AAI Junior Executive ATC 2023-How to Score 50+ Marks in Physics and Mathematics?
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AAI JE ATC exam will be held on 27th December 2023, just a few days left to ensure complete revision! You know that it is one of the most pursued exams conducted by the Airports Authority of India and cracking it is not child’s play. The level of competition is high. Thus, it attracts thousands of candidates to compete for a few posts. Particularly, because it tests students’ skills in Physics and Mathematics. For many students, both subjects are difficult, and the test will require you to work through problems or equations carefully. The exam contains technical and non-technical subjects and hence aspirants who have a good understanding of Physics and Mathematics are already ahead in the preparation league.

Anyone who wants to clear the exam must have good subject-wise preparation and exam strategy to achieve success. Hence, in this blog, we’ll discuss some succinct yet very effective tips along with AAI JE ATC Mock Tests to guide you in the best possible manner in crafting your success strategy.

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AAI JE ATC Exam Pattern 2023

PartsSubjectTotal QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Part AEnglish Language & Comprehension2020120 minutes
General Intelligence/ Reasoning1515
General Aptitude/ Numerical Aptitude1515
General Knowledge and General Awareness1010
Part BMathematics3030
Total120120120 minutes


  • The AAI Exam will be conducted online in English and Hindi.
  • AAI JE Exam has two parts. Part 1 has 4 sections whereas part 2 will have two sections.
  • The first part is the non-technical section and covers English, Reasoning, General/ numerical aptitude, and general awareness.
  • The second part is the technical part. It covers Mathematics and Physics.
  • The total number of questions is 120.
  • The duration of the AAI JE Exam is 2 Hours.
  • One mark is given for every correct answer.
  • There is no negative marking in the AAI JE Exam 2022.
  • The candidates will be evaluated on the second portion only if they qualify for the cut-off of the first part.

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AAI ATC Maths Syllabus

Mathematics-Binomial Theorem
-Quadratic Equations
-Straight Lines
-Differential Equations
-Integral (Definite & Indefinite)
-Maxima & Minima

AAI Junior Executive Syllabus for Physics

Subjects Topics
Physics -Electrostatics
-Current Electricity
-Moving Charges with Magnetism 
-Electro-Magnetic Waves
-Laws of Motion
-Thermal Physics 
-Electronic Devices
-Scalars and Vectors
-Modern Physics 
-Waves and Optics 
-Statics and Dynamics

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How to Score 50+ Marks in Physics and Mathematics?

Here are easy-to-apply tips you need to follow to score 50+ marks in the upcoming AAI JE ATC exam:

AAI JE ATC Physics Prep Tips

  • The Physics section will be as difficult as class 12th, or BSC-level physics.
  • Go through all the basic concepts of the important topics.
  • Revise all important formulae.
  • Solve as many questions and practice sets as possible.
  • Focus on solving conceptual questions based on all the topics.
  • Prepare from NCERT’s Physics Books and other standard books.
  •  Make sure to focus on theory, numerical and application-based questions.
  • Take Mock Test Daily and Test your knowledge on topics like Binomial Theorem, Quadratic Equations, Straight Lines Etc.

AAI JE ATC Mathematics Prep Tips

  • The Math section will also be as difficult as class 12th, or BSC-level physics.
  • Go through all the basic concepts of the important topics.
  • Go through all the important formulae and keep practicing them as much as you can.
  • Solve as many mock tests and practice tests as possible to improve your time management with respect to your speed and accuracy in solving questions.
  • Focus on practicing concept-based questions.
  • Refer to NCERT Books and Maths books by R.D. Sharma.
  • Take Mock Test Daily and Test your knowledge on topics like -Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Moving Charges with Magnetism, Etc.

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AAI Junior Executive ATC 2023-How to Score 50+ Marks in Physics and Mathematics?

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AAI Junior Executive ATC 2023-How to Score 50+ Marks in Physics and Mathematics?

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AAI Junior Executive ATC 2023-How to Score 50+ Marks in Physics and Mathematics?

यहां Click करें, AAI ATC का Free Mock Test अभी तुरंत लें।

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By Asad Yar Khan

Asad specializes in penning and overseeing blogs on study strategies, exam techniques, and key strategies for SSC, banking, engineering, and other competitive exams. During his 3+ years of stint at PracticeMock, he has helped thousands of aspirants gain the confidence to achieve top results. In his free time, he transforms into a professional sleepyhead, devours books, and is an outdoor enthusiast.

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