SSC CGL 2023-35 Days Mock Test Challenge for Success
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Nishant Anand’s Success Story

Hi everyone, I am from Bihar and I have cleared SSC CGL in 2018. I started my exam preparation in the year 2018 and I wished that I could clear the exam in first attempt and finally my wish came true & I cleared the exam in my first attempt only & trust me this was an achievement for me & my family. Though, SSC CGL exam is not that difficult, but without proper planning & strategy it will not be possible for anyone to clear the exam in a single shot. The syllabus as you know is similar to the banking exams, but generally the questions asked are different. So, here I am sharing my success story with you all so that those who will be preparing for this exam in the future will get some idea or reference as how to go about it.

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Section-wise Preparation Strategy

English Section Preparation Strategy

Being a Hindi medium student English has always been a challenge for me, but somehow I managed to cope up with that. Vocabulary is one thing which according to me is very important & the first thing I wanted to start with is improving my vocab. I started reading from the book by SP Bakshi. Also, its important to keep on revising the words so that you don’t forget what you have already learned. Grammar is also crucial. I side by side solved pm’s english quizzes for better understanding. I even ready The Hindu newspaper & it also helped me improve my english.

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Quantitative Aptitude Section Preparation Strategy

For quant its important to have conceptual clarity & everytime you learn a new concept, practice its questions before moving ahead to the next concept. I practiced from Practicemock as they have given different types of questions of every concept. Also, would like to add that pm’s mocks are of the actual exam level & they have questions that were similar to what is asked in the actual exam.

Quant free topic wise quizzes

Reasoning Section Preparation Strategy

Clock, Series & Dice are few topics that are important & are to be revised and practiced thoroughly. practice is the only way to score well in reasoning section. I only practiced mocks back to back to improve in this section. apart from this previous year papers helped me a lot.

General Awareness Section Preparation Strategy

My GK was weak too & I prepared from Lucent GK and to score well its important to study at least 8-9 previous months of current affairs. Unlike other sections this one is a bit easy to score as no calculations are involved & no short tricks or formulas are to be learned. All I have done is followed Lucent GK & followed bazooka and weekly current affairs shared by practicemock. these things are sufficient according to me to score well in the GA section.

Overall Strategy, Study Schedule & Challenges Faced

Self assesement & revision was 1 thing I keep a track of. After attempting every mock i used to analyse it completely and on the basis of that i used to make my revision plan for next few days. I followed a time table & used to start my preparation around 7 in the morning and used to end my day at 11pm, with breaks obviously in between. I used to complete the daily tasks like ready vocabulary & The Hindu & current affairs first thing in the morning and then as the day proceeds my focus moved towards practicing of quant & reasoning questions. so, this way I managed to follow a schedule.

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How did PracticeMock help you?

Practicemock’s mock tests helped me a lot & as i have mentioned that there current affairs were very precise & helpful for me.

Message to the Fellow Aspirants

Follow a proper time table and practice as much as you can. Don’t loose hope & dpn’t get disheartned with the negative comments of people. Keep yourself motivated at all times & keep going.

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This is what Nishant Anand has to say regarding his success and his entire exam preparation journey. For those who have cleared any exam and want to get featured on our blog can share his or her success story by filling in the detailsĀ here.

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