ECGC PO 2022 exam is on 29th May 2022! Just 2 Days to go! And you want to perfect to the best of your abilities and crack it this very time. And for that, you know well, you’ll have to performing well in each section of the exam to maximize your overall score. And who does not know that this is not possible without covering the entire syllabus! Because, tough questions may come from anywhere and fall like a brick on your brain. But avoid falling on your face after getting hit by the brick of those tough questions, fall over in the exam, you have to ensure that you cover all the important topics before heading for the exam. In that case, you’ll have a good chance of clearing cracking the RBI Grade B Phase 1 exam 2022.
So, let’s take a look at all the important section-wise topics that can maximize your overall score in the upcoming ECGC PO exam 2022.

Also read, ECGC PO 2022 Exam-Last Minute Tips for Success
Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022
Based on the previous year’s test, we’ve compiled a list of topics to study for each section of the ECGC PO examination.
Most Expected & Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022: Reasoning
A logical reasoning will test your ability to think logically. You’ll have to employing logical and abstract thinking, to extract concepts, comparisons, and structures to find the best answer from multiple possibilities.
Here are the most expected & important topics:
- Alphabet Series
- Analogy
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Blood Relations
- Clocks & Calendars
- Coding-Decoding
- Decision Making
- Directions
- Non-Verbal Series
- Number Ranking
- Puzzles
- Sitting Arrangement
- Statements & Arguments
- Syllogism
Most Expected & Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022: English
One of the most scoring sections of ECGC PO test is the English section. These questions are meant to test your Grammar and comprehension skills.
The following are the most expected and important topics needed to be covered in this section of the exam:
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Antonym and synonym
- Cloze test
- Fillers
- Grammatical Error based questions
- Jumbled Paragraph
- Paragraph Completion
- Prepositions
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Completion
- Tenses
Most Expected & Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022: Quantitative Aptitude
The ECGC PO Quants test will evaluate your numerical skills as well as analytical and logical skills. The questions will bot only determine your mathematical skills but also how you handle techniques and solve problems.
Here are the most expected and important Quants topics you need to master:
- Allegation or Mixture
- Area
- Average
- Banker’s Discount
- Boats and Streams
- Chain Rule
- Compound Interest
- Data Interpretation and Analysis
- Decimal Fraction
- Height and Distance
- Logarithm
- Numbers
- Partnership
- Permutation and Combination
- Pipes and Cistern
- Probability
- Problems with Ages
- Problems with HCF and LCM.
- Ratio and Proportion
- Simple Interest
- Simplification
- Square Root and Cube Root
- Surds and Indices
- Time and Distance
- Time and Work
- Volume and Surface Area
Most Expected & Important Topics For ECGC PO Exam 2022: Computer Knowledge
This section covers the basic knowledge of computers. In addition, the latest events related to computers are also asked in this section. Some of the most important topics include:
The following topics are the most expected and important topics to cover in Computer Knowledge:
- Basic Internet Knowledge and Protocol
- Basics of Hacking, Security Tools, and Viruses.
- Basics of Hardware and Software
- Computer Abbreviation
- Computer Shortcuts Key
- Database Basics
- History of Computers
- Internet Terms and Services
- Memory and Storage Device
- MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Networking and Communication
- Windows Operating System
Most Expected & Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022: General Awareness
The section mostly asks questions about current evets/ news and related to banking. If you mastered events or issues from the past 6-7 months you can fetch maximum marks.
Here are some of the questions that are frequently posed in this section:
- Budget 2022
- Current Affairs of the last 6 months
- Current news with special emphasis on the schemes of ECGC
- History of ECGC
- Major banking terms related to ECGC
- Major government schemes introduced by ECGC.
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Why Mock Tests?-The Magical Tool to ECGC PO 2022 Success
Speed, accuracy, and knowledge are needed in clearing any banking exam. Hence, it is important to improve your speed if you want to attempt the maximum number of questions in the actual exam. This is where practice via exam-like ECGC PO 2022 Mock Tests will do wonders by quickly improving the performance practically. Mocks undoubtedly are the best tool to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and increase your speed and accuracy, all at the same time. By it, you get to know the overall analysis of your present and past performances, allowing you to set and accomplish targets. ECGC PO 2022 Mock Tests train your brain to attempt questions in set timing and make you exam ready.
FAQs: Most Expected & Important Topics for ECGC PO Exam 2022
Q1. What are some important topics from the English Language section in ECGC PO 2022 exam?
Ans. You can check all the most expected and important topics in the English section for the upcp
Candidates can check the details list of English Languages in this article.
Q2. What are some important topics in the Quantitative section in ECGC PO Exam 2022?
Ans. You can check all the most expected and important topics in the Quantitative Aptitude section for the upcoming ECGC PO exam from above
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