IB ACIO Exam 2024 Special Mock Test, Last Minute Tips, Dos & Don'ts for January 18, 2024
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Are you ready to give your best in the next shift of the IB ACIO online exam today? The last shift of the exam is scheduled for January 18, 2024, today! If you seriously dream of a career in intelligence and security, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (IB ACIO) exam can be the best gateway for your dream. You need to be more focused now. The exam, as always, has different parts like General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, and English Language, and you need to master each one. But how do you revise every topic that matters the most in just 1 day for such a challenging exam? How do you manage your time and accuracy in the exam? Yes, Mock Tests!

To aid aspirants in their preparation journey, a structured approach can make a significant difference. These last-day tips and important Dos and Don’ts will fine-tune skills and enhance exam-taking abilities.

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Test Yourself Perfectly via the Last ACIO 2024 Mock Test

To facilitate your preparation journey, we present the Last Mock Test, a golden opportunity for super revision. Elevate your skills, refine your strategies, and enhance your exam-taking prowess over these two days of intensive preparation.

18th January 2024 (2nd Shift)Take a FREE IB ACIO Exam Mock Test👈🏆
18th January 2024 (3rd Shift)IB ACIO Exam Mock Test & Revise All Important Topics👈🏆

Is the Last Shift of IB ACIO Exam 2024 going to be tough?

The IB ACIO Exam isn’t necessarily hard. It depends on how well you prepare. However, the exam’s difficulty can range from medium to difficult, as seen in previous years’ papers. Passing the IB ACIO exam can be tough due to its competitive nature and different subjects.

Keep in mind:

  1. The IB ACIO Exam isn’t necessarily hard.
  2. Success depends on your preparation and a bit of luck. But those who study hard and smartly always win the race.
  3. The exam’s difficulty can range from medium to difficult, as seen in previous years’ papers. Passing the IB ACIO exam can be tough because it’s competitive.

How to Ace the IB ACIO Exam 2024: 4 Tips to Avoid Mistakes and Score High in the Last Shift of the Exam

 Here are the best tips on how to avoid mistakes while doing the IB ACIO Exam 2024:

1.     Eliminate wrong options

Use the process of elimination to rule out the incorrect or irrelevant options and narrow down your choices.

2.     Avoid guesswork

Do not mark an answer based on guesswork or intuition, as there is negative marking for wrong answers. Only answer the questions that you are confident about.

3.     Manage your time effectively

Allocate your time wisely for each section and question, and do not spend too much time on any one question. Keep track of your progress and pace yourself accordingly.

4.     Check your answers

Before submitting your paper, review your answers and make sure they are correct and complete. Look for any errors or mistakes and rectify them if possible.

Dos and Don’ts for IB ACIO Exam 2024


1. Check your admit card and ID.

2. Pack pens, pencils, erasers, and a watch.

3. Dress comfortably and reach the exam center early.


1. Don’t try to learn new things now.

2. Avoid stress-inducing information.

3. Ignore last-minute advice that might confuse you.

Note: These last-minute tips are here to help you revise in a focused and effective way. Remember, success in the IB ACIO exam is not just about knowing the content; it’s also about managing your time and approaching questions smartly.

IB ACIO Exam 2024: A Journey Through Essential Dates

Understanding the crucial dates is paramount for those who’ve committed to the IB ACIO Exam. Check out the summarized table below for a quick reference:

IB ACIO Exam Dates 2023-24
IB ACIO Online Notification Release DateNovember 25, 2023
IB ACIO Start Date of Online ApplicationNovember 25, 2023
IB ACIO Last Date to Apply OnlineDecember 15, 2023
Last Date for Fees Payment OnlineDecember 15, 2023
IB ACIO Admit Card 2024January 14, 2024
IB ACIO Exam Dates (Tier 1)January 17 & 18, 2024

IB ACIO Exam Pattern 2024

Current Affairs20201 Hour
General Studies2020
Numerical Aptitude2020
Reasoning and Logical Aptitude2020
English Language2020

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IB ACIO Syllabus 2024

Here are the topics that you must go through to make sure you maximize your score in each subject of the upcoming IB ACIO online exam scheduled to be conducted today and tomorrow:

