5 Secrets RBI Toppers Never Reveal Find Out Now
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RBI Grade B is one of the most lucrative and career-defining jobs that has the attention of many eyes. There are only a handful of seats. Only 300-350 people get the opportunity every year to be hired as Grade B officers by the prestigious organization called The Reserve Bank of India. 

With such high competition, you should know there are several candidates who will be at par when it comes to being good at either quantitative aptitude, English, Economics, Interpersonal skills, etc. So, what’s the difference then you may ask. Well, it’s about strategy and preparation.  

RBI Grade B Notes

Here are the five secrets that toppers implement to crack RBI Grade B Exam: 

They don’t compare other prelim examinations with RBI Grade B. 

Although the prelim section might be the same, the level of difficulty is never the same in the case of RBI Grade B. For example – the exam of NABARD prelims isn’t comparable with RBI prelims at all. Many fall into this trap and would think; because they have either prepared or cleared other banking exams, they will be able to crack RBI Phase 1 as well. RBI Phase I syllabus isn’t repeated at all in the second phase. So, why would RBI go easy in Phase 1 with subjects such as Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English language, and General Awareness? Many miss out on this important detail.  

Don’t fall for Previous Year Cut-Offs 

The 2018 cut-off for RBI was around 86 and the cut-off next year was 105. A difference of 29 marks is so unpredictable. Now, let’s assume you had planned that you would attempt only 100 questions based on the previous year’s cut-off. And would get at least 95 marks then you will be doomed. Your prediction about cut-off can’t work here. If the paper comes easy and your plan was still to attempt only 100 questions so that you can get 95; then you missed out on the advantage of paper being easy that year.  

Preparing for Everything is a Bad Idea 

RBI prelims have 200 questions which isn’t the case with many other exams out there. SBI exams have 100 questions and the cut-off generally goes from 75-85 for different states. Now, this means such exams are high-scoring in nature. But RBI Grade B isn’t. For prelims, you will have to focus on the most important topics which are most likely to appear in the exam or have good weightage. Otherwise, you will grasp a lot of things but will not have the level of mastery you would need for certain types of questions or sub-topics.  

Sticking with Reliable Mock Tests 

Mrs. Komal Khandekar who was one of the toppers of RBI Grade B 2019 used to take PracticeMock mock tests for tracking her preparation. In an exam like RBI, one needs to focus on which sections you can ace and which ones can be high scoring for you. This is a wonderful strategy for cracking exams that have too many questions and practically you can’t attempt all the questions.  

RBI Grade B Notes

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Paper focuses heavily on Current Affairs (Eco and Finance) 

Try to understand this deeply. This is one of the most important aspects of cracking Phase 2 of Grade B. Now, obviously, there are differences between the general awareness of prelims as it is a defined section. It has been allocated certain marks so you will be tested on all types of awareness-based questions including economics and finance.  

What you need to realize here is that Phase-2 has too much dependency on economics and finance-based current affairs. So, you need to start preparing for phase-2 (eco and finance) from the early stages. You should understand that prelims are not heavily dependent on economics and finance. And when you will start preparing for phase-2 you will be overwhelmed by the syllabus of Economic Social Issues, and Finance and Management. So, it’s better to be prepared from day 1. Otherwise, your efforts of making it through prelims will end up in complete disdain.  

A Bonus Tip – It’s all about the MINDSET 

Toppers or qualifiers don’t get disheartened when they are not able to crack RBI Grade B in their first attempt. They treat it as a learning phase and come back even stronger with sheer perseverance. RBI exam being so extensive is a good thing. There will never be a single aspirant who will be good at all the subjects or topics. Every single one of you will have to face the challenges to spear ahead.  


To be in that category of 300 qualifiers you will have to be extra ready. If the benefits and return of the exam are way too desirable and the so will be its preparation. The earlier you realize this the better.  

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RBI Grade B Notes

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