How to Crack IBPS Clerk 2022 Exam in 1st Attempt?
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Tricks to clear IBPS Clerk exam: If you are missing the banking/ insurance exams’ cut-offs by 1 or 2 marks, you are at the right place. We are publishing the story of Sejal Shah who appeared in a number of exams viz. LIC AAO, SBI Clerk, FCI, SBI PO, RRB Assistant, LIC Assistant, RRB PO, IBPS PO, RBI Grade B and only missed to clear these exams by a small margin. After continuously missing cut-offs of the popular banking/ insurance exams she got a little demotivated but she didn’t give up. And finally, she was able to attain success in IBPS Clerk exam.

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If you are also somebody who misses the cut-offs of banking/ insurance exams by a small margin, there is something in this IBPS Clerk success story which you can learn too. Read on and find out the plans of action Sejal adopted for different sections. Also, check her overall strategy and her daily schedule. Pick up the skills which can improve your performance and surely in the upcoming banking/ insurance exams, you will be able to clear the cut-offs.

Congratulations on your success! Which exams did you appear in to date and what were their results?

I started my preparation from January. Below is the list of exams i had given

  • lic aao out in prelims
  • sbi clerk out in mains 
  • fci out in mains
  • lic ado cleared 
  • sbi po out in prelims by 1mark
  • rrb assistant lost mains by 3.25 marks
  • lic assistant lost mains by 1 mark
  • rrb po lost prelims by 1 mark
  • ibps po lost mains by .75 mark
  • rbi grade b out in phaseone got 100 marks 
  • rbi grade b lost in prelims scored 90.50 in prelims
  • ibps clerk cleared selected in bank of india

How did you prepare for different sections?

For English: as i am frm english medium so it ws not tough for me even english section asked in exams it is not so tough ..all you need us to do reading as much as you can it vl b vry helpful in building your vocab ,in sentence formation, error detection and also in fillers. read 2-3 RC on daily basis, learn 10 new words daily and revise it weekly and remaining english section will be covered in your mock ..

For Maths: first develop and clear your concepts of evry topic by following any mentor on youtube ..if you feel anything is important make a note of it .for prelims all u need is speed and accuracy so give as many mocks you can give to build speed focus on simplification, approximation,quadratic equation,number series and wrong series try to solve atleast 20 question of each per day with timer it will boost ur calculation speed.

For Mains your concepts should b clear and sharp give one mains mock and analysis of it thoroughly and solve 4-5 DI sets daily of moderate to high level and give mains quizzes solve  arithmetic questions at least 30-40 questions you will find sample of question online so solve it so per day you’ll solve 50 from mock +40 others total 90 questions in a day 

For Reasoning: first get basic idea of each n evry topic same by following any mentor den practice puzzle first by starting with easy thn switch to moderate to high level solve it with timer and daily solve atleast 10-12 puzzles 

For Current Affairs and Financial Awareness: read ca on daily basis revise it on weekly and monthly basis..give quizess can follow any  2-3 sources acc to yourself and for financial and static awareness download any pdf from google and revise it thoroughly.

What was your overall strategy? Did you follow a study schedule? If yes, please share the details.

My weak section was quant .. I lost mny exms due to quant section but i analysed my weak ares where i ws lacking and worked on it to improve .. there were mny ups and down as u can see frm my exam list i hd given i alwys missed by few marks only so at some point of time i ws hopeless felt demotivated but remember its not the end its starting of your success ..alwys keep in mind “let ur dreams be bigger than ur fears “if u r missing by few mrks den there is some mistke u r making u know ur caliber so deeply study what u are lacking and work on it definitely you will gt success..clearing any exam needs self determination, healthy mind,peaceful soul, regular study and positivity ..

my daily schedule – 

  • 2 hr ca
  • 2 hr reasoning puzzle
  • 1 hr maths di 
  • 2 hr maths word problems
  • (if going for prelims ) 4-5 mocks with analysis 
  • if going for mains ) 1 mock with analysis
  • before going to bed revise daily ca and vocab  

Did PracticeMock help you in your success?

i had purchased PracticeMock test series and it is really exam-oriented, level of questions is superb.. it really helped me alot also my concept gt cleared and solution provided is also good .. i really liked PM test series also ca pdf they provide is awesome one of my sources of ca was PM definitely.. thank you PracticeMock

What’s your message for the fellow aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams?

“never lose hope ..” i dont want anyone to do same mistake what  i had done .. be focused, be sincere towards your goal and keep working on it you’ll surely get success… failure doesn’t define you; you’ll face it before getting success and will help you to know urself and will surely make you a better person. alwys remember: “Success is the sum of small efforts – repeated day in and day out.” so stayed focused do well keep practising ..wish you all good luck and thanks to PracticeMock.

This was the story of Sejal Shah who is proudly working as an IBPS Clerk at Bank of India. If you are also aiming for similar banking/ insurance exams, you can take valuable lessons from the insights Sejal shared above. Adopt these strategies to ensure that you won’t miss the cut-offs by 1 or 2 marks. Also, check the importance of mock tests in her schedule and how she used to analyze mock tests after taking them. All these factors combined will surely lead you to success and help you crack exams like LIC AAO, SBI Clerk, FCI, SBI PO, RRB Assistant, LIC Assistant, RRB PO, IBPS PO, RBI Grade B.

If you also have a success story to share, you can click here to share it.

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