Current AffairsReasoning English Language Quantitative Aptitude General Studies
Current Affairs and Static G.K.Seating ArrangementDetection of ErrorsSimplification Economics & Finance
Banking Awareness SyllogismCloze TestData Interpretation Geography
International and National AwarenessBlood RelationsReading ComprehensionNumber Series Indian history
Countries, Currencies, and Capitals PuzzlesImproving Sentences and paragraphsQuadratic Equations Politics
Books, Authors, and Awards InequalitiesCompletion of paragraphsData Sufficiency Science and Technology
Headquarters of Important OrganizationsInput-OutputPara jumblingRatio and Proportion Computers
Prime Minister Schemes Coding-DecodingFill in the blanksDiscounts Chemistry
Government Policies Data SufficiencyParts of speechAverages Physics
Important Dates and Events Order and RankingModes of narrationMixtures and AlligationBiology
Economics and FinanceAlphanumeric SeriesPrepositionsPercentages 
History and Politics Distance and DirectionVoice Change Profit and Loss
Physics, BiologyVerbal and non-verbal reasoningSentence Structure Partnerships 
Charts Adjectives Rate of Interest 
Completion of Patterns Clauses Time Work and Distance 
ClassificationsOne Word SubstitutionPermutation and Combination 
Character Puzzles Probability 
Logical Sequence of WordsAnalytical Geometry 
Image Analysis Calculus 
Differential Equations 
Real Analysis 
Click Here to Take a FREE Mock Test & Test Your Knowledge on all the subjects above🏆👈Click Here to Take a FREE Mock Test & Test Your Knowledge on all the subjects above🏆👈Click Here to Take a FREE Mock Test & Test Your Knowledge on all the subjects above🏆👈Dynamics    Click Here to Take a FREE Mock Test & Test Your Knowledge on all the subjects above🏆👈Click Here to Take a FREE Mock Test & Test Your Knowledge on all the subjects above🏆👈

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Revolutionize Your Approach with the Last 2-Day Mock Test Challenge

Cracking the IB ACIO Exam on your first attempt is not just a dream; it’s an achievable goal with our last revision plan. Dive into Current Affairs, Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning, and General Studies, dedicating each day to a specific section. This structured approach, coupled with mock tests, paves the way to success.

Revision 1: Current Affairs & Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Cover a spectrum of topics, from national to international events.
  2. Utilize reliable news sources and past question papers to simulate the exam environment.
  3. Focus on solving problems under time constraints.
  4. Brush up on arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation.

Revision 2: Logical Reasoning & English Language

  1. Sharpen critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical reasoning skills.
  2. Practice various puzzles, syllogisms, and coding-decoding problems.
  3. Refine grammar rules, enhance vocabulary, and practice comprehension.
  4. Reading newspapers, and novels, and solving previous papers aids in honing language abilities.

Measure Progress with the Final Mock Test

The culmination of this challenge is the final mock test. Apply your learnings, implement improved strategies, and aim for enhanced performance. This test serves as a measure of progress and boosts confidence before the actual examination.

Hurry Up🏃‍♂️Click Here👆& Grab 1 FREE IB ACIO Mock Test for 10X Revision👈🏆

9 Best Tips for Super-fast Revision

Here are the 9 best tips for super-fast revision:

Tip 1: Mock Tests: A Key to Success in IB ACIO

Take mock tests regularly and analyze your performance. Mock tests are the best way to assess your preparation level, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and improve your speed and accuracy. You can take the FREE IB ACIO 2024 mock test offered by the 2-Day Super Mock Test Challenge and know your All India Rank.

Tip 2: How to Ace Current Affairs and General Studies

Revise the current affairs and static GK topics from reliable sources. Current affairs and general studies are the most dynamic and scoring subjects in the IB ACIO exam. You should revise the latest news and events related to national and international affairs, economics and finance, geography, history, politics, science and technology, books and awards, etc. You can also use mnemonics, flashcards, or quizzes to memorize the facts and figures.

Tip 3: Numerical Aptitude and Reasoning: Tips and Tricks

Practice numerical aptitude and reasoning questions with shortcuts and tricks. Numerical aptitude and reasoning are the most time-consuming and tricky subjects in the IB ACIO exam. You should practice a variety of questions from topics like simplification, data interpretation, number series, quadratic equations, ratio and proportion, discounts, averages, mixtures and alligation, percentages, profit and loss, rate of interest, time work and distance, permutation and combination, probability, analytical geometry, calculus, differential equations, statistics, real analysis, etc. You should also learn the shortcuts and tricks to solve the questions faster and avoid mistakes.

Tip 4: English Language: The Essential Skill for IB ACIO

Improve your English language skills by reading, writing, and speaking. English language is the most basic and essential subject in the IB ACIO exam. You should improve your vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and communication skills by reading newspapers, magazines, books, or blogs, writing essays, letters, or summaries, and speaking with friends, family, or mentors. You should also practice questions from topics like detection of errors, cloze test, improving sentences and paragraphs, completion of paragraphs, para jumbling, fill in the blanks, parts of speech, modes of narration, voice change, sentence structure, adjectives, clauses, one word substitution, etc.

