Program Details:
Climate Science & Technology:
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This program offers the opportunity for the student to learn about the dynamics of the atmosphere, and ocean and their interaction, dynamic and synoptic meteorology, quality control, processing and assimilation of oceanic and atmospheric data sets, modeling of oceanic and atmospheric processes and their prediction, remote sensing data and GIS applications, climate variability and global warming, global and regional climate models, the impact of climate change, climate risk, and vulnerability assessment, instrumentation and observation systems, marine pollution and coastal zone management, glaciology, and paleoclimate, downscaling approaches (statistical and dynamical), etc. In addition, a bridge course enables the student to understand about the earth and its interior.
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Structural Engineering:
This master’s program envisages the creation of high-quality professionals with strong research capabilities. Through this program, the students will be exposed to the state of the art research in the areas of structural mechanics, structural analysis, structural dynamics, concrete technology, soil-structure interaction, etc. The program also offers the students to learn about earthquake engineering and seismic design of structures. This program has a set of elective courses, which are relevant to the part of structural engineering education and research. The students can also take interdisciplinary subjects of their choice from a broad spectrum of electives offered by other departments of IIT Bhubaneswar.
Transportation Engineering:
The program will impart training on cutting-edge research and development activities for solving various pressing problems and challenges. The transportation engineering division will primarily be engaged in producing highly skilled human resources, who can cater to the country’s steepest needs to handle various complex issues relating to sustainable transportation solutions. The division will focus on issues and problems relating to urban transportation planning, land-use, and transportation interactive modeling, traffic flow theory and modeling, traffic engineering, highway materials, pavement engineering, and management, rural/low-volume roads, geometric design of transportation facilities and road safety, public transportation system, transportation economics, environmental impact assessment of transportation facilities, intelligent transportation system, etc. Besides, it will also be engaged in addressing issues pertaining to transportation-related policy and behavior of all of its stakeholders.
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Environmental Engineering:
The Environmental Engineering section of SIF is involved in various research and academic activities to deliver effective, economical, and sustainable solutions to diverse environmental challenges. The section focuses on pollution control and resource recovery related to water and wastewater management, solid and hazardous waste management including radioactive, biological waste management, and environmental nanotechnology. Waste utilization for the remediation of wastes, natural treatment filters, and waste to energy are some of the leading research frontiers in which the section is actively involved. The Environmental Engineering Lab is equipped with highly sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment which is at par with any recognized Labs globally. The curriculum of M.Tech. The Environmental Engineering program of IIT Bhubaneswar is designed to enable our graduate students to work on research projects of national and international importance to address societal needs and contribute to the Nation building. Overall, we do not produce just graduates in environmental engineering but rather environmental leaders to mitigate ever-increasing environmental pollution due to rapid urbanization and globalization.
Water Resources Engineering:
The M. Tech program in Water Resources Engineering offered by the IIT Bhubaneswar aims at delivering well-rounded and multidisciplinary education in the field of water resources engineering. Currently, the global as well as national focus is on the development and sustenance of water resources, in general, to solve the problems of conjunctive surface water-groundwater use, coastal erosion, River bank stability, scour around hydraulic structures, Hydro-meteorological extremes, climate change impact assessment, urban flooding and efficient water distribution and management in SMART cities among others. The curriculum is designed to provide graduate students with opportunities to work on research projects of national and international importance. The state-of-the-art laboratory facilities like large hydraulic flumes with wave generators, acoustic Doppler profilers, velocimeters, sub-bottom profiler, anemometers, flow meters, advanced hydrology system, etc allows students to do various laboratory experiments in hydrodynamics, erosion studies, hydrological aspects and correlate with the actual field conditions. The program allows engineers to enhance their scientific understanding and technical competency to address societal needs and contribute to the development of the nation.
