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SBI Clerk Prelims 2022-Best Preparation Tips

Have you decided to attempt this year’s SBI Clerk 2022 exam and are looking for ways to prepare it in a way that you can crack it in first attempt? If this is the case with you, you must start your preparation today, even before applying online for SBI Clerk 2022. But you may well ask, why so early? Well, as the completion can be tougher than ever before, you must leave no stone unturned in covering all the topics from the SBI Clerk 2022 syllabus. And for that, we are here for the best tips and the best SBI Clerk 2022 Mock Tests to give a crucial boost to your overall exam preparation.

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SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Notification Should not be an Excuse

SBI Clerk 2022 notification, which has not yet been released by SBI, should not become an excuse for starting your preparation. So, your Prelims preparation must start and continue. Don’t forget that you need to successfully crack the SBI Clerk prelims exam 2022 to appear for the Mains exam. To start your preparation, it is important to go through the latest SBI Clerk Exam Pattern. And if there are any changes in the exam pattern, which is highly unlikely, the authorities will introduce the changes via the official notification.

Check below the expected SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022 for the preliminary exam:

SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022 Prelims

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam is a Screening exam. It is to weed out not serious candidates from the competition. There is sectional timing for each section i.e., English, Reasoning, and Mathematics. Candidates need to clear the sectional cutoff as well as the overall cutoff to qualify for the SBI Clerk Prelims. Candidates can check the SBI Clerk Exam Pattern 2022 for the Prelims exam in the table below.

Name of Tests
No. of
Total Time
English Language303020 minutes
Numerical Ability353520 minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total10010060 minutes
SBI Clerk Prelims 2022-Best Preparation Tips for Ultimate Success

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Best Preparation Tips to crack SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam

An SBI Clerk Exam preparation without a good preparation strategy is like a preparation without a roadmap for success. Millions of aspirants, including you, will be appearing in the SBI Clerk 2022 exam this year. With such a high level of competition, only the best candidates will be able to beat the exam. So, frankly, if you want to succeed in clearing the upcoming exam you need to have a good preparation strategy that suits best your preparation style, keeping in mind the latest SBI Clerk syllabus and exam pattern.

Here are some important tips that will accelerate your preparation, and revision and help you to crack the exam:

1.      Analyze the syllabus & focus on important topics first

It is said that well begun is half done. So, begin well by first analyzing the exam pattern, syllabus, and marking scheme. You need to analyze every topic included in each section of the exam. Decide which topics or areas need more time to study and make a plan to invest proper time in each section. Don’t forget that certain topics are more important than others. Once you get a clear idea about the syllabus, you can smartly plan your SBI Clerk exam preparation accordingly.

Here are the section-wise important topics you need to invest more time on:

  • Numerical Ability: Simplification and Approximation, Number Series, data Interpretation
  • Reasoning Ability: Inequality, Syllogism, puzzles and seating arrangement, alphanumeric series
  • English Language: Error Spotting, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Fill in the Blanks

2.      Create a realistic timetable & follow it thoroughly

You need to create a realistic timetable as per the latest SBI Clerk Exam syllabus. Stick to that timetable.  If you feel you’re weak in any subject or topic, spend more time on it. It always makes your preparation easy and increases your concentration levels.

3.      Master Memorize all the important formulae concepts, theories, and short-cuts

The Quantitative Aptitude section requires a number of formulas to solve the questions. Moreover, the derivations of the formulas too are of utmost importance. So, you need to practice them regularly by applying them. It will help you to derive a formula if you’ll forget it during exam time. All you need to do is understand all the theories and concepts to answer confidently in the SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam. You can apply shortcuts and techniques to questions on Numerical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, or Reasoning Ability to solve them quickly and easily. So, after understanding the concepts and getting to know all the related theories, you can quickly learn the shortcuts. For example, the knowledge of basic grammatical rules, structures, and other useful tricks can help you quickly answer the questions from the English Language section.

4.     Read newspapers and magazines regularly

It is essential to read the newspapers and magazines regularly, as it can prove to be tremendously rewarding in the upcoming SBI Clerk 2022 Prelims Exam. You need to allot a time slot of 2 hours daily for this task in your timetable. Allotting 2 hours daily for reading newspapers will pay you heavily. Plus, you should also maintain a notebook and note down all the new words to add to your vocabulary, for better reading comprehension. This will not just help to solve the English Language section, but also help you in knowing day-to-day affairs. Hence, you’ll also be able to successfully counter the questions from the General Awareness and Computer Aptitude Section of the SBI Clerk Exam.

5.      Practice via previous year’s question papers

Solve as many previous year’s question papers as you to get an idea of the actual SBI Clerk exam. It will help you to understand the changing pattern of questions through previous exams. Apart from this, you will also get to know the difficulty level of questions that are being asked in the exam to help you during your preparation.

7.     Sharpen Strong areas and work upon weak areas

Practice a lot and get to know your strong and weak areas in each section. Once you are familiar with it, focus on strengthening your strong areas as well as work upon your weak areas by giving more time accordingly. 

