LIC ADO Mock Test Schedule for 12th March 2023
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Dear Candidates! The LIC ADO Prelims Exam 2023 will take place on March 12, 2023. Incredibly, the Life Insurance Company of India (LIC) has advertised 9,294 posts this year. You only have 10 days of revision, including today. Keeping the exam date in mind, we have crafted a brief 10-day LIC ADO Mock Test Schedule with 1 Free Super Mock Test to objectively assess your ability level and provide you with helpful and actionable advice before the exam knocks on your door.

Now, without wasting time let’s take a look at the schedule to cover every topic by March 12th, 2023.

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LIC ADO Prelims Exam 2023: 12-Day Revision Plan & Tips for 12th March 2023

LIC ADO 2023 Exam Pattern

LIC ADO 2023 will be conducted in three phases:

  1. Prelims Exam
  2. Mains Exam
  3. Interview Process

Let’s look at the exam pattern for different posts offered through LIC ADO 2023 exam.

LIC ADO Prelims Exam Pattern

  1. The preliminary Examination, which is an objective test will be conducted online.
  2. The LIC ADO Prelims exam will have three sections; each section will have a separate timing.
  3. English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking
S No.SectionsNumber of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
1.Reasoning353520 minutes
2.Numerical Ability353520 minutes
3.English Language3030**20 minutes
Total1007060 minutes

Note: English Language test will be of qualifying nature and the marks in the English Language will not be counted for ranking.

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LIC ADO Prelims Exam 2023: 12-Day Revision Plan & Tips for 12th March 2023

10-Day LIC ADO Mock Test Schedule for 12th March 2023

It is important to go through all the topics and make the best exam strategy via Mock Test practice. Below structured 15 days study schedule complemented with Mock Tests for the preliminary exam success:

DayNumerical AbilityReasoning AbilityEnglish language
Day 1Trigonometry

*Take a Free LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test & Pay heed to the analysis for quick improvement!
Coding and decodingSubject-Verb Agreement
Day 2MensurationSyllogism and Venn DiagramReading Comprehension
Day 3Algebra

*Take LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 1 & Pay heed to the analysis for quick improvement!
Alphabetical seriesVerb, Adverb
Day 4Profit and loss, StatisticsNumber SeriesFill in the blanks
Day 5Time and distance

*Take LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 2 & Pay heed to the analysis for quick improvement!
Analogy and classificationError Correction
Day 6Time and work, PercentageDirections, Decision makingUnseen passages, Cloze Test
Day 7Geometry

*Take LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 3 & Pay heed to the analysis for quick improvement!
Seating ArrangementsSentence Improvement/Phrase Replacement
Day 8Ratio and proportion, Simple and compound interestNonverbal reasoningIdioms, Sentence rearrangement
Day 9Age calculations

*Take LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 4 & Pay heed to the analysis for quick improvement!
Blood relationsGrammar, Tenses
Day 10Calendar and clockStatement and conclusions, Arguments and assumptionsSynonym and antonyms

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LIC ADO Prelims Exam 2023: 12-Day Revision Plan & Tips for 12th March 2023

Important Topics for LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Exam

Given below are the topics that you should master if you want to clear the upcoming exam with flying colours: 

LIC ADO Syllabus: Reasoning

  1. Puzzles
  2. Inequalities
  3. Data Sufficiency
  4. Seating ArrangSyllogismements
  5. Direction Sense
  6. Blood Relation
  7. Order and Ranking
  8. Coding-Decoding
  9. Machine Input-Output
  10. Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
  11. Logical Reasoning

LIC ADO Syllabus: Numerical Ability

  1. Data Interpretation (Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet, Radar/Web, Pie Chart)
  2. Inequalities (Quadratic Equations)
  3. Number Series
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. Approximation and Simplification
  6. Miscellaneous Arithmetic Problems (HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Problems on Boats and Stream, Problems on Trains, Mixture and Allegation, Pipes and Cisterns)

LIC ADO Syllabus: English Language

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Fillers
  3. Cloze Test
  4. Sentence Errors
  5. Word Usage
  6. Sentence Improvement
  7. Vocabulary based questions
  8. Jumbled Paragraph
  9. Phrase/Connectors
  10. Paragraph-related questions (Para connectors, para completion, para restatement, paragraph inference, para fillers)

10-Day LIC ADO Mock Test Schedule for 12th March 2023

Given below is the Mock Test that will help you revise every topic and test your speed and accuracy for better performance in the upcoming exam:

DayTopics Covered
Day 1 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Free Mock Test & Analyze Yourself!
Day 2 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 1 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 3 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 2 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 4 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 3 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 5 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 4 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 6 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 5 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 7 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 6 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 8 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 7 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 9 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 8 & Analyze Yourself!
Day 10 Get LIC ADO Prelims 2023 Mock Test 9 & Analyze Yourself!
LIC ADO Prelims Exam 2023: 12-Day Revision Plan & Tips for 12th March 2023

Mock tests for LIC ADO 2023 Exam Success

If you wish to clear the LIC ADO Prelims and Mains 2023 Exam on your first try, you must routinely take the LIC ADO Mock Test. You can assess your level of preparation with the help of these perfectly created Mock Tests. You will be able to analyse your responses more quickly and efficiently after passing each mock test. It will assist you in understanding where you made mistakes and which areas need improvement. You may learn how to manage your time during the actual exam by taking practise exams, which also teach you how to answer questions quickly and accurately.

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 7+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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