SSC CGL Tier 2 2023-Quickest 3-Day Revision Plan for 2nd March 2023
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The SSC CGL Tier 2 exam will be ringing your doorbell on 2nd March 2023. Have you covered all the topics from the syllabus? Mastered all the topics that appear every year in the exam? Checked your speed in accuracy in answering questions of all types via enough Mock Test practice?

Valmiki Sale

In this article, we’ll shed light on how you can revise the SSC CGL Tier 2 syllabus through the quickest 3-Day revision plan for 2nd March 2023 starting from a Free Mock Test.

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SSC CGL Tier 2 2023-Quickest 3-Day Revision Plan for 2nd March 2023

Best tips to crack SSC CGL Tier 1 2022 Exam

Here are a few very important steps that you should follow to face the upcoming exam with full confidence:

  • Ensure you have covered all the topics from the SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Syllabus and focus on the most scoring topics.
  • Prepare your own revision strategy from the Mock Tests analysis
  • Solve Previous Year’s Papers
  • Attempt as many SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Tests as you can and analyze them properly. Compare one Mock Test with the other and try to improve in the next one.
  • Revise from the best books
  • Solve practice set regularly.
  • Revise Important Study Notes
  • Stay motivated and healthy.
  • Again, don’t forget, one Mock Test a day keeps failures away!

SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Test Practice for Best Results

You’ve been studying hard. And that’s good. You may be following the study and revision plans we’ve been supplying you daily. However, now is the time to revise all the topics and speed up your revision process. via Mock Tests. If you’ll do so, you’ll get the maximum benefit from it by covering every topic from the SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 syllabus and taking daily Mock Tests to increase your speed and accuracy. You are free to make changes to the above-mentioned plan or table at your own convenience.

💭SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Tests लीजिये हुए मात्र 3 दिन में पूरा Syllabus Revise कीजिये और 100% results पाइए!💭🏆

SCC CGL Tier 1 2022: 3-Day Revision Mock Test

Here’s the 11-day revision tests to help you cover all the topics from the syllabus:

DayMock Tests
1Take SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Test 1
2Take SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Test 2 to Cover Important Topics
3Take SSC CGL Tier 2 2023 Mock Test 3 to Check Your Speed & Accuracy

SSC CGL SyllabusModule I of Section I of Paper 1- Mathematical Abilities

The Mathematical Abilities section consists of topics similar to the quantitative aptitude of the Tier I level. Though the level of questions asked in SSC CGL tier 2 will be higher than tier I. The topics to be asked in this section includes

SSC CGL Mathematical Ability Syllabus for Tier II
Number SystemsComputation of Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers.
Fundamental arithmetical operationsPercentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture andAlligation, Time and distance, Time and work.
AlgebraBasic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations.
GeometryFamiliarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles.
MensurationTriangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base.
TrigonometryTrigonometry, Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2� + cos2�=1 etc.
Statistics and probabilityUse of Tables and Graphs: Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram, Pie-chart; Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation; calculation ofsimple probabilities.

SSC CGL SyllabusModule II Of Section I Paper 1 – Reasoning and General Intelligence

Questions from this section will be of both verbal and non-verbal type. These questions will check the candidate’s on-the-spot critical thinking skills. These questions will require the candidate to predict the outcomes of various situations that are put in front f them, like blood relation questions or seating arrangement questions. Candidates must stay calm, understand the question carefully and then go on to solve it. The table below shows all the SSC CGL Syllabus topics that will come in the exam from the Reasoning and General Intelligence section. 

SSC CGL Syllabus for Reasoning and General Intelligence for Tier II
Semantic AnalogySymbolic operationsSymbolic/ Number AnalogyTrends Figural Analogy
Space OrientationSemantic ClassificationVenn DiagramsSymbolic/ Number ClassificationDrawing inferences
Figural ClassificationNumber SeriesPunched hole/ pattern-folding & unfoldingSemantic SeriesFigural Patternfolding and completion
Critical ThinkingProblem-SolvingEmotional IntelligenceWord BuildingEmbedded figures
Social IntelligenceCoding and de-codingNumerical operationsFigural Series

SSC CGL SyllabusModule I of Section II of Paper 1 – English Language & Comprehension

Questions in this component will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of English Language and will be based on error recognition, fill in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc), Vocabulary, Spellings, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, etc. There will be a question on passages and comprehension of passages also. (The standard of the questions will be of 10+2 level).

