SSC CGL Study Plan For 15 Days
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SSC CGL Study Plan For 15 Days

SSC CGL Study Plan for 15 Days: The Staff Selection Commission is all set to conduct the Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level exam for the year 2024. We all are very well aware about the competition for the SSC CGL exam & in less time it is a little bit difficult but always remember that If you’re a true warrior, competition doesn’t scare you. So, it is advisable for the candidate to buckle up their last few days of preparation with the SSC CGL Study plan for 15 Days. Designing a study plan & covering all the topics for the SSC CGL exam for a 15-day period is a bit difficult but can be beneficial for the candidate if done effectively & efficiently. Here’s a SSC CGL Study Plan and the benefits associated with it.

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SSC CGL Study Plan 2024

The candidates who are dreaming of cracking the Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) exam can start their preparation with a well structured SSC CGL Study Plan. With dedication & hard work nothing is impossible. Days are just a number if you decide to clear the exam. If the candidate follows the well designed road map for the exam, then no one can stop them from succeeding. In 15 days we cannot cover each and every topic but yes in 15 days we can cover all the important topics.

SSC CGL Study Plan For Day 1-2

Allot 1 day to understand the exam pattern syllabus, topics which are most frequently asked as per the previous year trend & start topic wise preparation by allocating the specific time to specific section & topic. Here is the SSC CGL Study plan for Day 1 & Day 2. 

SSC CGL Study Plan Day 1-2
Day 1Go through with SSC CGL previous years’ question papers to understand the pattern & Familiarize yourself with the syllabus
Day 2Analogy
Time and work 
Reading Comprehension

SSC CGL Study Plan For Day 3-5

Allot the most important as well most scoring topics for Day 3, Day 4 & Day 5. Make sure that we don’t have enough time so make sure to cover each topic with proper focus. And, don’t forget to attempt previous year question papers & analyze your performance. Here is the SSC CGL Study plan for Day 3-5. 

SSC CGL Study Plan Day 3-5
Day 3 Classification
Profit and loss
Sentence Improvement
Day 4Coding- Decoding
Ratio and Proportion (Partnership, Ages, Average, AP, GP)
Sentence Improvement
Day 5Blood Relation
Attempt SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper

SSC CGL Study Plan For Day 6-10

Assign Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 & Day 10 for the topics like series, trigonometry, puzzle, Polity & cloze text which are the most frequently asked topics. Here is the SSC CGL Study plan for Day 6- 10. 

SSC CGL Study Plan Day 6-10
Day 6Series
SI and CI
Sentence Improvement
Day 7Puzzle
Grammar (Voice, Narration, Conjunction, Adverb, Fill in the blanks etc.)
Day 8Non Verbal Reasoning
Current Affairs
Para Jumbles
Day 9Order & Ranking
Simplification (Fractions, Decimals, Square roots, Cube roots, Square, Cube, surds and indices)
Error Spotting
Day 10Clock & Calendar
Books & Authors & Important Events (National &/ International)
Cloze test

SSC CGL Study Plan For Days 11-13

It’s time for more practice, harder work. Cover the topics like classification, syllogism, Error spotting & Trigonometry. Here is the SSC CGL Study Plan for Day 11, Day 12 & Day 13

SSC CGL Study Plan Day 11-13
Day 11Classification
Percentage (Income and Expenditure)
Vocab (Antonyms, Synonyms, One-word Substitution, Phrases and Idioms, Spellings)
Day 12Non Verbal Reasoning
Static GK
Profit and loss
Error Spotting
Day 13Syllogism
Polity & Current Affairs
Para Jumbles

SSC CGL Study Plan For Day 14-15

Last 2 days are crucial for the candidates who are preparing with less time. The candidate must make sure that this time requires more revision. Attempt PracticeMock SSC CGL Mock test & get ready to roar the exam. Don’t work to work on your strengths & weaknesses. Here is the SSC CGL Study plan for the last 2 days. 

SSC CGL Study Plan Day 14-15
Day 14Analogy
Profit and loss & Algebra 
Solve Previous Year Question Paper
Day 15Attempt SSC CGL Mock TestRevision

Tips to Follow with SSC CGL Study Plan for 15 Days

Here we are providing you with the tips that you can follow with the SSC CGL Study plan for 15 days which will provide you with a balanced approach to ace the exam. 

  • Revise the important formulas, concepts, and tricks.
  • Revise with the notes that you have prepared at the time of Preparation
  • Work on your Speed & Accuracy, this the key to get the success in SSC CGL Exam. 
  • Solve SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper & measure your preparation at each level. 
  • Attempt SSC CGL Mock Test & Track Your performance.

Hoping that this will surely help you to get ready for SSC CGL 2024 Exam in 15 Days of Time. 

Good Luck!

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By Abhishek Jatariya

I help candidates prepare for SSC, Banking and Regulatory exams by covering topics ranging from exam patterns to syllabus to study techniques and more.

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