NABARD Grade A 10 Tips to Master in Time Management
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NABARD Grade A: 10 Tips to Master in Time Management: Dear Aspirants, Are you ready to buckle up to crack the NABARD Grade A Exam? If yes, you should know that cracking NABARD does not require only conceptual knowledge. But, you should have a strong command of your time management skills. In the NABARD Grade A Prelim Exam, you get a composite time of 120 minutes to face 200 questions. The tentative exam date is October 16, 2023. You should do consistent practice solving questions to improve your speed and performance. Mastering time management requires attempting strategies to face the real exam. Aspirants with good time management skills can create a huge difference in your performance and abilities. 

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10 Tips Must Follow to Ace in Time Management

If you want to brush up on your time management skills, follow 10 Tips to Master in Time Management:

Make Smart Goals

Set your smart goals by setting up to prioritize your tasks and revising for the NABARD Grade A Preliminary Exam. Making a plan to set up goals is an effective way to finish your tasks within the time boundation.

Set Calendar & Timer

Prepare your realistic schedules and set them in your calendar and timer. You can know your priority tasks to figure out in the given time span revising for the prelims examination. In NABARD Grade A Prelims, you have a composite time of 120 minutes for 200 questions. 

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Use Note-Making Apps

Use note-making apps to keep track of the tasks you have assigned yourself. Meanwhile, you can check how many tasks you have finished on time. Maintain a record of your work to boost your efficiency levels. 

Prepare a Realistic Study Plan

Decide your routine time and figure your a realistic study plan to cover sections for the preliminary exam. Give your focus on regular practice and note revision to recall essential exam-related information. 

Prioritize your Task Planning

Make task planning to cover all the tasks assigned to you on time. It can encourage you to work hard and focus on your task planning to achieve success in qualifying for the exam on the first attempt. 

Solve Mock Tests

Practice Mock Tests regularly to analyze your performance. Mocks are mimics of the real exam. You can solve online mocks to prepare yourself for the actual exam.

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Analyze Performance

Track your progress through the mock test attempted in the exam. Check your performance in the mocks attempted to know your overall progress. Learn the smart tricks to solve questions within seconds.

Take Regular Breaks

While studying for the NABARD Grade A exam, take regular breaks to refresh your mind again and get back to work. In your break time, avoid using social media. You can go for a walk in the garden and listen to soothing music during meditation.

Outsourcing Tasks

Outsource the least important tasks so you are left with the time to devote to your exam preparation. Practice questions regularly with a focus on improving your attempts speed and accuracy.

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Be Flexible to Changes

Mastering time management requires being flexible and adaptable to the changes happening around you. Accordingly, make your plans for exam preparations. 


Time Management is a vital skill to ace in the NABARD Grade A Preliminary Exam. You can easily master time management by following these 10 tips to get desirable results. Remember practice is the key to scale success in the exam. Prioritize your time so that, you can plan your study schedule for the Preliminary examination. 

Also Check: NABARD Grade A 16 Days/16 Mock Tests Challenge


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By Divya Sharma

My Role as a Content Writer in PracticeMock is to craft research based blogs. I ensure that aspirants get accurate information on government exams through blogs.

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