SSC CGL Syllabus for English Language and Comprehension for Tier II
Active/ passive voice of verbsSpelling/ detecting misspelt wordsSpot the error
Conversion into direct/ indirect narrationIdioms & phrasesFill in the blanks
Shuffling of sentence partsOne-word substitutionSynonyms
Shuffling of sentences in a passageImprovement of sentencesAntonyms
Cloze passageSentence StructureComprehension passage

SSC CGL Syllabus Module II of Section II of Paper 1: General Awareness

Questions are designed to test the candidates’ general awareness of the environment around them and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General policy and scientific research.

Module-II of Section-II of Paper-I (General Awareness)
India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy & Scientific ResearchScienceCurrent AffairsBooks and AuthorsSportsImportant SchemesImportant Days and DatesPortfolioPeople in News

SSC CGL Syllabus: Module I Section III of Paper 1: Computer Proficiency

Candidates who have cleared the tier 1 exam will be allowed to appear for the tier 2 exam,
SSC CGL tier II, section 3 of module I is a computer proficiency test that assesses the candidate’s knowledge of computer applications and its usage. The syllabus for this section covers topics related to MS Office, Windows, Internet and e-mail. The detailed SSC CGL syllabus of computer proficiency is given below:

SSC CGL Syllabus for Computer Proficiency
Computer BasicsOrganization of a computer, Central ProcessingUnit (CPU), input/ output devices, computer memory, memoryorganization, back-up devices, PORTs, Windows Explorer. Keyboardshortcuts.
Software Windows Operating system including basics of MicrosoftOffice like MS word, MS Excel and PowerPoint etc.
Working with Internet and e-mailsWeb Browsing & Searching,Downloading & Uploading, Managing an E-mail Account, e-Banking.
Basics of networking and cyber securityNetworking devices andprotocols, Network and information security threats (like hacking,virus, worms, Trojan etc.) and preventive measures.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus: Paper 2: Statistics (Junior Statistical Officer)

The Statistics paper for the SSC CGL tier 2 exam includes a set of questions from various topics of Statistics for the post of Junior Statistical officer. Statistics paper of SSC CGL tier 2 exam will be conducted for only those candidates who have applied and wish to get selection for the post of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO). Candidates must clear the merit released particularly for this post and the exam will be conducted in online mode. The topics covered in the Statistical paper are: 

Collection, Classification, and Presentation of Statistical DataPrimary and Secondary dataMethods of data collectionTabulation of dataGraphs and chartsFrequency distributionsDiagrammatic presentation of frequency distributions
Measures of Central TendencyMeanMedianModePartition values- quartiles,
deciles, percentiles.
Measures of DispersionRangeQuartile deviationsMean deviation and standard deviationMeasures of relative dispersion
Moments, Skewness and KurtosisDifferent types of moments
and their relationshipMeaning of skewness and kurtosisDifferent measures of skewness and kurtosis.
Correlation and RegressionScatter diagramSimple correlation coefficientSimple regression linesSpearman’s rank correlationMeasures of association of attributesMultiple regressionMultiple and partial correlation
Probability TheoryMeaning of probabilityDifferent definitions of probabilityConditional probabilityCompound probabilityIndependent eventsBayes’ theorem.
Random Variable and Probability DistributionsRandom variableProbability functionsExpectation and Variance of a random variableHigher moments of a random variableBinomial, Poisson, Normal and Exponential distributionsJoint distribution of two random variables (discrete).
Sampling TheoryConcept of population and sampleParameter
and statistic, Sampling and non-sampling errorsProbability and nonprobability sampling techniques(simple random sampling, stratified sampling, multistage sampling, multiphase sampling, cluster sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, convenience sampling and quota sampling)Sampling distribution(statement only);Sample size decisions.
Statistical InferencePoint estimation and interval estimationProperties of a good estimatorMethods of estimation (Moments method, Maximum likelihood method, Least squares method)Testing of hypothesisBasic concept of testingSmall sample and large sample testsTests based on Z, t, Chi-square and F statistic,
Confidence intervals
Analysis of VarianceAnalysis of one-way classified data and two way classified data
Time Series AnalysisComponents of time seriesDeterminations of trend component by different methodsMeasurement of seasonal variation by different methods.
Index NumbersMeaning of Index NumbersProblems in the construction of index numbersTypes of index numberDifferent formulaeBase shifting and splicing of index numbersCost of living Index NumbersUses of Index Numbers