Tip 5: Note-Making and Revision: The Best Way to Learn

Make notes and revise them regularly. Making notes is a very effective way to summarize and retain the information you have learned. You should make notes of the important formulas, concepts, facts, dates, events, etc. for each subject and revise them regularly. You can also use highlighters, colors, diagrams, or charts to make your notes more visual and appealing.

Tip 6: Previous Year and Sample Papers: The Ultimate Practice

Solve previous year papers and sample papers. Solving previous year papers and sample papers will give you an idea of the difficulty level, question pattern, and expected topics for the IB ACIO exam. You will also get familiar with the exam environment and the pressure of time. You should solve the papers in a simulated manner and check your answers with the solutions and explanations.

Tip 7: Doubt-Clearing: The Importance of Expert Guidance

Clear your doubts and queries with experts or peers. If you have any doubts or queries regarding any subject or topic, you should not hesitate to clear them with experts or peers. You can join online forums, groups, or communities where you can interact with other aspirants and mentors. You can also watch online videos where you can learn from the experts and get tips and guidance.

Tip 8: Health and Positivity: The Secret to Performance

Stay healthy and positive. Your physical and mental health is very important for your exam preparation and performance. You should take care of your diet, sleep, exercise, and relaxation. You should eat nutritious food, drink plenty of water, sleep for at least 7-8 hours, do some physical activity, and meditate or listen to music. You should also avoid stress, anxiety, and negativity. You should believe in yourself and your abilities and stay confident and motivated.

Tip 9: Smart and Strategic Revision: The Key to Success

Revise smartly and strategically. Revision is the key to success in any exam. You should revise smartly and strategically by focusing on the most important and weak areas, revising the notes and mock tests, solving the previous year papers and sample papers, clearing the doubts and queries, and staying healthy and positive. You should also avoid cramming or learning new topics at the last moment. As there are only 2 days to go for the exam, you should follow this last 2-day Mock Test Challenge and stick to it.

IB ACIO Exam 2024: Last Minute Tips for Best Results

Getting ready for the next shift of the IB ACIO exam? Feeling a bit nervous? No worries! Let’s make things simple and easy.

1.     Focus on Revision

Instead of trying to learn new things at the last minute, focus on revising what you already know. Spend more time on areas you find tricky. Quick reviews of formulas, concepts, and important dates can really help.

2.     Practice with Mock Tests

Take a FREE Mock Test under exam conditions. This helps you manage your time and get used to the exam setup. Check how you did, find weak areas, and figure out how to do better during the real exam.

3.     Catch Up on Current Affairs

Take some time to catch up on recent events, especially in national and international affairs. Know about important events, government plans, and policy changes. This can give you an advantage.

4.     Be Smart with Numerical Aptitude

For the math part, focus on quick calculation methods. Practice doing mental math, and choose questions you’re comfortable with. Remember, being accurate is more important than guessing.

5.     Sharpen Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning needs clear thinking and quick problem-solving. Go over concepts like syllogism, coding-decoding, and puzzles. Solve different types of logical problems to improve your analytical skills.

6.     Polish Your English

In the English section, work on grammar, forming sentences, and building your vocabulary. Read sample passages to understand better. Pay attention to finding errors and correcting sentences.

7.     Strategize for General Studies

In General Studies, concentrate on big topics like history, geography, and current affairs. Use keywords to help remember things during the exam. Remember, you don’t need to be an expert in everything.

8.     Manage Your Time Well

Make a rough plan for how much time to spend on each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Stick to your plan during the actual exam. Don’t spend too much time on one question; move on and come back later if you have time.

9.     Take Care of Yourself

In the last 24 hours, focus on your well-being. Get a good night’s sleep, stay hydrated, and eat well. Avoid cramming at the last minute; it can make you tired.

10.  Stay Positive and Confident

Believe in yourself and your preparation. Think about the hard work you’ve done and approach the exam with a positive attitude. Confidence can really help you perform well. Take a moment to relax and picture yourself succeeding.

Conclusion: A Path to Success

The IB ACIO Exam 2024 isn’t just about how much you know. It’s also about managing time well and solving problems smartly. The last Mock Test is here to help you get ready. Practice a lot, analyze your work carefully, and make improvements where you need to. This is the key to success. Let this challenge give you the confidence to do well in the IB ACIO Exam 2024. Don’t miss this chance – open the door to your success!

    Free Mock Tests for the Upcoming Exams

By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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