Prepare 6 months of Bank GA in 20 days
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Many students often miss out on preparing for the general awareness or for current affairs during the prelims. And when they expectedly or unexpectedly clear prelims, they are now dumbfounded by the reality of their unpreparedness of the general knowledge section.   

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We do have a solution for the same. But this solution is no alternative for the hard work and consistency other aspirants have done in the previous months. You might not score as much, but you can surely crack the exam if you do considerably well in the other sections and make it to the cut-off list.   

You should know which category do you fall in when it comes to GK preparedness. There can only be two. The first one is of the aspirants who have religiously studied GK for the last six months, read newspaper editorials, made notes, etc. And the second category is of people who only focus on the prelim examination and didn’t focus on GK at all. Even if you read some news weekly doesn’t mean you don’t fall in the second category.   

The ones who fall in the first category shouldn’t worry at all. They should either keep giving mocks or even mini mocks to assess their performance. But what about the second category students?  

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Here is what you should be doing if you fall in the second category:  

  • Start devoting a minimum of 2 hours daily now to the GK section  
  • You will need some companion or a friend for some help  
  • At the moment, avoid taking the GK mocks or quizzes, as they might lower your morale.  

Now, let’s talk about the GK strategy of 20 days:  

First, pick the top 7 choices out of the 10 topics which dominate the conventional banking exams, such as SBI Clerk, SBI PO, IBPS PO, RRB PO, etc. These 10 topics have the potential for covering up at least 90 per cent of the syllabus.   

Which are these top 10 topics?  

  • Banking GK  
  • Economics GK  
  • Funds allotted  
  • State news  
  • Appointments (Special designations of banks and Government of India)  
  • Schemes  
  • Books and Authors – You can easily cover them because hardly 4-5 books are released every month. Don’t miss out on this topic.  
  • Awards   
  • Committees – Bank related  
  • Rankings and reports  

Now, you can pick any 7 topics according to your liking so that you can cover the selected topics in the 20-day window.   

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#1 Master Tip for Studying Current Affairs in 20 days  

By reading the news, you should be able to comprehend the information that can be asked as a question in the coming exams. You will have to filter all the information and news which comes before your eyes. Here are some examples of the same:  

Example 1 – Mr X was appointed as the executive director of Indiabulls.  

Example 2 – Mrs XY was appointed as the new chairman of Bandhan bank.   

Now example 1 is not relevant, although it may sound important. The example-2 will most likely be asked as a question any day rather than the first example.   

#2 Master Tip for Studying Current Affairs in 20 days – Download our monthly CA PDFs  

Our monthly CA PDFs cover all the topics of the last 6 months, which are mentioned above. Extract the news all by yourself. Take out their printouts and now start learning them. Learn them thoroughly as there is no other option. Mug them up as soon as you can. Or monthly reports are too big to cover, so you will have to extract the important ones for yourself.   Devote two days per topic, or you can even go pdf-wise.   

Download monthly GA PDFs

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#3 Master Tip for Studying Current Affairs in 20 days – Make micro notes for revision  

There is the way you need to follow for making short and crisp micro notes. Follow the same exact same method as described below.  

Let’s assume there is a CA regarding the MOU signing between World Bank and India worth $600m.   

You will note this in such a format – MOU—- INDIA + WB —– $500M—–For a Food Program.  

Following such a way of making notes will keep them to the point, and you won’t have to waste time while revising all the current affairs.   

#4 Master Tip for Studying Current Affairs in 20 days – Ask your partner to quiz you for a reward  

Use your partner bi-weekly or every two days to quiz you from your micro notes. Tell them how you have designed your notes in advance so that they know how to ask and make sense of the information.   

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You can also find daily SBI PO updates posted on our official Facebook page as well.      

You might want to subscribe to our push notifications for such daily valuable articles.      

Still, have some doubts about what we discussed in this blog? Then, leave your queries in the comment section below. We will surely respond to them.  

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