SSC CGL Tier 2 Syllabus: Paper 3 (General Studies-Finance and Economics)

Paper 3 of tier 2 exam is not conducted for all the candidates who have applied for CGL exam, but for only those who have applied for the Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer post.100 questions will be asked in this exam which will be of 200 marks. This paper tests the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of financial and economic concepts, principles, and theories. Check the detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Finance and Economics provided below:

Part A: Finance and Accounts- ( 80 marks)

Fundamental principles and basic concept of Accounting 

  • Financial Accounting: Nature and scope, Limitations of Financial Accounting, Basic concepts and Conventions Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
  • Basic concepts of accounting: Single and double entry, Books of original Entry, Bank Reconciliation, Journal, Ledgers, Trial Balance, Rectification of Errors, Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & loss Appropriation, Accounts, Balance Sheet Distinction between Capital and Revenue Expenditure, Depreciation Accounting, Valuation of Inventories, Non-profit organisations Accounts, Receipts and Payments and Income & Expenditure Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Self Balancing Ledgers

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Part B: Economics and Governance – (120 marks)

  • Comptroller & Auditor General of India – Constitutional provisions, Role and responsibility
  • Finance Commission – Role and functions
  • Basic Concept of Economics and introduction to Microeconomics – Definition, scope and nature of Economics, Methods of economic study and Central problems of an economy and Production possibilities curve
  • Theory of Demand and Supply – Meaning and determinants of demand, Law of demand and Elasticity of demand, Price, income and cross elasticity; Theory of consumer’s behaviour
  • Marshallian approach and Indifference curve approach, Meaning and determinants of supply, Law of supply and Elasticity of Supply.
  • Theory of Production and cost – Meaning and Factors of production; Laws of production- Law of variable proportions and Laws of returns to scale.
  • Forms of Market and price determination in different markets – Various forms of markets – Perfect Competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly ad Price determination in these markets
  • Indian Economy –
    • Nature of the Indian Economy Role of different sectors role of Agriculture, Industry and Services-their problems and growth;
    • National Income of India-Concepts of national income, Different methods of measuring national income.
    • Population-Its size, rate of growth and its implication on economic growth.
    • Poverty and unemployment- Absolute and relative poverty, types, causes and incidence of unemployment.
    • Infrastructure-Energy, Transportation, Communication.
  • Economic Reforms in India – Economic reforms since 1991; Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation and Disinvestment.
  • Money and Banking –
    • Monetary/ Fiscal policy- Role and functions of Reserve Bank of India; functions of commercial Banks/RRB/Payment Banks.
    • Budget and Fiscal deficits and Balance of payments.
    • Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
  • Role of Information Technology in Governance-:- Questions in Module-I of Section- I of Paper-I (Mathematical Abilities) will be of Matriculation Level, in Module-I of Section- II of Paper-I (English Language and Comprehension) of 10+2 Level and in Paper-II and Paper-III of Graduation Level.

How to Ace your SSC CGL Revision Process in just 3 days Now?

Now that you’ve got this 3-day schedule to boost your preparation and revision process, you must try your best to give your all to master all the most scoring and important topics given in the table above. Practice well for best results and hope for the best. Don’t forget that a good preparation process in sync with last of the revision Mock Tests guarantees your success.

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By Asad Yar Khan

I write and oversee the creation of informative educational blogs centering around study strategies, exam techniques, and more, to guide aspirants in clearing SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. I ensure a range of subjects are covered with precision and clarity. With over 7 years of diverse writing experience, I share a wealth of wisdom and expertise with thousands of students, through PracticeMock every day, helping them achieve their goals.

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