RBI Grade B Phase 1-30 Days Mock Test Challenge
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Is it possible to cover the RBI Grade B Phase 1 2023 syllabus in just 30 days? Yes, if you’re dedicated to clearing the exam and have good study resources and a smart study plan, which we’re going to discuss today. The Phase 1 exam will be conducted on 9th July 2023 for General posts and on 16th July 2023 for DEPR and DSIM posts. The exam will consist of four sections: English Language, Reasoning, General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude. The total marks for the exam will be 200 and the duration will be 2 hours. The questions will be bilingual except for the English Language section.

Given below is a simple yet super-effective study plan with a Free Mock Test to cover the entire RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 1 syllabus in just 30 days.

Don’t miss this chance to try a RBI Grade B Phase 1 Mock Test for free right now!

RBI Grade B Phase 1-30 Days Mock Test Challenge

Here’s a 30-day day-wise study plan for you based on the syllabus and exam pattern:

Day 1: Learn the basics of grammar and vocabulary. Practice questions on error detection, fill in the blanks, synonyms and antonyms. Take a mock test on English Language.

Day 2: Learn the basics of logical reasoning. Practice questions on syllogism, coding-decoding, blood relations and direction sense. Take a mock test on Reasoning.

Day 3: Revise the topics covered on Day 1 and Day 2. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on English Language and Reasoning.

Day 4: Learn the basics of analytical reasoning. Practice questions on seating arrangement, puzzle, input-output and alphanumeric series. Take a mock test on Reasoning.

Day 5: Learn the basics of data interpretation. Practice questions on table, bar graph, line graph and pie chart. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 6: Revise the topics covered on Day 4 and Day 5. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 7: Read newspapers, magazines and current affairs books to update your knowledge of national and international events. Take a mock test on General Awareness.

Day 8: Learn the basics of arithmetic. Practice questions on percentage, ratio and proportion, average, profit and loss and simple interest and compound interest. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 9: Revise the topics covered on Day 7 and Day 8. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 10: Read newspapers, magazines and current affairs books to update your knowledge of banking and economy. Take a mock test on General Awareness.

Day 11: Learn the basics of algebra. Practice questions on linear equations, quadratic equations, inequalities and surds and indices. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 12: Revise the topics covered on Day 10 and Day 11. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 13: Read newspapers, magazines and current affairs books to update your knowledge of static GK. Take a mock test on General Awareness.

Day 14: Learn the basics of geometry. Practice questions on triangles, circles, polygons and coordinate geometry. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 15: Revise the topics covered on Day 13 and Day 14. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 16: Read newspapers, magazines and current affairs books to update your knowledge of general science. Take a mock test on General Awareness.

Day 17: Learn the basics of mensuration. Practice questions on area, perimeter, volume and surface area of various shapes. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 18: Revise the topics covered on Day 16 and Day 17. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on General Awareness and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 19: Learn the basics of comprehension. Practice questions on reading passages, cloze test, para jumbles and summary writing. Take a mock test on English Language.

Day 20: Learn the basics of number system. Practice questions on divisibility, remainder, factors, HCF and LCM. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 21: Revise the topics covered on Day 19 and Day 20. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on English Language and Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 22: Learn the basics of data sufficiency. Practice questions on various topics using two or three statements. Take a mock test on Reasoning.

Day 23: Learn the advanced concepts of grammar and vocabulary. Practice questions on sentence improvement, word usage, idioms and phrases and one word substitution. Take a mock test on English Language.

Day 24: Revise the topics covered on Day 22 and Day 23. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on Reasoning and English Language.

Day 25: Learn the advanced concepts of logical reasoning. Practice questions on statement-conclusion, statement-assumption, statement-course of action and statement-argument. Take a mock test on Reasoning.

Day 26: Learn the advanced concepts of analytical reasoning. Practice questions on order and ranking, logical sequence of words, analogy and classification. Take a mock test on Reasoning.

Day 27: Revise the topics covered on Day 25 and Day 26. Solve some sample papers and previous years’ papers on Reasoning.

Day 28: Learn the advanced concepts of data interpretation. Practice questions on mixed graphs, caselets, radar charts and missing data problems. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

Day 29-30: Learn the advanced concepts of arithmetic. Practice questions on time and work, time and distance, pipes and cisterns, boats and streams and trains problems. Take a mock test on Quantitative Aptitude.

What are you waiting for? Grab your RBI Grade B Phase 1 Free Mock Test today!

9 Simple Tips for Better Results

Here are 9 pointers to study and revise effectively for a better score in the exam:

  1. Stay focused and organized with these tips on how to minimize distractions.
  2. Boost your brain power and concentration by taking regular breaks.
  3. Set SMART goals for each study session and reward yourself for achieving them.
  4. Don’t cram. Spread out your study sessions for better retention and less stress.
  5. Test yourself with Mock Tests, practice questions, and quizzes to check your understanding and skills.
  6. Study with a group to quiz, explain, share, and motivate each other.
  7. Summarize, paraphrase, or explain what you learned in your own words to deepen your comprehension and memory.
  8. Ask for help when you need it. Reach out to teachers, tutors, classmates, or online forums for assistance.
  9. Take care of yourself. Sleep well, eat well, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly.


If you want to clear the upcoming RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam, you need to follow the plan given above rigorously. However, this is a tentative study plan, and you can optimize it by adding topics you need to cover or vice-versa. The goal should be to cover the entire syllabus in just 30 days’ time. And what’s better than gauging your present performance via a Free Mock Test?

Some of the benefits of starting your preparation with a free mock test are:

  • You can assess your current level of preparation and identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You can familiarize yourself with the exam pattern, syllabus, difficulty level and types of questions.
  • You can improve your speed, accuracy and time management skills by practicing under exam-like conditions.
  • You can get feedback and analysis of your performance and learn from your mistakes.
  • You can compare your scores with other aspirants and know where you stand in the competition.

You won’t regret taking this RBI Grade B Phase 1 Free Mock Test – it’s fast and easy!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

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