8.      Practice & Revise regularly

Practice makes a man perfect. Practicing regularly in any competitive exam is always fruitful. The same proverb applies to the SBI Clerk Exam. So, the moment you finish a topic or section, try to solve questions from that topic only. It will help you to test your progress and help you improve. Practice as much as you can. Solve easy questions first and then go for the difficult questions. Always tick the questions you find difficult to answer and revise them later on. Revise whatever you have learned regularly to avoid forgetting it. Hence, allocate at least 2 hours daily for revision.

9.      Improve your time management skills 

To get good results in the SBI Clerk Prelims Exam, you need to practice to try to attempt more questions within a short time duration. This exam demands not just accuracy but also speed. You need to take care of your time management skills with accuracy to answer. A good balance between accuracy and time always results in gaining a high score. Hence, try to solve the practice questions in a time-bound manner.

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Section-wise SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Preparation Tips

Here are section-wise tips you should follow to maximize your score in the upcoming SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 exam:

I. English Language

The English section is getting tougher with every passing exam. So, don’t take this section lightly. To prepare it well, you should try to:

1.       Memorize the rules from Grammar books by solving the examples, and not just memorize them blindly. By doing so, you will be able to remember all the grammar rules very easily and naturally. And you will be able to solve related problems.

2.       Read English articles featured in newspapers like the Hindu or the economic times, daily. And do pen down the words you don’t know in a notebook or diary and revise them regularly. Try to build your world power from the newspapers and books.

3.       Focus on the topics you are weak in. If you are weak in, say, cloze test or fillers or spotting errors, give more time to them.

How much can you score in English Section?

If everything goes right after a good preparation, you can score about 25 Marks in the English Section.

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II. Reasoning Ability

The topics of this section are easy if you have thoroughly practiced the concepts. For good preparation, you should try to:

  1. Practice about 2-3 puzzles every day. The best way to score more in this section is to thoroughly practice topics like Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Circular & Linear Arrangement, Puzzles, and Coded Inequalities. These topics are some of the most important topics of this section.
  2. Gain command over syllogism, order & ranking, inequality, coding-decoding, direction, distance, and blood relation chapters. Solving these topics is relatively easier than solving time-consuming puzzles.

How much can you score in this Section?

If everything goes well, you can score over 30+ Marks in the Reasoning Section.

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III. Numerical Ability (Quantitative Aptitude)

On one hand, this section may be a bit difficult for some candidates, on the other it can be the most scoring for some candidates. To prepare it well you should try to focus on the points given below:

  1. Remember squares, cubes, tables, fractions to a percentage, and percentage to fraction conversion.
  2. Remember squares, cubes, tables, fractions to a percentage, and percentage to fraction conversion.
  3. Remember tricks, rules, or shortcuts for faster calculation in the actual exam so that you can invest less time in solving easy questions and save that time for solving difficult questions.
  4. Don’t forget to take Mock Tests regularly and analyze the Mock Tests. And check out the questions you left, the questions you did not answer correctly, and the questions you attempted, but took too much time while attempting. Then, check the answers and solve the entire paper again. Some questions need to be left out.
  5. Try to master the art of leaving time-consuming questions by attempting as many questions as possible. Every answer gets only one mark. Hence, there is no point in investing too much time in a single question. Mock Tests are said to decide your selection. So, hurry up and choose a good platform and Start giving Mock Tests to check your progress.

SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 – Choose the best books

The best-laid plan to crack any exam is always those with the best books. When selecting or buying the best books, you need to ensure that the books are based on the latest SBI Clerk 2022 syllabus and exam pattern. Also, if these books contain a good number of sample papers. There may be chunks and chunks of books available in the market around you from various publications, but not all are useful or effective. To kill your dilemmas and avoid this confusion in selecting the right book for the right preparation, we are supplying you with some of the names best books for SBI Clerk 2022.

S. NoBooksAuthor/Publisher
1.Quantitative AptitudeR. S. Aggarwal
2.Topic-wise Solved Papers for IBPS/ SBI Bank PO/ Clerk Prelim & Mains (2010-16) Quantitative AptitudeDisha Experts
3.Magical book on Quicker MathematicsM. Tyra
4.Data InterpretationArun Sharma
5Analytical ReasoningM. K. Pandey
6A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal and Non-VerbalArihant Publication
7Banking Awareness (Objective with Subjective)Sangram Keshari Rout
8Objective Banking & Financial AwarenessDhankar Publication

SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Exam Mock Tests

Good preparation can never happen without a good study plan and practice. It is very important to take regular SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests if you want to clear the exam this time or on the first attempt. In competitive exams like these, the study plan without Mock Tests is like a preparation without revision and practice. It is perhaps the best tool for quick preparation and revision. It helps strengthen your skills and provides a swift improvement in areas or topics you are weak in. Taking SBI Clerk Prelims 2022 Mock Tests doesn’t just measure your knowledge, it helps in propping up the learning and improves the chances of retrieving the same knowledge later in the Exam. So, start taking daily Mock Tests are achieve your target!

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