Geotechnical Engineering:
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The master’s program in Geotechnical Engineering envisages augmenting fundamental knowledge and skills through excellence in pedagogy, hands-on, and innovative research practices. The students will be exposed to novel and cutting-edge research areas in offshore geomechanics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, waste management, geo-environmental engineering, ground improvement, energy geotechnics, transportation geotechnics, geohydrology, rock mechanics and tunneling and underground space engineering which are indispensable and have a remarkable societal impact. The program embeds a wide spectrum of core, elective, and state-of-art laboratory courses. The program encourages students to choose inter-/multi-disciplinary subjects of their choice offered by other departments of IIT Bhubaneswar to nurture their creativity and holistic development.
Signal Processing and Communication Engineering:
The program focuses on teaching and research to provide students with state-of-the-art insight into major areas of Electronics, Communications and Signal Processing, Microelectronics, and Semiconductor Devices, NXN communication systems, and Computing Techniques and Systems.
Computer Science and Engineering:
The undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Computer Science and Engineering focus on teaching and research to provide the students with in-depth knowledge of the primary areas in Cyber and Digital Forensics, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, Theoretical Computer Science, Computer Systems, Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence, Networks, and Cyber security.
Power System Engineering:
The program focuses on teaching and research in the areas of power system analysis, operation, control and optimization, power system protection, wide area monitoring, power system automation, flexible AC and HVDC transmission system, power system restructuring, power electronics and its applications to the power system, power quality, renewable and distributed energy systems, microgrid and smart grid systems.
Power Electronics and Drives:
The program focuses on teaching and research in the areas of power electronics, power converters, design and control, electric drives, advanced machine analysis, modeling and control, industrial application of power electronics and drives systems, integration and control of renewable energy sources, power quality improvement, electric vehicles, and other smart appliances.
Integrated Circuits & VLSI Systems:
India’s emergence as a global hub for electronics manufacturing and design is led by expertise in the Integrated Circuits and VLSI System Design ecosystem. Integrated Circuits and VLSI Systems is a knowledge-based activity and it is one of the key areas of Microelectronics. To leverage the skills of professionals for its growth and expansion, National Policy on Electronics 2019 emphasizes creating a globally competitive Electronic Design and Manufacturing Industry to meet the Country’s needs and to serve the international market by focusing on skills, technology, and scale. In order to fulfill the vision and mission of NPE-2019, there is a fundamental need to create highly skilled and trained manpower in the areas of Integrated Circuits and VLSI Systems for developing IPs/ASICs/SoCs/Systems for targeted applications. To meet these requirements, the School of Electrical Sciences at IIT Bhubaneswar designed an advanced postgraduate program, leading to an M. Tech. in Integrated Circuits and VLSI Systems, to produce highly skilled manpower to cater to the needs of all the stakeholders of the semiconductor ecosystem.
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering:
This program focuses on the beneficiation and processing of minerals, metal melting casting and heat treatment, steel alloys, important alloys of Al, Mg, and Ti, etc., superalloys, nanomaterials, precious metals and gemstones, ceramic materials, refractory materials, composite materials, bio-materials, rare earth elements: production and applications, granular materials, the structure of materials, mechanical thermal optical electronic and magnetic properties of materials, structure-property correlation of materials, modeling, and simulation of materials, etc.
Thermal Science and Engineering:
The Master’s program in Thermal Science & Engineering aims at creating motivated & capable graduates who can serve both as design & technical engineers and applied researchers in the core and R&D industry. Building on strong fundamentals of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics & heat transfer, the program offers an opportunity to broadly specialize in areas such as Power & Energy, Heat Transfer, Material Processing, Turbulence, CFD & Modelling, High-Accuracy & High-Performance Computing, Combustion, and Geophysical Flows through ample electives. The program also has built into it advanced computational, modeling as well as experimental laboratories to make the graduate, industry-ready. Graduates are individually molded in their second year to build successful careers in both academic research as well as industry R&D through seminars and projects.
