RRB PO 2021 in First Attempt: Complete Strategy
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The RRB PO is one of the most desired exams in our country. Some even prefer RRB PO jobs over SBI PO due to many benefits that this job offers such as low workload, local postings, etc.  

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The official notification for 2021 exams is now out for all the IBPS RRB jobs including clerk and PO. The IBPS RRB PO is also known by the name of Officer Scale I exam or OS1. It’s better you get the names of all the IBPS exams clear as it can be confusing due to the similar names.  

The aspirants are now eagerly waiting for the exam dates to be announced for prelims. However, with COVID-19 induced situations IBPS will have to make smart decisions. As we all know, third wave is being predicted in the coming months.  

Nevertheless, an aspirant’s job is not to waste time on such administrative matters. The sole focus should be on the preparation. The numbers of vacancies for RRB PO are distributed state-wise and have very limited seats.  

Check the updated list of vacancies here – IBPS RRB Recruitment Notification 2021 (Latest) 

Exam Pattern of IBPS RRB PO 2021 (Officer Scale I) 

The syllabus of RRB PO and clerk is quite similar. The only difference is the interview round conducted for RRB PO. And it also goes without saying that the level of difficulty is much higher in PO exams if compared with clerk-level examinations.  

Prelims Exam Pattern 2021 IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale I) 

Surprisingly, the English language is not a part of the prelims in RRB exams. The entire focus is on reasoning and quantitative aptitude. However, the number of questions asked is high in quantity in comparison with the total time given to solve the exam.  

S. No. Section Questions Marks Duration
1 Reasoning Ability 40 40
2 Numerical Ability 40 40
TOTAL 80 80 45 minutes

Mains Exam Pattern 2021 IBPS RRB PO (Officer Scale I) 

In mains, you will be asked 200 questions across five subjects. Please note that the aspirants can choose English or Hindi according to their preference. The total duration would be two hours. Giving a wrong answer will result in a negative marking of 0.25 per question.  

S.No. Section Question Marks 
Reasoning Paper 40 50 
General Awareness Paper 40 40 
Numerical Ability Paper 40 50 
English/Hindi Language Paper* 40 40 
Computer Knowledge Syllabus Paper 40 20 

Here are some tips for cracking IBPS RRB PO/OS1 exam: 

Prelims is all about Speed and Accuracy 

When you have 80 questions that are mathematical and analytical in nature and you are only given 45 minutes then your only saving grace is mastering all the questions with both speed and accuracy. Many techniques can be used to boost speed such as speed math techniques, Vedic maths, memory-based papers, etc. The idea of the examiner is to test your quickness in prelims as questions are not that tough if we compare them with the mains.  

Read this article for learning speed math techniques 


Speed and Accuracy without basics are useless 

If you don’t have a good hold over the mathematical concepts then you should first spare time for conceptual learning. Jumping directly onto various tricks and shortcuts might seem fascinating but you will struggle in solving questions. A clear understanding of the concepts helps you in tackling questions in a problem-solving manner and that’s better than following patterns. This applies for both reasoning and numerical ability.  

Don’t put 100% efforts only on Prelims 

Many aspirants become too much focused only on prelims and later find themselves in a compromising situation once they are eligible for mains. The time gap between the prelims and mains won’t be much. The syllabus of mains is way too vast and it would get extremely difficult to cover all of them in one go. Especially, subjects like financial awareness, and general awareness; as most of the students do not have any exposure to such subjects.  

Focus on the development of a reading habit 

We all know that English isn’t a compulsory subject at all for cracking the IBPS RRB PO. However, if you develop a reading habit then it will immensely help you with the general awareness and financial awareness sections. You can read Hindi newspapers as well but then again you will need a newspaper like “The Hindu” for the preparation. An avid reader also has good exposure to enhancing vocabulary which can help you in the interview sessions.  

Regular Mock Tests 

There is nothing better than a mock test for a detailed assessment of your overall performance. Sign-up for a free IBPS RRB PO mock test today for judging where you stand today.  

Still, have some doubts? Let us know in the comment section below.  

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