RBI Assistant Prelims & Mains 2023-Subject-wise Success Strategy
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Want to clear the RBI Assistant exam in 1st attempt and score 95+ Marks in it? Who doesn’t want to? But it becomes impossible if you don’t work on making the right section-wise exam strategy to maximize your overall score.

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This article will explore the most important tips and the best RBI Assistant 2022 Mock Tests to ace your exam preparation to grab maximum marks in the upcoming exam. Before discussing the tips let us take a look at the latest exam pattern for RBI Assistant Exam 2021!  

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RBI Assistant Prelims & Mains 2023-Subject-wise Success Strategy

RBI Assistant Preliminary Exam 2022-23

The first stage of the RBI Assistant selection process is the Preliminary stage or Prelims exam. It is qualifying in nature and only after clearing this stage a candidate can become eligible to appear in the RBI Assistant Mains Exam.

The question paper pattern for the Preliminary exam will be in the following format.

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
English Language3030
Numerical Ability3535
Reasoning Ability3535

Note: Total time allotted for the Preliminary exam is 60 minutes, which means the duration to attempt each section will be 20 minutes. For every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from the final score. The exam is bilingual (Hindi and English).

RBI Assistant Main Examination 2022

The RBI Assistant Main exam is bilingual as well. The candidates who clear this will appear for the Language Proficiency Test (LPT).

The question paper pattern for the Main exam will be in the following format:

SectionNo of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Reasoning404030 minutes
English Language404030 minutes
Numerical Ability404020 minutes
General Awareness404025 minutes
Computer Knowledge404030 minutes
Total200200135 minutes (2 hours 15 minutes)

Note: RBI Main consists of a total of 200 questions. For every correct answer 1 mark is awarded and for incorrect 0.25 will be deducted.

Language Proficiency Test (LPT)

After clearing the Mains exam, candidates will have to take a language proficiency test (LPT). The test will be conducted in the Official/Local Language of the State concerned as per Annex-IV of the official RBI Assistant 2022 notification. Those Candidates who will not be proficient in the Official/Local Language will get disqualified from the exam. The duration of the interview is about 35 minutes. It mainly tests a candidate’s general awareness and confidence. The LPT is also qualifying in nature and the marks obtained in it are not considered for the final selection.

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RBI Assistant Prelims & Mains 2023-Subject-wise Success Strategy

RBI Assistant Prelims & Mains 2023-Subject-wise Success Strategy

If you want to score 95+ Marks in RBI Assistant Exam 2022, you should get the best study material and attempt the best RBI Assistant 2022 Mock Tests regularly followed by a perfect exam strategy that suits you. Especially when you are aware of the difficulty level of the exam. So, you must keep on analyzing Previous Year’s Question Papers and give as many RBI Assistant 2022 Mock Tests as you can to know the style and pattern of questions asked in the exam, to get a perfect idea to design your own exam strategy.

Hence, here are some very essential and topic-wise tips and strategies that you should follow to cover every topic and maximize your overall score:

1.      How to score maximum marks in the Reasoning Section?

The Reasoning section is a part of both Prelims and Mains. The Prelims contain 35 questions for 35 Marks (1 mark each), whereas the Mains exam has 40 questions for 40 Marks (1 mark each). It tests a candidate’s analytical and logical skills. A good practice is needed to sharpen your analytical and logical skills, which is only possible through practice and practice.  Therefore, to counter this section, you should practice Reasoning questions every day and revise everything studied regularly via exam-like Mock Tests.

2.      Numerical Ability or Quantitative Aptitude section

The Quantitative Aptitude section is also part of both Prelims and Mains exams. The Prelims exam tests the candidates with 35 questions for 35 Marks (1 mark each) and the Mains exam sees 40 questions for a total of 40 marks (1 mark each). This QA section is all about real-life calculations and the candidates should possess mathematical skills to deal with numbers in various ways. The best strategy to deal with this section is to perfect all the fundamentals or basic theories, formulas, and shortcuts, and practice different types of questions as much as possible.

3.      English Language section

Just like the Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning section, the English section is also part of both the Prelims and mains exam. The Prelims exam tests the candidates with 30 questions of 35 Marks (1 mark each) and the Mains exam sees 40 questions for a total of 40 marks (1 mark each). This section focuses on grammar, vocabulary (synonyms & antonyms), error detection, cloze test, para-jumbles, idioms, phrases, reading comprehension, fill-in-the-blanks, etc. To fetch maximum marks in this section, the candidate needs to develop a habit of reading the newspaper every day. Newspaper is the best and the cheapest source of not just the latest events but also helps in improving vocabulary, grammar as well as syntax. So, the candidates must learn at least 20 new words a day, go through all the basic grammar rules and practice them in everyday conversation and writing.

4.     General Awareness section

General Awareness is one of the easiest and most scoring sections in the RBI Assistant 2022 Exam if you’ve prepared all the important events of the last 6 months coupled with GK. To make ace it, you should read 2 quality newspapers like Hindu or The Indian Express daily, one general and one of business, like, The Hindu & Economic Times, etc. There are also multiple sources online where you can read daily current affairs. These updates will ensure that you have gone through all the important news. You should also read a magazine dedicated to the current affairs of the last 6 months at least. Make notes, and important points, and do regular revisions.

RBI Assistant Prelims & Mains 2023-Subject-wise Success Strategy

How MNock Test can help you clear RBI Assistant 2022-23 exam in first attempt?

The latest RBI Assistant Mock Tests not only help you to practice concepts and formulas but also in preparing the right strategy. Every topper goes to the exam with his/her own exam strategy for optimum utilization of the given time duration. Therefore, it is essential to know how to make your own strategy for cracking and clearing this exam. The primary motive of these RBI Assistant Mock Tests is to create a benchmarking tool that can help you to measure your preparedness and work on weaknesses before the actual exam knocks on your door. In short, these well-designed RBI Assistant 2022 Mock Tests help in developing the right test-taking strategy through a proper analysis of your performance in each mock test.

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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