Mechanical Systems Design:
Mechanical Systems Design Program offers courses focusing on various aspects of mechanical design. Students are required to undergo four core courses, six elective courses, and three laboratories spread across two semesters. The core courses, such as Vibrations, Advanced Solid Mechanics, Control Theory, and Applied Elasticity, and the laboratories aim at building a strong foundation in the field of systems design. The elective courses and the thesis work provide the flexibility to delve deeper into computational Mechanics, Composites, Smart Structures, Robotics, Vibrations, Condition Monitoring, and Acoustics. The provision of a “Research Review Paper” in the course curriculum aims to widen the research aptitude of the students.
Manufacturing Engineering:
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The dreams of modern developed India can only be realized through a robust manufacturing sector associated with a sound knowledge base and indigenous R&D effort. In line with Central Government’s national program ‘Make in India’, the Manufacturing Engineering postgraduate degree program is being offered by IIT Bhubaneswar. While the program offers basic courses in Manufacturing Engineering for building up the theoretical and practical knowledge base; it also offers various advanced courses in the field of macro to nanoscale manufacturing together with modeling, digitization, and automation of manufacturing processes/systems with an emphasis on quality, productivity, and reliability. The program is aptly designed for the employment of its students in manufacturing industries and R&D organizations. Through the theory and lab courses, the program would expose students to various advanced areas of manufacturing so that they can take up project/thesis work to develop a deep understanding of the problem at hand and contribute to practical applications of the solutions. The program will also enable the students to prepare with the knowledge and skill set required for Industry Generation.
Schools offering the program:
(a) School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences:
School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences offers programs designed to address the required expertise and competence in geosciences, atmospheric science, and ocean science. The programs transcend the boundaries of these individual disciplines to offer advanced knowledge and understanding of the earth systems and their interactions leading to various earth-related events including climate change. The School encourages cross-boundary and interdisciplinary research between disciplines and is offering Ph.D. programs in environmental earth sciences, aqueous geochemistry, etc.
(b) School of Infrastructure:
School of Infrastructure presently offers various academic programs in Civil Engineering. The faculty members of the School are engaged in a wide spectrum of research in established and emerging technologies through nationally and internationally funded sponsored research and industrial consultancy as well as through various research collaborations. The School has state-of-the-art equipment and facilities for teaching and research in Structural Engineering, Concrete Technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Surveying, and Computational planning and designs.
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(c) School of Electrical Sciences
The School of Electrical Sciences offers undergraduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering, and doctoral programs in all major areas of Electrical Sciences. As well as PG programs in Power Systems and Engineering, Signal Processing and Communication Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering. The School is going to offer one new MTech specialization in Integrated Circuits & VLSI Design (Sl. No.11) for admission from the July 2023 session. The faculty members of the School are engaged in a wide spectrum of research in established and emerging technologies through nationally and internationally funded sponsored research and industrial consultancy as well as through various research collaborations.
State-of-the-art computational and experimental facilities enable to undertake of basic and applied research and provide support to R&D organizations. Some of the major laboratories are Communications Laboratory, Control Laboratory, Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, Electrical Machines Laboratory, Electronic System Design Laboratory, Optical Communication Laboratory, Measurement and Instrumentation Laboratory, Microelectronics Characterization Laboratory, Networking Laboratory, Power Electronics and Drives Laboratories, Power System Laboratory, Simulation, and Computation Laboratories, VLSI Laboratory, Antennas, and Microwave Laboratory, Fabrication Clean Room, Multimedia Signal Processing Laboratory, Radar Remote Sensing Laboratory, Renewable Energy Laboratory, Vision and Image Processing Laboratory, Wireless Sensing Laboratory, Programming Lab, Algorithms and Compiler Lab, Architecture Lab, Networks and Security Lab, Data Analytics Lab, Digital Forensics Lab, and High-Performance Computing Lab.
