LIC ADO & LIC AAO Comparison of Job Profile Salary Growth
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Some time back, LIC (Life Insurance Corporation of India) has come up with a notification of LIC AAO (Assistant Administrative Officer) which has 300 vacancies. Later, it has once again come up with a notification of ADO (Apprenticeship Development Officer) with a whopping number of 9,394 vacancies. Aspirants must have got a bit confused between both the profiles viz. AAO & ADO which is why we have come up with this article which will clear the air of all the confusion you have.

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Check: Is LIC AAO a Government Job?

Job Profile

Let’s start with the basic difference between the Job Profiles of ADO & AAO which most of the aspirants are curious about. While the LIC AAO’s job profile is an administrative one, the ADO’s profile is sales based. An ADO has to complete the apprenticeship period after which he may be appointed as a Development Officer. As a Development Officer, he will be placed on probation of 1 year. As long as you are meeting/exceeding the target, your job is safe. This is a field job and most of the times you may have to be outside the office meeting with your clients. On the other hand, an AAO’s job is to manage a department handed over to him and most of the times you have to remain in your office. Let’s have a look at the duties & responsibilities of both the profiles:

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  • To manage and file claims and settlements
  • To devise new schemes for the company
  • To interact with the clients
  • To inspect existing policies for any error/misleading term
  • To coordinate with other departments for issues related to claims, settlements etc.


  • To recruit agents to sell LIC policies
  • To provide training to the agents
  • To keep track of the performance of the agents assigned to him
  • To motivate agents to get maximum sales

An AAO is generally involved with administrative work in various departments like New Business, Claims, Account and Policy Service etc. On the contrary, ADO is involved in the recruitment of agents and providing business



As per the official notification, an ADO’s pay scale will be 35650- 2200(2)- 40050- 2595(2)- 45240- 2645 (17)- 90205 plus allowances and other benefits. Total emoluments in an ‘A’ class city will be approximately Rs 56,000. Other Benefits include Gratuity, Defined Contributory Pension Scheme, LTC, Medical Benefit, Group Insurance, Group Personal Accident Insurance, vehicle advance (2-wheeler/4-wheeler), reimbursement towards cost of Brief Case/leather bag, mobile handset, supply of dailies etc.

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Per the official notification, the pay scale of LIC AAO is 53600- 2645(14) – 90630– 2865(4) –102090 and other admissible allowances. In an ‘A’ class city, the total emoluments will be approximately Rs 92,870 per month. Other Benefits include Defined Contributory Pension,

Special Allowance for passing Actuarial Examination, Gratuity, LTC, Cash Medical Benefit, Group Mediclaim, Group Personal Accident Insurance, Group Insurance , Vehicle Loan (2-wheeler/4 wheeler) as per rules, meal coupon, reimbursement towards cost of Brief case/leather bags, mobile handset, supply of dailies and magazines and tea/coffee, mobile expenses, etc.

Growth Opportunities

The insurance sector isn’t known to be very robust when it comes to growth & promotions. The growth opportunities of LIC ADO & LIC AAO are below:


Zonal ManagerRegional Manager
Deputy ManagerSenior Divisional Manager
Assistant Deputy ManagerDivisional Officer
Administrative OfficerAssistant Divisional Officer
Assistant Administrative OfficerSenior Branch Officer
Branch Officer
Assistant Branch Officer
Development Officer
Probationary Development Officer
Apprentice Development Officer

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We hope the above analysis is useful to the aspirants of LIC AAO as well as LIC ADO. Let us know in the comments section below if you still have any doubts.

Wishing you Good Luck with your preparation!

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