LIC AAO Mains Exam Attempt Strategy
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LIC AAO Mains exam is just around the corner and is scheduled for 18th March. This is the time when an aspirant must focus on the revision and must check to know what should be his exam attempt strategy for the final exam. Here in this article we will discuss important exam attempt strategy to follow for the LIC AAO mains exam which is approaching soon. The LIC AAO mains admit cards have not been released yet, but as far as the lic aao mains exam date is concerned it is 18th March 2023 for now. Any change if at all in the exam date will be updated to the candidates here. 

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LIC AAO Mains Exam Pattern

SectionNo of QuestionsMax MarksMediumMinimum Qualifying MarksDuration
Data Analysis & Interpretation3090English/Hindi404540 mins
General Knowledge and Current affairs3060English/Hindi273020 mins
Reasoning Ability 3090English/Hindi404540 mins
Insurance and Financial Market Awareness3060English/Hindi273020 mins
Total120300   2 hours
English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)225English91030 mins

Candidates must be curious to receive their admit cards, however for now let’s focus on the revision part for the exam. Candidates must refer to the LIC AAO Mains previous year paper and previous year analysis for that matter in order to get a better understanding of the entire LIC AAO mains exam attempt strategy for this year. The previous year analysis definitely gives you an idea as what kind of questions have been asked previously and it helps you to prepare accordingly for the current year. Check the table below for the section-wise analysis previous year’s LIC AAO Mains exam:

LIC AAO Mains Previous Year Section-wise Analysis

SectionsNumber of QuestionsGood AttemptsDifficulty Level
General KnowledgeCurrent Affairs3018 to 20Moderate
Reasoning Ability3020 to 23Moderate
Data Analysis & Interpretation3018 to 21Moderate to Difficult
Insurance and FinancialMarket Awareness3019 to 22Moderate to Difficult
English Language (Letter Writing and Essay)2Moderate
Overall12276 to 85Moderate to Difficult

While you are preparing for LIC AAO mains 2023 exam, one must leave no stone unturned and thus, we are here to guide you through the entire exam attempt strategy to follow for LIC AAO mains exam. Before going further deep into this, let’s first understand few crucial revision tips which are a must follow:

  • Prepare or practice from LIC AAO mains previous year paper. Try & attempt lic aao mains question paper 2019 so as to get an idea as what kind of questions are asked in the exam
  • Revising through previous year papers will help you understand the exam pattern and syllabus better.
  •  Practice as many mock tests as you can and evaluate your performance 
  • Stay updated with the most recent news and events taking place 
  • Revise all your current affairs and general awareness notes which you must have created by now
  • Give importance to time management as effective time management is essential
  • Try & enhance your speed along with maintaining accuracy. Speed and accuracy should go hand in hand
  • Prepare well for the descriptive test for LIC AAO mains english language section. This requires strong writing abilities
  • Revise all important topics/concepts from the lic aao mains syllabus

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Steps to Practice for LIC AAO Mains 

  • Sign up on
  • Attempt free quizzes and mini mocks
  • Attempt LIC AAO Mains mock test series. Take free mock test to know your weak areas
  • Prepare current affairs from weekly and monthly current affairs and Bazooka

This brings us to the end of the article. Stay tuned for the LIC AAO mains 2023 exam analysis. Meanwhile, candidates can check out Last Minute Tips For LIC AAO Mains 2023.

FAQs for LIC AAO Mains

  1. Is there any negative marking for LIC AAO mains?

    Yes, 1/4th mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.

  2. What are the total vacancies in the LIC AAO Mains 2023?

    There are a total of 300 vacancies this year.

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