedule. I have to go for work from 8AM- 6 PM after that I used to come at 7 PM then I took dinner and by 8PM ,I used to be on my bed. Then i used to wake up early in the morning to study around 3-4 AM. I used to devotee 3-4 hours daily.

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How did PracticeMock help you?

Interestingly I am 12th class failed student. I got failed in my 12th class but it didn’t have to do with my current status. It shows that your past failure will be vanished by your current success. I feel it difficult with my job and also during my prep my father got Covid and I also diagnosed with Covid Twice but I keep on practicing mock in all the odd situations. Yes. I used to attempt mock fron Practicemock and I also refer to its weekly CA pdf for my Curent affair preparation.

Message for the Fellow Aspirants

Just keep some patience and focus on your consistency. A single success can vanished your all multiple failures. If a 12th class failed student can do it then why not you ……

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This is what Saurabh Mishra has to say about his success story. He advised his fellow aspirants to stay focussed as he says that a single success will fade away all your failures. Just like the way Saurabh did you can also submit your success story if you have cleared any examination lately.

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Candidates can now practice free topic wise quants quizzes and mini mocks for all major banking & government exams at PracticeMock’s website & app. Candidates can attempt these for free. Read other inspiring success journey. You can also submit your success story if you have cleared any examination.

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