(d) School of Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering:
School of Mineral, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering offers courses in areas of mineral, metallurgy, and materials to enable students to meet the challenges of new opportunities in mineral and metal technologies and increasingly complex dimensions of globalization in these sectors. The School of Minerals, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering has research thrust towards application-oriented technology development in collaboration with industry in the use of leaner ores (optimizing the beneficiation process), treatment of wastes, newer beneficiation process of coal, coal to liquid, and coal to gas), high-value products from graphite, carbon nanotubes, Iron and Steel (ULCOS for steel, Syngas for steel, ZnO capture), Aluminium (alloy development, improving electrolytic cell performance), Other metals (titanium, chromium, and tin), ferroalloys and stainless steel, Special steels, and alloys and innovative building materials (steel), composites, gemstones, advanced ceramics for medical and electronic industries, Photovoltaic and Solar cells, etc.
(e) School of Mechanical Sciences:
School of Mechanical Sciences thrives to create new opportunities through its undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs. The faculty members are involved in a broad range of research areas viz. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing, Robotics and Controls, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Turbulence, Heat Transfer, Multi-Phase Heat Transfer, Micro and nano- mechanics, Composite Materials, Supply Chain Management, Computational Fluid Dynamics, High-Performance Computing, Radiation Modeling, Condition Monitoring, and Acoustics. The school is presently working in collaboration with international research groups.
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Name of the Programme | Previous Degree | Essential/Desirable Requisite | Intake |
Climate Science & Technology | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in M. Sc. or equivalent degree in Atmospheric Science/Marine Science/ Oceanography/ Meteorology/ Physics/Chemistry/ Mathematics OR Similar recognized disciplines along with a valid GATE Score. | Mathematics or Physics at B.Sc. Level essential | 24 |
60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering / Applied Mechanics / Aeronautical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering or equivalent along with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering / Applied Mechanics / Aeronautical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering / Computer Science & Engineering | ||
Structural Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering along with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering | 15 |
Transportation Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering / Infrastructure Engineering, Bachelor in Architecture or Planning along with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering /Infrastructure Engineering Planning | 12 |
Environmental Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or Biochemical Engineering with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering / Environmental Engineering | 15 |
Water Resources Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering / Agricultural with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering / Agricultural | 15 |
Geotechnical Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Civil Engineering with a valid GATE score. | Civil Engineering | 15 |
Signal Processing and Communication Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering or equivalent along with a valid GATE score. | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 24 |
Power System Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electrical, and Electronics Engineering or equivalent (with a valid GATE score in Electrical Engineering). | Electrical Engineering | 22 |
Computer Science and Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Computer Science & Engineering / Information Technology along with a valid GATE score. | Computer Science and Engineering | 23 |
Power Electronics and Drives | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Electrical Engineering or equivalent (with a valid GATE score in Electrical Engineering). | Electrical Engineering | 23 |
Integrated Circuits & VLSI Systems | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Electrical, Electronics, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics, and Electrical Engineering or equivalent along with a valid GATE score. | Electronics & Communication Engineering | 22 |
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B.Tech. / B.E. or equivalent degree in Metallurgy, Materials Science, Ceramic, Chemical, Mechanical, Production Engineering, and allied specializations with a valid GATE score or 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in M.Sc. in Materials Science along with a valid GATE score. | Mathematics at the B.Sc. level is desirable in the case of M. Sc. | 22 |
Mechanical Systems Design | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA on a 10-point scale in B. Tech. / B. E. or Equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent (with a valid GATE score) | Mechanical Engineering | 22 |
Thermal Science and Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B. Tech. /B. E. or Equivalent in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent (with a valid GATE score) | Mechanical Engineering | 22 |
Manufacturing Engineering | 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA in a 10-point scale in B. Tech. /B. E. or Equivalent in Mechanical Engineering/ Manufacturing Engineering/ Industrial & Production Engineering or equivalent (with a valid GATE score in Mechanical Engineering/ Production Engineering) | Mechanical Engineering/ Manufacturing Engineering/ Industrial & Production Engineering | 22 |

Fee structure(Approximately):
Fees | Gen/OBC(NCL) Category | SC/ST/PwD Category | Sponsored (All Category) |
Caution Money (Refundable) | 12,000/- | 12,000/- | 12,000/- |
One Time Fee | 5,900/- | 5,900/- | 5,400/- |
Semester Fee | 11,500/- | *6,500/- | 31,500/- |
Hostel Charges | 26,500/- | 26,500/- | 26,500/- |
Annual Fee | 2,390/- | 2,390/- | 2,390/- |
Grand Total | 58,290/- | 53,290/- | 78,290/- |
* 100% Training & Placement fee waiver for QIP students only.
Reservations for Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) / Other Backward Class – Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) / Economically Weaker Sections (EWS)/ Persons with Disability (PwD) category shall apply as per Government of India rules. The certificate for the same must be submitted in the format specified by the Government. The OBC-NCL certificate and EWS certificate issued on or after 01.04.2022 by the Competent Authority in the prescribed format must be uploaded in the ONLINE application form and submitted at the time of admission.
Shortlisting and Selection Criteria
- a) The shortlisting of regular candidates for admission into M.Tech. Programs will be based on GATE scores only. The fixing of the cut-off scores for candidates in different categories shall be as per the norms of the Institute.
- b) Selection of regular candidates is based on 70% weightage for the GATE score and 30% weightage for the performance in the Written Test and Interview.
- c) The final selection of regular candidates will be solely based on the combined scores of the candidates with 70% weightage to the GATE score and 30% weightage to the written test and interview marks. The Written Test and Interview shall be given an equal weightage of 15% each. A candidate in the unreserved category will be eligible for an interview subject to scoring a minimum of 40% of the maximum marks in the written test. A candidate in the unreserved category will be eligible for final selection subject to scoring a minimum of 50% of the maximum marks in the interview. The fixing of cut-off marks in the written test and interview for reserved categories shall be governed as per the norms of the Institute. Assignment and calculation of the cut-off marks on the combined score for the final section of the candidates in different categories shall be as per the norms of the Institute.
Sponsored Candidates

Candidates who have served continuously for a minimum period of 3 years in the sponsoring organization are eligible for admission to the M.Tech. Programme as Sponsored Candidates.
- a) A sponsored candidate with a valid GATE score will have to undergo the same shortlisting and selection process as those of the regular candidates.
- b) A sponsored candidate without a valid GATE score will be shortlisted only if he/she has obtained a minimum 65% mark (or 7.0 CGPA on 10 –a point scale) in all academic examinations. A relaxation of 5% marks is permitted only in one academic examination. He/she will also have to appear for the written test and interview in the School. The weightage for the Written Test and Interview shall be 70% and 30%, respectively. The candidate will be eligible for an interview subject to scoring a minimum of 40% of the maximum marks in the written test. The candidate will be eligible for final selection subject to scoring a minimum of 50% of the maximum marks in the Interview. The fixing of cut-off marks for reserved categories shall be governed as per the norms of the Institute. The final selection will be based on the combined score of the Written Test and Interview.
- c) The candidates sponsored by DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization) and similar approved government organizations, who have been selected through the approved internal procedure, will be admitted to the appropriate discipline.
Note: A candidate who fails to appear for the Personal Interview will not be considered for admission.
Financial Assistance
Students who are admitted to M.Tech. Programme (except Sponsored) will receive an assistantship as per the applicable rate for a maximum period of 24 months subject to the provisions under regulation. The monthly value of the assistantship shall be as approved by the Board of Governors from time to time with the prior sanction of the Government of India.
The Institute will also provide partial financial assistance to each M. Tech student during their entire M. Tech Program for Paper Presentation at International / National Conferences / Seminars / Symposium as first authors/visits related to Workshops / Short Term Course / Data Collection / Field Work etc.(within Odisha).
Application fee (Non-refundable)
For General, OBC, and EWS candidates Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three hundred only)
For SC/ST/PwD candidates Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred fifty only)
N.B. 1) Application fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
2) Female candidates are exempted from payment of the application fees.
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